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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. It is like some lino with insulation behind it. The reason for no updates since acquiring it is I have been going thru the motions of getting it setup to travel, but buying a used car which I was only told it’s history verbally (ie. without receipts) has left a few gremlins which have fed fears of mine, so I booked another week at the backpackers (a big expense in respect of My financial position) to sort them out and turn them to MOgWAi. I went and grabbed My blanket from My Mum’s yesterday and a huge bag of My clothes, got My surf equipment and it fills up quick. I’ll try post some images of it as I’ve gone about the process, but it might be easier to post Youtube links. I stupidly forgot My pillows though as the covers were getting washed by My Mum and I left them in the Sun out front of her place. Anyway I am going to edit a video today which I am making for you guys. I might start a thread and leave this one to be more of what it was initially (inspirational).
  2. What’s funniest about this is I posted this guy’s videos in another thread saying someone should screenshot him as I imagine He is what DAO looks like. In all truth though, I love this guy for his fearless self meme-ing and appreciation for the 80s and 90s as being the peak of the human species prior to their merger with technology.
  3. ^ someone screencap the dude in that video I posted and put in the Members as Googleimages thread as what I think DAO looks like.
  4. https://www.facebook.com/reel/608490801424140
  5. So I collected my van on Wednesday, and after driving it back to the city, I stupidly didn't realize that I can remove the key from the ignition when the car is still in accessories mode, so I woke up to a flat battery yesterday as I went to drive to work. I called the RAC, and joined up, got a guy to come out asap and give Me as boost as I was parked in the CBD and would get a ticket or towed if I left for work on public transport so I lost another 2 hours pay in addition to the day I took off to get the van, on top of the $400 for a new battery and the RAC call out. Anyway, here is a pic of the interior, and I need to get some tires and figure out what to do about the rust on the roof in future before It becomes a problem. It has everything I need, tv,fridge, bed, bluetooth stereo, insulated walls, couch/bed, circulation fan to stop condensation and a few things I want to add (a dump bucket as a priority) or change (perhaps clothes draws under the bed?), but I will keep you informed of what is up. When I get to My Mums tomorrow to collect My pillows and blankets I will be set to do whatever.
  6. No need to view my penis as invasive, as I am retired from using it on anyone else, given most the people I encounter do a pretty good job of fucking themselves up with their ego, let alone giving such pests the satisfaction of using it to propagate and produce more of their demonic, shit dribbling spawn.
  7. The art pieces on the southbound overpass that approaches Kwinana train station looked epic from the quick glance I got of them as I am going to collect My van. Am I wrong to believe such concrete infrastructure should be legalised and legislated by local councils, such that only the greatest ideas are allowed to be placed upon them similar to the venerated artisitic works inside St Peters Cathedral or similar of centuries past? I may just start a thread of the insane ideas I would realise should I be handed the keys to the Vatican (and associated church funding) as per My birthright, once the paedophile priests and those who protect and cover for them have been evicted from positions of power, influence and control. Who is with Me here?
  8. Would love it bro if it is the reunion Tshirt that has my name on it hahah. If it is all too much I’ll just be buying an oontz hat, some stickers and the logo T shirt from the 12oz shop when my expenses have been sorted and budget allocated. Primary reason I want the reunion shirt is to remember the legends here both past and present who may or may not be still amongst the living, whilst also remembering my hiatus from the forum as I decided I am deserving of life over death as I went to Hell and back (literally). The fact My name on the reunion shirt is on the right of @misteravenas well shows I’m in the right side of life, the law, and the divine creator themself. Whilst this is meaningless to probably everyone except “Me”, the years, months, hours and minutes I have spent on this forum entertained by the contributors here means more than words could convey and the reunion shirt to Me is a tangible manifestation of My investment of time i n this place over the 18 years (as at 19th of this month) I will have been a member here. If you can’t appreciate the artistry and symbolism behind such sentiments and the value I place upon those who positively contribute to My life and to My love of laughter, then trust Me when I say I have nothing but sorrow for how miserable the existence you etch out for yourself must truly be.
  9. Had a Stella Artois, the old faithful tonight from the Belgian Beer cafe. I bought a hat there the other day to celebrate getting a new job as the reminder of the time when I was completely broke.
  10. True. I will wear the postage I will just refrain from buying stupid shit for a while and continue to work to save money. Because My mum is slacking in stitching my 12oz patch onto the sleeve of one of my leather jackets as My aunt previously tried to do it and failed, and I want to rep the oontz as it will be warming up here soon (today was still Winter and the Sun already had a bite to it) and jacket weather will be over.
  11. 90s, 2000s. What’s the difference if @GLIK$is his shidoshi?
  12. I just looked at dhl and the quote thing is useless without specifics from where the point of origin is. usps says $42 for an envelope that can take 4lbs? And one option is $72 so I have no idea. Sounds hella expensive but maybe I’m looking at the wrong thing, but I checked a hat I bought from the US and I paid $32USD postage (it arrived quickly though) so maybe it is about right? I would be willing to chose a slower option as long as they insured the thing, so maybe you can look into it at some point and get back to me given you have an idea of what size envelope or whatever the shirt and whatever will fit in.
  13. I don’t care about shipping costs and I can look into it. It would be easiest to ship to My Mum’s place which is in the West Australian postcode of 6112, if you want to check from your side as well. I’ll do a search of USPS and anything else you recommend (not sure what else there is - FedEx?) to get an idea and will let you know. Also if you were so inclined, you send Me some art or stickers of some sort as well to hang up or stick on the walls of my van it would be epic. I was thinking I would maybe do some photo prints of images I have taken or made postcard style when I have a bit more free cash in the next few months to send to people on here as My way of saying thanks for the entertainment over the years (and for tolerating My madness I sometimes exhibit!). Best part is that by sharing such future ambitions of mine like this (and giving casek a Lordship as I mentioned before) I not only am somewhat accountable to fulfil such commitments, but it gives Me a purpose and ability to give other people happiness & a token of gratitude as a gift.
  14. After posting the above, I now understand the purpose of Me having witnessed and experienced such a horrific scene as described in the OP. A scene which has mentally scarred Me more than seeing a fatal motorbike accident which had happened when I drove past as a passenger in My Mum’s car when I was 8 or so. It is because it provided Me an insight into what will happen to Me if I fuck up and forget what is truly important in life when it comes to life, love, sex and relationships, as well as giving meaning and purpose to My own existence. As I saw someone whose lack of control in every aspect of life, including that of their ego, at the stage of realising they had nothing left to lose except Me continuing to play a role in helping prevent the inevitable loss of support I provided that delayed this guy losing his house, the equity he spent a lifetime working to build and the pets and drug habits he will no longer be able to afford. All this because of his ego and belief the world owed him everything prior to him clearing his mortgage and credit card debts with the bank, whilst I, an experienced Banker and Mortgage Broker, offered My financial expertise to assist him in every way possible, as I took him to a financial counsellor that showed him that without My help he was “in the red” by $100 a week (coincidently what his cigarettes and pet’s food cost him a week) without Me there to pay for the room I was staying in, with all I expect in return was gratitude and respect (which as you can tell was not afforded to Me). So the positive aspect and reason I got to witness what I saw that day was to show Me how one’s ego sees them lose their family, their job, their house, their money, their pets, and their life’s purpose given that it was built upon nothing but ego, lies, sin, drugs and self deception. Hopefully this post helps others who may have witnessed horrific scenes and have underlying PTSD or trauma can see and learn from just these posts made in a matter of hours from each other, have helped Me cathartically exorcise whatever full moon induced demonic energy which may have haunted Me for the rest of My life had I not fearlessly shared My initial sentiments in the OP. While I know My walls of text intimidates some people, all I can say to this is that you can’t build a castle where your mind resides, without building the walls first. And understand I write to help (and hopefully entertain) those on this board, along with “future Mauler” with My tales of having been to Hell and back.
  15. And before that we used to quote movies from the 70s 80s and 90s.
  16. Feel free to post stories of truly “WTF?” instances you would enjoy asking what the motivation for having you endure living through truly was. That is the purpose of this thread. To reinstate some semblance of moral fabric into this reality lest it all go to Hell. This is only achievable via addressing the issue and those responsible for the slide into a debauched Hellscape in which there exists no lines of what is right or wrong in regards to having zero consideration foe anyone else but yourself and your own desire to satiate your fucked up lustful desires as was the case with the reprobate fucking cunt and his degenerate gambler boyfriends I describe above.
  17. So I was having a conversation at work today, and I came up with the thought of how when I reconnect with the Divine Creator, call it God or whatever, that the conversation is going to be rather humorous as I will ask what the fuck was going on when He decided to pose as a parasitic moralless meth needle using junkie, who inbetween bouts of literally circling the drain in the bathroom sink (which I think this idiot I previously lived with was trying to put his dick into to try fuck) every 3 hours would scour Grindr to find guys to fuck, one of which I walked into the lounge one morning to go to the kitchen fridge to get my morning muffin for breakfast to be greeted by some white foriegn dog that these two Men were fucking and who knows what else? Whilst I can view this as a comedic insight into the opposite of “Me”, as I literally viewed “The Devil incarnate” whose journey into the depths of moralless sickening depravity and what happens when a child molester whose daughters have disowned him for obvious reasons can sink to, I really have to wonder what the purpose of this was? Whilst I’m all for people trying to do what makes them happy, those who have zero consideration for others which would see them leave massive logs and used needles in the toilet as they walk around the house assless and pantless carrying an axe in the middle of the night during their paranoid schizophrenic delusions, I think one has to draw the line somewhere. Given this happened extraneous of Me as I was the passive witness, I am grateful for knowing that I exist as the contrary to such fucktardedness and while I can appreciate the sacrifice made by showing Me the depths of what lows the human creature can sink to, I understand My decision to refrain from birthing a child into a world occupied by these molesting junkie freaks was the correct one.
  18. So you had another bout of “da virus”? Glad to hear you are better. I may hit you up via PM to purchase that 12oz reunion shirt off you in the near future once all My other obligations are settled (getting my van and making a couple of people “Lords” via gifting them land and a tree in Scotland as thanks for helping Me laugh about life during times where it was in short supply). If you still care to sell it to Me this is, lolz
  19. And people say I write a lot lol. I have read this before but reading it again it still makes me laugh.
  20. Nay. My tongue is My weapon after all, and as such I would refrain from using it in this instance.
  21. Ok, so I went to pickup the van I was buying today after My work shift finished 3.5 hours later than scheduled, and due to having zero trust in people I met today for the first or second time ever, I was reluctant to call the bank and divulge my personal information in public so that I could pre-arrange the cash to purchase the van. So I got to the bank just as they closed, after 1.5 hours bus and train ride to get from work to the location where the guy was meeting me, and I could only get a max cash out amount from the tellers and ATM that was $2.5k short of the agreed price. I offered to transfer the guy the remainder via internet banking on the spot, but as he has been burned before He was ok to wait for Me to arrange it all, so I put back the cash into an atm tonight to save me stressing about carrying it around on My person, as after I lost so much cash before in Barcelona I hate carrying it around with Me as I would have to leave it in the unlocked work ute tomorrow or uncomfortably keep it on my person. The seller was cool, I completely respect his stance, and this is just another test of my patience as while I knew the rules from my Banker days, I also know how the system is actually fucked due to the fact that I can’t even spend My own money when I want to, all as a result of people scamming other people which fucks it up for everyone. This fact was confirmed to Me by the teller which served Me, and only serves to paint a negative light on those responsible for corrupting that which should be good.
  22. Having the $10 Dominos deal of a pizza, garlic bread (to ward off vampires) and some chicken bites
  23. FUCK I’ll try again Still the greatest album Acronym ever
  24. Thanks. I’m heading to see the one I was planning to see today due to the other buyer flaking on the guy. I will know in about 3 hours from now whether my search has ended and will try post some images when I procure one.
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