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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Mauler5150


    You can just buy an adapter, won't cost you too much. Relos did it when they bought things back from over there years ago
  2. Mauler5150


    I just grabbed GH: Metallica. It has challenged me to say the least, from the slow beginning songs it just jumps a level in difficulty right away (I guess I skipped alot of the other songs from other bands) but Battery really kicked my ass. Dyers eve was pretty hardcore as well first up. After 2 solid hours of playing this fucker my hand is cramping, lol.
  3. This thread will never end.... Those jeans in that last pic are pure insanity! That post made me laugh Pffffffffffft. I don't know why people hate on Turtz so bad, was there something he did that i missed somewhere along the way?
  4. Ah I fixed it, had to fuck arond with the buttons and then just wiped it clean and started again. I still think there is some issue with it though, but it is working in the meantime.
  5. I found an ipod nano laying around the house that worked but now it just flashes with an Apple screen. I pushed some button and a diagnostic test came up then the battery went flat as it was running a disk scan. Anyone know how I can use this diagnostic menu again as nothing seems to be coming up, as I now have it plugged into my PC. I mean days ago it was working fine, I loaded a ton of music onto it, and then the other day it was in my bag and when I went to use it this flashing screen came up and I have no idea why. Anyone out there know what I am talking about or is it just a fucked battery or something?
  6. One can only imagine how many days DAO has been 24'd for all the negaprops he has given to people in this thread. Lugr got props from me for that amazing effort. The head is blended seamlessly/
  7. This one proves it is DAO. I mean look at that shirt!! :lol:
  8. So damned great, the new additions are hilarious, especially the midget ones and the tpwf killer.
  9. :lol::lol::lol: Epic! I would prop you but need to spread.
  10. cosigned. When I wake up I check this thread before leaving for work so I start the day in a good mood. It is just that damn funny!
  11. In response to Frankie, my max bench was 135kg, only 2 reps the 2nd assisted. After having the flu for the past 2 weeks I have lost so much strength but damaged the treadmill for 35 mins tonight before doing a few weight exercises. I am definitely trying the interval method, it is very similar to the routine that Arnie says about weights in the encyclopaedia of Modern bodybuilding, that has helped me immensely in the few weeks since I read that it is best to do 4 to 6 sets of 75 - 80% of your maximum one rep capacity with a spacing of 1 min between sets. It really does help and I recommend that book to anyone who is interested in learning a trick or 2.
  12. Watched this the other day as I said in that other thread. Was definitely worth a watch
  13. :lol::lol::lol: These are too much! I don't think a ball gag could stop DAO from arguing once he gets going though.
  14. I hope they are backing up the 12oz servers more often now, as it would suck if this amazing thread was ever lost.
  15. Too many laughs in this thread I swear...
  16. I wonder when more DAO gifs will be made, and if it could challenge the tease gif thread?
  17. Wow just wow. I find this thread terribly amusing but it was rather stupid when the actual pics of members came out but it is expected I guess. The phrase 'career ender' made me laugh though.
  18. This thread is toooooo much, hahha. I can't stop laughing but he Fresh Prince one killed it!
  19. Mauler5150


    Guitar Hero:Van Halen, I can't wait for it!
  20. Must spread rep around before giving to Theo and Harvey again. That shit is just too much. With all this talk of socks, I thought PGW would be coming back with some new clothes thread...
  21. I'll be at the Wayne Brady gig this Tuesday. Should be alright. This thread has surely had its moments, ahhaha.
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