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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. These are great. Good to see you stop pop in from time to time T4Mz
  2. Can I run a 2nd OS on my Macbook so that I can use Pi-hole or something similar? I am a total noob to this stuff and am going to be reading through this thread to get some more knowledge, but I still want to use OSX at the same time. Do I need to run the 2nd OS as a Virtual Machine? Again I am a total noob so if anyone has any links as to where I can start to learn and educate myself about these types of things it would be appreciated, because you all know there comes times where we can no longer wait on those granny fisting videos.
  3. Hi all. I am still alive. Currently in NY, who else is around from back in the day? I might go through this thread and see whose names I recognise.
  4. Van Damme = Win Sandler = garbage as stated above.
  5. Its not too bad, and the chicks are pretty hot in it so watch it for that alone :lol:
  6. Yeah I have a PC, and I had it working, but it wasn't a surge it was me knocking the cord out with my foot. This is really pissing me off, as the bios screen recognises there is a drive there (as does Tuneup Utilities) however Windows isn't recognising it at all. I think I might just have to do a fresh install of Windows on the harddrive that isn't working maybe that will fix it?
  7. OK I just got a 2TB WD Caviar Green drive and when I was transferring data from my old Hardrive there was a power outage and now my PC no longer recognises the drive being there. I have rebooted, checked the physical connections and there is no issue, however I am thinking it has something to do with serial ATA or something along those lines from what I have read online but it is all foreign to me. I have a P5Q Pro motherboard, and my power supply can easily handle the load, so why has the drive stopped working? It doesn't even show up to format under Computer Management (it did intially before the crash). This is frustrating the hell out of me, but what can I do?
  8. Mauler5150


    Whoever asked about Deus Ex, I think it is sick. I tried to do everything and missed only one thing right at the end which made me miss out on an ending. The last boss was an absolute prick of a time to get past, I was on that fucker for over an hour til I beat him. I honestly don't know how you would get through the game without being spotted, unless you played it. Took me around 40 hours to get through, but I explored pretty much everywhere and tried to collect everything I could. Now the wait for Battlefield begins....
  9. Can anyone tell me the best way to create a new partition on my harddrive and whether it is possible to have one partition as FAT 32 and the other as NTFS?
  10. Watched this a couple weeks ago myself, thought it was good and didn't realise til towards the end that it was a true story. Still good nonetheless.
  11. Hadn't seen it before after hearing much about it so gave it a shot and it was rather entertaining.
  12. Just watched a Serbian Film. Wasn't as bad as I was expecting, even though it is fucked up it didn't shock me as much as A Day of Violence. It is well made and I would recommend it but I could probably handle it due to spending so much time on 12oz over the years.
  13. Mauler5150


    Forza 3 is really good, I get on that shit occassionally. Not really a fan of the racing cars, I prefer to burn around in my Reventon.
  14. I watched the Rock's new movie Faster. Was pretty good as I was expecting a steaming turd after all the Disney garb he has put out but he showed he could almost be an action star in this one.
  15. This thread almost takes the title of the most fucked up thread in Oontz history. Its fucking great though!
  16. Found this reference to porn in the woods on my internet travels from back in 2006 Read the last paragraph
  17. Mauler5150


    That does look sick. Will probably be the next game I buy.
  18. Anyone on here seen 'A Serbian movie'? Shit sounds so fucked up I don't know if I should watch it. Either way, downloading it now.
  19. This movie is fucking brutal. If you are a guy I dare you to watch this and try to not cringe.
  20. Mauler5150


    I was playing Ninja Gaiden 2 again the other day. My disc is still fucked and won't let me go any further into level 3. Going to have to hire it and put it on the HD so I can play from my disc. Great game and looking forward to the next one (as well as the new game from the guy who made NG2). BFBC2 Vietnam is good but is way intense, mainly because I am playing against asians and am lagging like all fuck. The flamethrower on that game owns shit.
  21. Yeah I miss that music trader thread, Seffiks used to kill that thread. Everything I can think of has already been mentioned with the possible exception of the Looter thread As for this year the only threads I can really remember are KC Kid and the DAO thread.
  22. This movie is all kinds fo fucked up, but I am sure a few people here could appreciate it.
  23. We used to run the same game at the local deli, with the free X-press papers stuffed full of Playboys and whatever as we were waiting on the chips we used to eat for lunch. I used to sell them for like $10 a pop, and made some pretty decent money at the time. Funny thing was, one day the guy caught on and tried to bust me yelling out "You're gone!!" and grabbed me by the arm as my friends bolted out the door. Funny thing was, I had an empty X-press and told him he didn't know WTF he was talking about and bailed. :lol: I had to stop for a while after that incident, but I had a good 18 month run at it or so before he caught on.
  24. I think everyone found porn laying around near the creek or whatever, its amazing this is a worldwide thing though. Funniest 'found porn' story I have had lately is a few years ago we were driving to our basketball game and in the middle of the road in the headlights I saw a magazine and being all eagle eyed I swore it was porn. My mate reversed the car, opened the door and grabbed it and threw it onto the backseat of his car so he could read it later. After the game he took it inside his house as we usually had a few beers to relax, but then we saw it was a tranny swinger magazine. Anyway after this a friend flicked through it (out of curiosity) and lo and behold there was a guy I went to primary school's Dad in it dressed up in drag with a personal ad. It was the funniest shit ever, and I never let my mate hear the end of it after he read through the tranny mag.
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