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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. I wouldn't mind watching some Larry David standup. but I am going to see Wayne Brady in a couple weeks I think. My mate got me a ticket a while back but I know it is coming up
  2. Re: What's The Last Movie You Saw The Sequel What the hell movie is that? He looks liek he is going for a air kick Abel (SF4) style.
  3. Re: What's The Last Movie You Saw The Sequel Watched this again yesterday for the first time in a fair few years. Fuck DeeJay makes me laugh.
  4. Mauler5150


    So the UFC demo is worth downloading? Might have to do that today sometime. Fucking Street Fighter is pissing me off, I lose to fucking Vega players 90% of the time, any tactics to beat his fucking horizontal slice move off the wall?
  5. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD Great page, that last cat one is awesome, and I had that firework scene on my old comp somewhere haha.
  6. Mauler5150


    Has anyone else been able to play a online match on StreetFighter4 since todays update to allow you to have tournament ranks and things? Nothing seems to be working for me, as I really want to kick some ass and get my grading higher.
  7. Mauler5150


    Spitfire showed me that Basshunter song ages ago. I don't get it (maybe because I have never played WC) lol
  8. OK can anyone tell me the site where you can view websites that aren't at the address anymore? Some shit where it is cached in google? I remember seeing a thread about it on here where people went thru 12oz frontpages over the years if someone knows what I am on about.
  9. Mauler5150


    http://www.gametrailers.com/player/32309.html The last GTA 4 trailer is out. This will be too sick.
  10. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear whoever the fuck it was, that made me watch the 'Beloved Aunt' ep of Curb your enthusiasm today with Larry David's Don Corleone impersonation then putting the Godfather movie on tonight. That shit is too uncanny
  11. Mauler5150


    There is a game called Commando coming out? Please tell me it is based on the movie.
  12. Mauler5150


    I hear you fermentor but I just don't like it. Maybe it is the large range of motion that they have that leads me to believe it is inaccurate. I was playing that kayne and Lynch and there just seemed to be too much of the shit control layout to keep me interested. On another note, I finally passed Raining Blood on GH3. I hadnt' played in liek a month and then finishing that and the duel and TTFAF gave my thumb a blister. Makes me laugh.
  13. Damn Ayebee, how will you ever survive?
  14. Mauler5150


    Not just that, try playing tiger woods with those stupid fucking buttons as opposed to the the normal ones. Also using those triggers for driving games wears your fingers out ALOT quicker than the older style ones.
  15. Mauler5150


    Im sorry to say but the bumper triggers on the PS kick those shitty 360 ones ass. I have played video games a fucking alot in my time and I just want to say that really pisses me off about 360s, and there is serious lag with the 360 style of those buttons.
  16. WAR has the idea. Mining is the way to go, get into the companies that find and manufacture this shit.
  17. Thanks, sussed it out, it was easier than I thought it would be.
  18. How can I setup a password for user accounts so that my sister can't get onto the comp? I just woke up to find Limewire installed and now i am scanning the shit out of it to make sure she hasn't given me any viruses. I'm running XP so should be simple right?
  19. I bought soem Pilsner Urquell tonight. I swear this never used to be only 4.4% acl/v. I can't be bothered going out and I have a headache. I need a job so I can get back to the high class shit to which I was accustomed. Knowing you have to scrimp and buy cheap shit has curbed my urge to get shitfaced maggot. Oh well things will change in time I guess.
  20. Damn AyeBee. You are writing a one way ticket to jail it sounds like. I hope you don't get in too much shit but hell, you really should think about easing up a little.
  21. I;m waiting to hear back from all these jobs I keep applying for. Shit is boring as hell.
  22. Hmm I'm thinking of attackign the cleanskin chardonnay my sister used for cooking..... Will see how I go....
  23. Pffft peyote. I don't drink bitch drinks. What is that shit these days? 30%alc/v?? For the price it is a waste of money. And also, I was moreso taking the piss out of you calling it 'SoCo'. If you look back thru this thread Im sure you will find someone else called it this hipster inspired term and as such was ridiculed about it Better off drinking wine. I need a beer....
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