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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Mauler5150


    I picked up GH3 today. The new controllers are pretty accurate, but the timing has to be dead on, and it much prefers you to hammeron as opposed to strum every note. Im up to the Slipknot song, and I failed 3 times so far. But my hand is getting worn out from playing it non stop until that point (and not failing anything other than against Slash once) until now.
  2. Mauler5150


    Sorry to hear it fucked up. Just browsed the tracklisting, it seems pretty shit to me. There are only a few songs on there I would like to play. What are the drums like? I'm assuming the vocal thing is just like Singstar.
  3. Thanks casek. Apparently it is setup correctly, but stuffed if I know why it still isn't working. Might just stop using Nero and use something else.
  4. Yeah it is in that. My drama was that my dvd drive was set to the wrong setting (DMA was what it is meant to be??) I don't know the problem was a couple of pages back, I'll find it later as I am having some sleep now. BTW, I saw one of the hottest women I have ever seen in my life tonight. Shame I was so far away (and covered in booze from work, otherwise I would have had a crack, ahahah)
  5. OK I just spent the past 2 hours getting my computer fixed. I installed the Comodo firewall 3 update, and it made my computer fucked, running at 100% cpu usage. i don't know if I checked the wrong options or whatever, but it seriously took me 2 hours to uninstall it. I was fucking furious! But anyway, I found that in my initial setup options (from the blue startupscreen where you can choose where you boot from or whatever) that there was an option for my DVD drive (which I couldnt' chnage thru windows) but would changing it thru there potentially fix my slow burning problem??
  6. Im fed up with working while everyone else is getting hammered. :( But I scored 2 bottles of Kiwi Sauv Blanc though for free. I have been up wayyyyy too long, 11 hours was too much work for this young man.
  7. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo Who has changed their name??? Anyway, you are right, I have the shittest job in the place, but it can also be attributed to the fact that I still need to get a copy of my paperwork and registration numbers so I can serve liquor (as you need this evidence to adhere to the Liquor laws here). So in a way it is my own fault, but the fact I now know that I am qualified to do any job there is priceless enough, and this should only be temporary. If it isn't, I'll bounce soon enough, I'm just doing it for a little socializing more than anything.
  8. Mauler5150


    Oh shit, GH3 is out on PS2? I thought it was only for the next gen systems. Anyway, I'll go grab it on Monday (or maybe tomorrow) and see how I go.
  9. Umm, what do I do next? Props to whoever answers:lol::lol:
  10. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo Just finished the first shift at the new job. Fuck that place is busy! There were some hot drunk club sluts, but the place was pretty decent. I also get free drinks after my shift, but after sitting on my ass for so long, after 6 straight hours running up and down stairs it has taken its toll. Now I need to relax and take it easy. Plus as tomorrow is gonna be hella busy, I thought best to not drink too many. Also I didn't know that a certificate I obtained last year enables me to do any job in the place (even run it). I better not stay as the fucking slave (like I am now) for long, especially when I am more qualified than 99% of the others working there. Actually come to think of it, the boss said he was a uni dropout, so essentially I am the most qualified person there, ahaha. Shit.....
  11. OK thanks seffiks. It seems that the only one that shows anything is the final (3rd one down) secondary IDE channel, and it is the one that is set to PIO (the others say Current tranfer mode- Not applicable) It says DMA if available as the setting, yet I can't seem to switch it from PIO. Am I needing to update (or rollback) my driver for this? There are options but I don't know what to do next. I think this is my problem, and I bet it is due to shitty Windows updates (or Java updates). If I can do this I will backup to DVD then wipe my computer clean.
  12. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo Ahh I mean I could say it is below me, but I would do it more for a social aspect as opposed to the money. Plus it will look better on my resume to have a job that I didn't leave on bad terms from.
  13. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo Woot! Dream Theater are coming to Perth! Fuck yeah, I'm stoked. Also got offered a job at a nightclub today, being a glassy. Shit I know, but at least it is social and gets me paid, while I spend the rest of the week on 12oz, putting off lookingfor a real career job.
  14. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo I havent done any math work since 99 when I took an Intro to stats class at uni. It was basically the same shit from HS just extended further. I didn't enjoy it then, but I have no idea what i remember from it, other than my lecturer looked like Chuck Norris.
  15. Thanks for the advice. I stopped backing up stuff, as my dvd burner was taking 1.5hrs to burn a 4gb dvd. Ridiculous amount of time it is, but anyway I can check if it is operating properly?
  16. Well I was drunk the otehr night. Anyway, I have woken up and had slept on 1 side so long I now can't hear out of that ear. It is like when you get water in your ear, but it hasn't gone away in the like hour I have been awake. Shit is starting to get annoying, maybe I'll head to the chemist and see what they have there?
  17. Ahh I didn't get it taken care of. I already have been running Avast since I have had this computer. I have no idea what these dramas have been caused by at all. Ill let you know how I go, but can I do a fresh install of Windows thru my HP recovery console?
  18. I tried to do a system restore, and it says it is unabel to do one as windows hasn't shut down properly. Now if i choose turn off computer thru start menu -> shut down computer, my computer restarts instead of remaining off. Now that is weird, as it never used to happen to me like that. Only the past few weeks has that been happening. As i can't do a system restore, I have no idea how to fix it other than go with using the restore console to do a clean wipe.
  19. OK, new drama. I'm trying to backup files on my comp so I can do a full restore, and for some reason Nero is taking ages to burn dvds. I mean, in Task manager, I see it is using like a shitload of memory, but close to 0% cpu. I have no idea why this is happening, but it is pissing me off. Any ideas? And should I do a full restore and start fresh, or just restore it back to 6 months ago prior to any drama I had on here.
  20. Ahh shit, maybe it was demonoid that was the reason why my torrents didn't work last night. I'll try again tonight with the ethernet direct into PC again. But why can't I see a text verification pic to send my invites out?
  21. I'm in this same situation also. I have no idea what I can cancel or not. Migth be time to start again.
  22. Sorry been sleeping. I use comodo as you said it was good. Anyway, I tried unplugging my router and going straight from modem to my ethernet jack, and this didn't help matters at all. So I have no idea what to do. I'm getting furious about this, as I haven't been abel to download anythgin for a week now.
  23. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo I have no game huh? Hmm I wouldn't be so sure about that. And I am surprised that this kind of comment comes from someone who is still going to school. And to be honest, when I mack girls they are usually the hottest of their group, and their subpar friends usually feel my neglect (I didn't pay attention to the ignore the hot one advice as contained in 'The Game') and thus their overwhelming jealousy results in them tearing their friends from me. Anyway, I have just been playing GH2 on expert again, and who the fuck devised these solos? I mean, there are more notes than are being played on the actuall guitar, shit!
  24. I dont' think they are. I turned on forced encryption, it made no difference. I give up pretty much.
  25. I don't really understand any of that sorry casek. I tried the .150 number instead of the .127 I had, as was in the 2nd page, but reading all the technical stuff made me more confused. I'm getting my standard upload speeds but not downloads as well, if that makes a difference at all.
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