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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. No idea who that is. I would rather be more of a Tony Robbins type, without needing to omit where I fucked up in some ways over the course of my life lest I appear a hypocrite as Tony is accused of being due to his tenure in the game seeing Him divorced post becoming famous for being a motivational speaker. Fact is I never made any mistakes, as it was all for the purpose of self actualisation and gaining the relevant experiences in life to qualify Me as being not only a life coach, but a potential “parent” should I ever deem the world I exist within to be worthy of Me bringing an innocent life and soul to inhabit it. Effectively, a world without child predators, drug fucked zombies roaming the streets and committing crimes, and criminal and legit organisations who profit off of selling women and sex to the point that all value is lost. Hence my desire to escape the system to the highest extent possible for a while by living in a van where my only bills will be food, my phone/internet and the fuel and maintenance required to get to the ocean to wash myself free of the awareness of how fucked up a large majority of society is in regards to their beliefs, desires and thought structures.
  2. And my above “FU” isn’t directed at those here who appreciate my honest discourse and the fact I agree with the posts that lead to me replying, but to the idiots who not only condone the fall of standards and role models in society, but actively encourage and engage with the source material of these idiots as opposed to using a condom like Papa Meat or any other commentary channel who also seeks to mock such retardation in the hope society and existence itself can collectively regain at least some semblance of value beyond the materialism and mediocrity that is championed today.
  3. I guess the TL “fuck you if you are too lazy to read” version is humanity peaked in 1995 and has been on a exponential decline ever since.
  4. And FWIW, I asked for my Empornium account to be deleted but it would apparently cause database errors, and whilst I will always have a Perverted past (Hell I was born in PERth, so what else could be expected with such Simulation parameters being imposed upon me since birth?) and I still appreciate the naked (and clothed) female form to be God’s greatest creation beyond the ocean and appreciate it used in the creation of artful nudes as such, given Playmates no longer exist and celebrity is worthless (as by today’s definition, a celebrity = these tattooed face rappers who purport to be pimps and the whores they work with = who would want to be associated with such a retarded group of people?) plus the fact that cameras mean you can’t get up to Led Zepplin like debauchery without someone seeking to sell footage to the media to profit off of your fame, why would you nit teach your daughter how revolting these women are?
  5. And whilst old Dale here was my favorite lolcow comedian for a while, the points he makes in this video have made me glad I have chosen a future of celibacy rather than run the risk of ever birthing a daughter into this fucked up society we currently live in And for anyone wondering, I now see the value in hijabs and such and whilst I still love seeing a nice bikini clad girl on the beach, I would much rather indoctrinate my daughter into retaining her modesty lest she have to wake up to see a whore worth a cup of coffee staring back at her any time she sees her reflection
  6. This was last night’s foray into viewing how demented today’s kids are getting, and while Cherrycrush is still hot & has been since I downloaded her megapack about a decade ago on Empornium NGL, anime has truly rotted her brain. When I see Insta, Tiktok and other social media Twitchtard hoes, their ever devolving intelligence makes Me feel they deserve to be used as Arab toilets if only as punishment for them buying into the wrong role models since the onset of the internet and the Death of Princess Diana whereby the allure of being a Princess died along with old school Disney animation methods in exchange for the desire to be a worthless whore who will only ever be worth the price of her cut of her monthly Onlyfans subscription, as no matter how many subscriptions they sell, even if it adds up to multiple millions like “How bou dah?” girl, it only devalues her as it means she is shared with millions of Men as opposed to being solely reserved for the singular Man she should save gerself for. Any board members with a daughter, feel free to share this post with them if only to teach them the priceless value that the temple that is their body holds lest they devalue it to be worth less than the price of a cup of coffee as they seek to replicate the worthless female role models of today.
  7. I fail to even view them as jokes, given that the scary part is not that they wheel out these face tatted clones draped in slave chains who have difficulty doing anything greater than making noises a cromagnon would have difficulty interpreting as their English language skills are about on par with a immigrant who refuses to learn english after 30 years as their kids act as interpreters, but that there exists a (apparently large) viewing audience for these modern day circus clowns. Thankfully, such clowns, in spite of their Youtube viewcounts of hundreds of millions, help keep law enforcement and the prison systems funded by their influence over mentally deficient members of the general populace (My own brother, a 80s kid who failed to understand NWA was a parody group even after CB4 and Fear of a Black Hat making it obvious - wanted to replicate this Migos garbage he listens to on loop such that he got incarcerated as a result). So whilst I know the world’s largest gang doesn’t get much respect by many on this board, just think that these Soundcloud rap listening tards go a long way to keeping the boys in blue employed by replicating such moronic role models. And don’t even get me started on the girls who by into this shit, as in my day girls wanted to never even be a whore that could be saved like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, as such professions were (rightfully so) looked down upon by society, unlike today where every girl with a platform and ability to influence promotes becoming a Dubai porta potty if it means an Instagram pic with an LV bag on a flight to be shat on by an arab & his prepubescent brother as they collectively suck off a camel. Because #lifegoals and all for the hashtag generation.
  8. OK I will keep you all updated of my progress. I may go check out a van at a local car yard today. I am also going to check if there are any auctions going to try get a van if my choices I am looking at over the weekend don't pan out.
  9. This never gets old. But if you like garbage Christmas movies like this one, then check out this video. Is an awesome channel too
  10. “Too late? There’s no such thing as too late” (slips money into pocket)
  11. Would post the mosh girl, kc kid, brian peppers pic but where to find it?
  12. Had the wickedest tasting butter chicken my Mum made. I was about to get a 3rd serving but stopped myself as it tasted too fucking good.
  13. Anyway, I have a potential van to view on Saturday and another on Sunday. Waiting to hear back about another potential one so i’ll keep you informed.
  14. Well I had my first viewing and test drive tonight. The van ran fine but I noticed I was having trouble putting it into and fingering gears. I got the guy to email me invoices from the recent work he claimed had been performed in the ad and I was keen to buy it, but as suspected the mechanics who had worked on it noted that the gearbox linkage needed replacing, and I need something that can run trouble free for the next 6 months at the cost he was asking. Plus the bodywork was beaten up, and for a couple thousand more I can find something way better and easier to resell without having to sink $ into it should I feel like upgrading once I have worked for a few months. I am happy to post updates in here of my van life stories, but given my lack of ability to upload would you prefer Youtube video updates? I am thinking about making videos of my times and trials and tribulations of doing the van life for a while, as it gives me a reason to make videos as I like to do, whilst also giving my Youtube channel a focus of sorts as opposed to the random things on there now which really make no sense to anyone but Me and my comedic way of viewing the world. I can link from Facebook, but I am weary of the terms of service and things on there whereby I effectively allow the Zuck to own my shit I upload on there, and at least Youtube has the potential to monetise things if enough people want to see life through the eyes of someone who has seen it all.
  15. Anyway I’m on the bus to My Mum’s place to go checkout a van this evening. I also just finished 9 hours of online learning modules the I did over the past couple of days so I can start working next week
  16. I paid the fine online. Whilst I wish to believe it was jealousy inspired, the fact that I got a ticket with my name on it as a memento to go along with the story, plus the other things I got away with on the freeways gives me nothing but respect and gratitude that that small fine is all I had to pay. Anyway, as for the “pics or it didn’t happen” crowd who hold me accountable to the rules of Ch0 here, I offer you this clip of what the above story saw me “pre-pay” some insurance of the karmic variety.
  17. And I recently posted images of the “peace” version of a swastika that showed the street in the day in pies thread whereby we finally got stopped and cuffed before they carted Timmy away for a taxpayer funded holiday and let me go.
  18. And to finish the last story, the cops ran a licence check on me, saw I had no warrants, understood I was just an innocent freaked out passenger getting a lift home from a maniac and let me go. My other friend came to collect me (by this stage the sun was coming up, so you can imagine how trashed we all were full Team Alco style) and as soon as I jumped in the passenger seat with my best friend we didn’t even say a word as we both burst into laughter at the comedy of the entire situation. I should add that the cops came after us as we were drag racing some guy just prior who I used to train with at the gym from time to time. This would have been 16 years or so ago based on my timeline from this additional info I just recall, so maybe I have told the original (pre-murder) version of this story on 12oz before? I can link the West Australian story of the murder case if it is within the rules, otherwise you can take my word for it or hit me up in PM if you want to see the kinds of people I grew up around playing basketball and football with.
  19. Yah. One on the left was sriving, and it was her gun from memory, but maybe the one on the left. Note this pic was taken days later after this occurred, and if it wasn’t for rain I might have ended up buried in the desert somewhere (joking about this part). What is funny is this photo was taken when we were going to a hiking trail in the mountains after they took me (for the first time ever in my life) to a church, in Sin City of all places, as Jamielee (on the left) was volunteering at church as part of her scholarship to UNLV. It makes the mostly blade toting wannabe thugs here in Perth look pathetic given that a 5 foot nothing Hawaiian chick invoked more fear in me than some face tatted young eshay dressing punkass who you find riding the trains and buses here. Either way, it gave me another cool harmless story to add to my list to go up there with the first time I was placed in handcuffs thanks to someone who took me as a passenger of a high speed chase as he ran away from the police trying to RBT him after I was to give him directions to my friends place after we left Perth casino. The guy in that story later ended up as a convicted murderer after killing his partner’s kid and it was all over the local papers such that the photos they used of him in the story became a meme that My friend circle know as “the Timmy pose”.
  20. My super money came in so I am van shopping. Found a cool one in my budget, that has pretty much everything ready to go, but the chick has already committed to show it to someone on Saturday and will let me know if that falls through. Hopefully it does so I can escape the huge rent cost I am dealing with as soon as possible so I can stack some cash from working (once I finally finish all the online inductions and learning the company I am going to be working for has assigned Me).
  21. I had a double filletoffish meal from McDonalds to celebrate being let free from my chains Love my oontz brethren who helped make my transition as smooth as possible for tolerating my rants to this point.
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