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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Ewwwww SoCo. Wasnt there already pisstaking in this thread about people who called it that? Fuck, I need a beer.
  2. Hahah totally sick effort AyeBee. You are holding it down. I have fell off, my body and wallet couldn't keep up. Hence no exciting boozy stories from me these days. They will return, I think the ever encroaching age of 30 is slwoing me down though.
  3. Mauler5150


    I think that time frame is about how long that GTA:SA took me. playing thru about 60 to 70% of the game. I so can't be bothered with the games I got, Tiger Woods can eat a dick until i get a HD tv. Shit is blurry as and at 5 ft away I can't see shit. Has anyone else played that Kane and Lynch and actually got thru it? I want to know if it is worth playing, as that 2nd mission sucks. I think the downside of having/getting so many games at once is that since they make the controls rather complex on alot of games these days (ie, each button does something different dependent upon other buttons being triggered as per Assasins creed) makes me think I just can't be fucked. I can understand it adds to the value of games but hey, I got these for fuck all so I can't be bothered with em ahha.
  4. LOL this thread is still awesome. I can't remember who did me but if anyone else wants to try go for it ahah.
  5. Mauler5150


    Nah I will always come back. Just the past few times I came on here there wasn't as many threads I felt like reading. Plus also just been in a fucked mentality lately, trying to get my shit together. I know I need to, but there is just too many games I can play, but I am lacking patience. I'm sure if I was working 8 hours a day I would be coming home wanting to blast some fools on video games but I think I won't really get too full on into them until GTA4.
  6. Re: It's The Shit Thread - no homo :lol::lol::lol: Yes it is. So is Screwballs, that movie made me laugh so hard when I saw it.
  7. Mauler5150


    Also what ever happened to using the thumb buttons (YBXA) for games? fuck all this trigger bullshit I say.
  8. Mauler5150


    yeah I am loyal and all but this was too good a deal. I played that Kane and Lynch today, can't get past the 2nd mission before boredom crept in, the graphics and idea is awesome but the controls are just shit and the movement of your character I can only describe as 'clunky'. I started to play Need for Speed Prostreet, haven't tried PGR3, Tiger Woods 06 was ok, umm, I can't even remember what else. Oh and the Guitar Hero 3 control on the PS2 is much better than the 360 comfortwise, and responsewise as the 360 one always tends to activate starpower as soon as you get it. Although the game on 360 is easier as the scrolling bar looks much larger and you can see things well in advance. And why did 12oz have a cry at me on the forum page for not posting in a week or so. I been busy job hunting ahaha
  9. Mauler5150


    I picked up a 360 with a shitload of games for $300Au. Don't really like how complicated the controls are for skate, on the new Smackdown your created characters start off too shit, Assasins creed is ok, but controls are annoying. Juiced 2 is pretty average, but playable, haven't played the NFS games I got yet. Yet to try kane and Lynch, ummm I hate getting a deluge of games, I think it makes my interest wane alot quicker than if i get 1 at a time.
  10. Re: It's The Shit Thread - no homo This is so true. "You know what they say Frank......Speed kills" That was my favorite of the ones I watched,.:lol::lol::lol:
  11. Mauler5150


    Oh, and screw that kid on guitar hero. Why you would play that enough to be able to pass that song on that level is beyond me. Although I remember what motivation I had at video games at that age, and the time I used to sink inot them that I can believe it, yet there seems to be parts in it where he strums long before the 3 note chords are passed. But I still believe it.
  12. Mauler5150


    Nah I wasn't there for it as my computer was wayyyyyy too shit back then to even play the thing. But managed to get banned and shit last night while good old T-rexx terrorised people in the sims, while I just flew around setting them on fire with my guns and shit.
  13. Thankyou. I have the latest driver, but it is all sweet, made my screen trip out as i updated though.
  14. Mauler5150


    Hahha didn't want to bump the secondlife thread again as more people check this one, but me and Spitfire have been running amok a little lately. That is him about to be banned from a modelling show afterparty in the chat, but it was hilarious what he was saying, and the reaction of the gays who booted him. Who would think you would be so defensive of a week old turkey sandwich?
  15. OK, i am going to update my drivers for my graphics card, I have a GE force LE 7600 I am pretty sure, but is this the correct driver to download?? http://www.filehippo.com/download_nvidia_forceware/
  16. Mauler5150


    I finally passed TTFAF on hard on GH yesterday. Took me around 25 goes at it I think all together or so. Only had a shitty score though, but that is because I only use the star power twice in teh whole song as well. And I actually think the time i got only 83% thru it I actully was playing better. Weird shit.
  17. Past 3 nights have been Cointreau and Water Jim Beam Small Batch and Coke (gave me the runs, just like last time I had it, nasty shit but friend left it here) A bottle of 2002 Stella Bella cab sauv merlot (which was fucking yummm!!!) and a few Coronas that were in the fridge.
  18. Mauler5150


    Closer still, but a subsequent attempt left me at 68%, just shy of T4M's 69% he posted. You need to save your star power at max for those solos to get thru them. This go I probably could have passed easy but I messed up when I used my star power, but my hand is now worn out from all this insanity. I'm going to hate to see my % score when I finish it though, will keep 12oz updated. LOl
  19. Mauler5150


    Ahh attachement didn't work And my guitars ahhahaha.
  20. Mauler5150


    Yeah maybe so But I had 1 more go after playing my friend on medium (as he sucks ahha) and got 77 % Have you passed it yet t4m? I think i will, once i pass that intro it is pretty easy until the 2nd solo. I missed some star power section i can hit if i try again, just gotta get into the zone. Maybe a couple beers would help??
  21. Mauler5150


    I got to like 5% on my best go. Who knows why the fuck you have the strum all those notes in the beginning? They should be hammerons. What sucks is T4M is better than me at this game, ahah. How the fuck did you get 76% of the way thru it? Do you constantly play it or something? This song is fucking impossible, I only get 3 stars on medium.:lol:
  22. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo PG 400!! Anyway found out the sister might be moving in here with us today, as she is going to work for my brother in his shop. So hopefully if she does she starts to bring home some hotties for us, ahah.
  23. Mauler5150


    I used to play GT with an auto, but then realised how much easier it was to knock off speed using gears and all of a sudden i was killing races and everything else. Why was GH3 too short? I think it goes on a fair bit, especially since my normal control is fucked so I can't delete stuff from my memory card so I have to restart the game again playing thru it due to a fucking crash. I can only take playing Hit me with your best shot so many times!!! gahhh
  24. Mauler5150


    Fuck that Slayer song, I can only get 37% thru it. The hard setting on GH3 is like Expert on GH2. I nearly have passed One, got 90% thru it on my last try. I can't imagine how fucking hard Thru the fire and flames is going to be. Has anyone on here passed it yet?
  25. Mauler5150


    Umm I got to the last set of songs, and can only pass Cliffs of Dover (on my first try). The others I tried once or twice, but my hands were dead after playing for like 7 hours with only half an hour or so break somewhere in there. On One I was raped by the solo. I guess I have to practice more and learn when to save my Star Power. I really like the boss battles idea, it so reminds me of the movie Crossroads. If only Steve Vai was in teh damn game!!
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