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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Mauler5150


    Yeah I am a fan of the Warriors. It is a great game and has an awesome storyline, and if you have ever watched the movie, you will feel at home with it. Also my Live subscription ran out, I am going to use my 2 days free thing I got with MW2, but can i just use a creditcard to buy that shit or do I have to go buy another pack from the shops?
  2. I just watched Inglorious Basterds today and it wasn't too bad. Didn't really know what to expect, but I thought it was going to have more scenes of brutal killings or something, but for a drama movie it wasn't too bad.
  3. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD Yeah that is a good point? That shit is just fucked up. probably the worst thing I have seen on the internetz all year. Anyone know the deal about the gun jamming gif?
  4. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD That shit is nasty, but at least you apologised! How fucking long must that thing be to be fucking up his guts like that?
  5. Mauler5150


    Sorry GBM I came on yesterday but was lagging to all hell for whatever reason, but last week it was mostly my younger brothers playing, I kinda took some time off from Xbox and concentrated on the guitar so if you sent any messages then I would have missed them. I'll probably pop on later on this afternoon or tonight, as I feel like hitting the beach today, but that depends on if anyone else wants to go as well.
  6. They are inventing a spray to kill it, its like a cockroach, not even a nuke is strong enough at this point in time to eradicate it from these forums.
  7. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD Don't disturb my friend, he's dead tired. :lol:
  8. Mauler5150


    Funnily enough as I was responding to Jackson's message last night my PC monitor died. As a result I had to go buy a new 24" ASUS widescreen so I could come back online. Just what I needed at Xmas time, to spend more money on something that has died. Anyway thanks for the advice all, will definitely have a look for that option, but it isn't that bad as I haven't seen it any other time other than watching that movie.
  9. Mauler5150


    Yeah I guess it isn't that bad at the moment, and it only is noticable in the darker sections of the movie, but still, I don't have the money to be able to waste on a new tv everytime I get stuck into a game, its bad enough getting RRODs.
  10. Mauler5150


    Anyway this might seem hell random but I am watching The Warriors movie, and I have noticed that there is the ammo meter from MW2 burned into my plasma screen. Anyway I can fix this at all? If not, heed this as a warning for you to not play games for hours on end if you are playing on a plasma tv.
  11. KC Kid by request only, that one is great! I have to give props for that one.
  12. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD Fucking that shit looks crazy! Props!
  13. I was just shown this website today, it has a fair few depictions of people who should never have been allowed to breed and gives me more ammunition for thinking we need to start issuing licences for people who want to have kids. Some examples. http://whythefuckdoyouhaveakid.com/ Discuss
  14. Whoever posted Centurions that was the shit.
  15. Mauler5150


    This all day. And to BFIM, SF4 is alot more closer to the combo style of gameplay, as if you can pull off some of the achievable combos in that game, you have to be a fucking beast, especially in the milliseconds you have to decide whether you are going to use them or not. And the Street Fighter series is more intense than any game when you play against someone you don't know at the arcade, as your heart beats faster and you have to be on your game to not get humiliated. As a kid that humiliation could also result in actual real life fights as well. :lol:. A funny story I remember is my 12th birthday party, it was me and my 10 closest friends at an arcade with unlimited games for 2 hours. Just for a laugh I decided to play Mortal Kombat and then some 16 or 17 year old played me and got his ass handed to him, and when he got all mad and goes "You're fucked" and raised his fist there was nothing more satisfying than laughing in his face, knowing he just got owned.
  16. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD That stack is hectic, but that woman on the other page taking the hugest shit I have ever seen was sickening, I saw that when I was trying to eat my lunch and was like WTf?
  17. I went out on the town for the first night in a while, came home at around 5am and woke up 4 hours later. Got half tanked, but damn am I dropping some bombs today, they are enough to make me go green lol. But you probably aren't the only one going hard, I know myself, I just don't have the time to go out and get fucktarded as much as I used to.
  18. Mauler5150


    Yeah this is what happens to me, I am always gunning for the flag or whatever and to hear faggots crying "8 and 30, why don't you just give up already" when it is their camping ass' fault that I have no cover when running for the flag that I die so much, I just tell them to get fucked. Me and Swindle had some fun last night, I now see what it is like to play properly (without horrendous overseas hosted lag matches) and I was a bit more competitive, but GBM, you must fucking destroy at this game. Hvae you gotten a few nukes or something to climb so fast?
  19. Mauler5150


    Well with Australia we are about as far away as you can get from Canada, and it really sucks if you are from here as you will only ever get a decent connection if you are playing with all Aussies. I had someone on my team talking shit to me today because we were playing that 'deliver the bomb to the enemy base' game and the other team was an organised clan, but this guy on my team just camped and racked up kills while not doing shit about the bomb and criticized me for trying to get the bomb to the base (with little or no support) and dying all the time. But yeah I was really suffering with lag this game but some people just don't get that at all. In all I don't think I will play that game again, seeming as it attracts dickheads just wanting to camp and rack up kills.
  20. Mauler5150


    Haha, yeah you got me there, but I was blasting at you. Fuck I hate living in the arse end of the world sometimes, my net is fucking ADSL2 and 20MB/s and I still can only manage a 2 bar connection at best. For me to get a kill I have to either get a headshot or blast for like 3 days and then hope people die. Its rather fucked but I guess at least I can play it now.
  21. Mauler5150


    He killed me a couple of times. How does he have that silenced weapon when he is such a low level, or does this game import things from COD4? Or did he thieve it like I usually do from the people who are high levels?
  22. Mauler5150


    I see him online, does he want a couple of team deathmatch games before I head to bed?
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