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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. I have a Dlink DI-524 I got this far, and I tried to change my port number as the initial advice I was given from a friend didn't work (that was the uTorrent one) and the one I found online was the Utor1 when I changed my port number. I'm totally stuck and can't be bothered diconnecting my router to download stuff each and every time.
  2. Mauler5150


    Well as I haven't bought a next gen system yet, I went back to old trusty GH2, and tried Jordan on expert. That shit is a bitch and I can only get up to 47% thru the fucker. Maybe I should go to practice and learn the shit slowly instead of just jumping on. I guess 47 is an improvement on my first go of 45%
  3. I still can't figure out how to get a static ip address to configure my router. All teh guides on portforward.com seem as though they miss out whatever you need somewhere, and I think I have followed it to the letter, yet still my utorrent doesn't work. I'm 2 weeks behind on CYE and this is strating to piss me off.
  4. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo Hahah I have been there many times Skilla. I'm sure I couldn't be a true pimp as I cant' overcome the friends obstacles they provide in 95% of cases.
  5. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo Yes, never fails to disappoint. Just wait until all your drinking buddies have kids/wives/mortgages and then no longer go out drinking. That shit is lame.
  6. No idea. I just reinstalled the latest version of AIM from filehippo, install went fine, then teh fucker decided to eat all my system resources when i tried to close it. Checked Windows task manager, and it was running my cpu at 100% so I canceled that fucker. AIM is fucking gay, and I hate using pigin as I don't like the interface as much as msn. Does anyone know how to use the HP restore so I can start my computer afresh, as apparently I have like 65 processes running at once and my computer is getting worse. Should I save all my installed programs before I do this too? Or should I just start afresh?
  7. Hahahha! Bedridden? Man I have been surviving on 4 or 5 hours sleep a night. Umm the only thing worse than VB is EB. I have fell off, yet I still post in this thread amazingly. Funny stuff.
  8. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo I have to go help my brother get his stuff from his ex's house. Shit is going to be fun after last time she got him served with a restraining order, hopefully it goes smoothly.
  9. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo Me=sober=because of being broke and not wanting to drink spirits that line my shelf. I seriously have to do something soon (get a job or travel) before I go insane.
  10. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo That is a heavy story booty. I'm glad I'm not a criminal, ahhaa.
  11. Mauler5150


    69 dude! Sorry about the lame Bill and Ted reference, but why do people still play Simpson's games? I mean I have never seen a decent one yet.
  12. Oh, and this fucker has over 3K posts!! Who'da thunk it???
  13. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo Funny thing last night was my brother coming home, and telling me he had a 24 hour restraining order placed on him. He went to his exs place to pickup his stuff from there (3months after he moved out) and he had filled his car with as much as he could (she wasn't home but he was calling her to tell her to come there because he wanted to tell her what she could have as pretty much everything is his) and then the cops rock up and spring him with this shit. Fuck I hate that bitch, she is such a manipulative cow. Fuck!!1
  14. Fuck I need to get drunk That is all I can say....
  15. OK couple questions. I just got a routerso my brother can get his laptop connected. It is a D-Link wireless router, DI 524, and since I set it up (my comp is still hardwired to it thru ethernet) it appears to have blocked my utorrent from working. Also, everytime i choose shutdown thru windows, my computer actually restarts. Any reason for this, or every time i reboot it says my system has recovered from a serious error. Over the past week, i have scanned my computer with everything I have (avast, asquared, AVG spyware, windows defender, spybot) then ran a few other programs (Tuneup utilities, ccleaner, PC doctor) and have defraged my HD, but have no idea why this error keeps coming up. Oh and i did a system restore to the start of the month too. If this keeps up, I'm just going to use my recovery console to start afresh.
  16. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo Shit sounds like Secondlife. BUt anyway, I wish I could stop shitting. 5 times already today. I'm scared to fart in case I shit myself.:lol: Thought this was an appropriate thread for it.
  17. Mauler5150


    That Armoured Core looks pretty sick.
  18. Umm me, not much is new, just trying to get my shit together. Gotta help my brother get his stuff from his now-ex's place this week sometime, but I haven't really drank much lately as I am trying to conserve money for my trip. Las thing I drank was the wine I posted a page or 2 back, and that was damn killer. So smooth it was ridiculous.
  19. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo Hell even in the 90s this was happenign. But since I rarely walk the streets anymore or goto school I don't see too much dogshit. But I remember what you are on about, and this is a good point/topic of discussion I may have to ask people from now on.
  20. Mauler5150


    I dunno Theo, maybe it is 12oz and the endless deluge of rap lyrics rubbing off on me?? I might have arranged a job in Finance in the UK too thru a chick I met playing it. If that can happen then shit, it is much better than WoW..
  21. Can we please abolish hipster talk from this thread?
  22. Mauler5150


    Word. Need I say more??:lol::lol::lol:
  23. Mauler5150


    Shit I still don't know why you would play WoW when you can play Secondlife and actually pickup chicks and fuck them. That sounds alot more interesting to me than some ugly witch or whatever is in WOW. Adn you can make money from that game too, it is even better when you can find a hookup to low bulk real money on you. Shit you just all don't know....
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