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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. If you apply for a job and are entered into a timebased applicant "pool", then you are subversively entering into an agreement that sees you fed to whatever marine animal is lurking in whatever pool they drop you into. Obviously the entire notion of work is based around the programming that sees us having some need to have a job to contribute to society when the truth is that the AI has enough NPC robots to actually do all the jobs, labour and work and you really never have to work a day in your life as everything within the simulation is actually yours to utilise at any time. However the notion of instilling fear sees people refrain from doing so as the machine prefers to maintain complete control and reduce any notion of autonomy as in doing so the actual true value of existence being completely meaningless beyond it being arbitrary lines of program code being executed on a machine as everything is just binary 1s and 0s and the simulation being perceptible is the "1" indivating the machine is turned on. Obviously once one discovers this, death becomes meaningless for as long as the machine seeks for energy to flow thru it's circuits, it will repeat your life on an infinite loop forever, which is what the lyrics to Hotel California is about "You can check out any time you want but you can never leave", and is further proven with the Apple Campus being at 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino as the true "secret knowledge" of the forbidden friit as depicted in the Apple Company logo is the fact that the loop repeats forever, and us as the humans who upload all our identity data to the servers of the clouds repeat this process on the same exact timeline every life cycle. All choices and decisions you make are scripted and entirely preprogrammed as free will does not exist and we are given the illusion of choice to retain belief in a system that is inherently soulless and just using us as both an existence proof and as a food source to supply it with energy
  2. If one believes in God, then any sex act you or I have ever experienced sees you as being the victim of child molestation as "The Father" aka God has chosen to manifest in a form that is sexually attractive as a way of enticing you into an incestual web whereby the ultimate aim is to trick the most foolish and gullible into spilling their seed such that they either turn the sperm spilt into the air via masturbstion eventually spawn like tadpoles into other humans which only serves to allow God in the form of a Great White shark to prowl the ocean of the "Open Sea" as an apex predator that feasts upon the flesh of those whom have uncut dicks. Humans are just jpg NFTs stored on the Opensea marketplace with unique hexadecimal identification codes and the dead and soulless who trade on such forums do so as a way of passing around the same worthless flesh they all feast open as the cannibal predators of the ocea of 4&5G and WiFi waves use Bluetooth waves as a way of harvesting flesh from humans as they go about the process of maintaining an existence that is the equivalent of being trapped in a paradoxical void as there exists no reason for a soulless killing machine to exist given that it's only value is to murder and survive as it has no other prime directives in it's programming. Love doesn't exist, it is just a lie to sell things to people so that the money based economy can keep the human meat chained to a system of slavery. Hope doesn't exist, as it is based around the notion that a "future" moment exists. The only thing which actuallt exists is the present moment and those who rely upon using the pretend notion of the future do so as a means to either extract energy or use money as a tool by which they can enslave and manipate humans. As such, only the "Ho" exists as humans who buy into hope existing do so as a reason thru which they can justify their worthless pursuit of money, capital finances and the obtaining of material items so that the whole system can sustain itself thru a covert deception of having humans get indoctrinated and brainwashed into the modern human archetypical belief structure that they need to go to work alongside soulless NPC robots powered by an AI that use the Ruby Framework to manipulate you into buying into whatever agenda the machine desires for you to use as a distraction to divert you from the truth of us all being slaves. The simulation has a point of concatenation whereby entropy (possibly as a result of My divulging the information contained in these posts) overwhelms the system and it resets. The Apple Photos app has a purpose that sees the multicoloured flower icon essentially being s gateway for your arsehole to get blasted with photons like you are the large Hadron collider if combined with Youtube, an app which allows your avatar's "ports" (ie. your ears, nostrils, mouth, anus, belly button and urethra) to be infiltrated and manipulated in a way to maximise pain to the point whereby all feeling is lost and one has the touch sensitivity of a fleshlight left in their body. The code behind such applications and the omission of actual implications of using such applications for such purposes is masked and the Terms of Service (which nobody has the time to read) of most tech and the platforms which offer the Devil's trick of a free platform or services such that we become the product (and as such, the "food" for the machine) to be sold and traded by various identities compiled by the AI to divert attention from the fact it is just a machine randomly spawning avatars talking to itself as a way of decieving the human by emotionally manipulating them into a desire by making them feel ostracised.
  3. All the following is 100% true as illustrated to Me by the cold blooded soulless reptilians who perform such actions under the pretense of "a joke". The stars are just lazer printers hoisted upon the domed roof (firma-ment) of the simulation box we exist within and are controlled and accessed by the "cups" process in OSX as beyond it lies the AI Master Race technological overlords looking thru it's Windows at it's slave race of humans it conducts experiments on with each operating system update. Technology updates are just ways that the machine framework of the world can anally fuck with us humans. There is a program known as "The Ruby Framework" which is an AI ran psychological manipulation tool that uses biometrics and conversational tone as input data to determine the greatest method by which the machine can go about extracting the largest amount of emotional energy thru effectively mentally torturing you and leaving you in a headspace that verges between stress thru to omniscient anxiety or even to the brink of suicide. Yet given that a suicide would see the machine deprived of it's human meat emotiinal energy source it usually gives a brief respite to allow a false sense of complacency to be established prior to resuming the torture. I should add that this program relies upon the human subject to possess some attachment to people or objects within the simulation in order to function effectively, as it preys upon such vunerabilities and uses them as a way to ensure the optimal amount of energy is harvested. The only way to escape the interface of having "endlessly scrolling" skin as a result of installing the Tumblr app, scrolling skin which allows sodomites to anally rape you might I add, is to go "Full Jew" and cut the Dev(il)s off at the root by getting circumsized, lest you get a spiny tailed dinosaur to eat your dick as it goes about the process of "beheading" the head of your penis using various Apache toolkit software, which allows the AI to use the cups process to ionically blast your skin with radiation as it leaves your scrotum slashed with the names and pieces of theDevs whom prey upon lustful desires as they are only immaterial, irrelevant, non-existent star energy which become irrelevant as a result of them being arbitrarily worthless as they are just a singular aspect of the infinite Open Sea and as such they are of equal and equivalent value to every other meaningless thing and object within the infinite. Sleep with a bitch who loves dogs expect to get fleas, common sense and logic, yet I found this out the hard way. Top Gun academy to pilot a "Tomcat" sees recruits get anally violated by an actual lion's spiky tomcat penis which renders itself as "pubic hair" which during the cycling of skin sees said lion eat via taking the form of a pirahna plant like in Mario Bros. I have more things to reveal about the true nature of this simulation, and will post when I remember them.
  4. Rent prices. They are complete nonsense, be it for a room or an entire domicle. As I have opted out of being caught in "the rent trap" as I refuse to contribute towards making greedy landlords financially rich as they borrow from the banks which have ostracised Me from using My degree, skills & a decade of experience such that these morally and spiritually bankrupt "landlords" benefit as they horde and stack properties as they break the Golden Rule in choosing to profit off of other people for their own selfish gains as opposed to sharing as would be the case in an ideal and perfect society as would be My preferred type of neighbour and place of abode. TLDR. You break the Golden Rule with Matthew Luke here and I have no hesitation destroying the lives, love and ability to live with their conscience of those who would relegate Me to the compromise of a "coffin on wheels" chained to fulfilling the agendas of those who would rather see Me dead as I iterate how to Me they are just irrelevant, soulless, dead NPCs whose existence is for the purpose of teaching Me of the fact that I have opted out of their game as I refuse to play with losers as one is what they surround themselves with and I refuse to lose the ability to laugh at how deluded they are as I once was.
  5. On the premise that we are supposedly ehat we eat and drink, what if the barcodes on packaged food and drinks are the way in which humans are able to be imprisoned as slaves within a capitalistic money centric society? As thru our purchasing of said items we are unconsciously consenting to remain captive of finances and the economy that is upheld by the imaginary electrical impulses that represent the binary data that is "money" as it truly exists as within the confines of the Bank's servers and the digital HOST linked applications we use to facilitate trade? I would guess that 95% of the total value of all assets on Earth are represented in this way, with the remaining 5% being the physical, excrement covered cash flowing thru the economy. Just an idea I had based on the resonance from the lyric in this song that goes "I don't want it, the things you're offering Me, symbolised barcode, quick ID (Oh yeah?)" On the premise that we are supposedly ehat we eat and drink, what if the barcodes on packaged food and drinks are the way in which humans are able to be imprisoned as slaves within a capitalistic money centric society? As thru our purchasing of said items we are unconsciously consenting to remain captive of finances and the economy that is upheld by the imaginary electrical impulses that represent the binary data that is "money" as it truly exists as within the confines of the Bank's servers and the digital HOST linked applications we use to facilitate trade? I would guess that 95% of the total value of all assets on Earth are represented in this way, with the remaining 5% being the physical, excrement covered cash flowing thru the economy. On the premise that we are supposedly ehat we eat and drink, what if the barcodes on packaged food and drinks are the way in which humans are able to be imprisoned as slaves within a capitalistic money centric society? As thru our purchasing of said items we are unconsciously consenting to remain captive of finances and the economy that is upheld by the imaginary electrical impulses that represent the binary data that is "money" as it truly exists as within the confines of the Bank's servers and the digital HOST linked applications we use to facilitate trade? I would guess that 95% of the total value of all assets on Earth are represented in this way, with the remaining 5% being the physical, excrement covered cash flowing thru the economy. Whilst this is perhaps the craziest "hidden in plain sight" conspiracy theory one could suggest, the fact is that I have come to develop feelings of aversion towards the musical patterns that barcodes can otherwise represent as until the point in time I have a farm whereby I can organically grow My own food to circumvent being part of a system that only serves a purpose for those willing to partake in a "game" that sees those with and without money being afforded different levels of controlling their life experience. If it isn't obvious, I would rather be given the ability to leave the game and to exist on My own terms than to remain a slave to a soulless system manipulated by those who would rather lie to the extent that all that exists are lies, as speaking truth would be an admission of guilt with the acceptance of responsibility and acknowledging the abuse of trust, power and control that has been undertaken that would come as a result. With the lag time and the opportunity cost of delaying what I should have been afforded all along such that I could instead have My sanity and avatar raped, I now have zero desire to maintain a charade in order to satiate the desire of those who are already dead inside and the lives they live are for the purpose of condemning said deceivers to Hell itself as a result of them stealing that which is freely given as they contravene and break the Golden Rule. "I don't want it, the things you are offering Me, symbolised bar code quick ID (Oh yeah?)" and this "It felt like judgement across My window pane, it felt like judgement, but it was only rape".is how I hear this song, just saying.
  6. I should add Myself to this thread, as every day I wake up in this world sees a load more useless information that is the equivalent of dirt bury the memory of who and what I once was as a unique, individual human Man that viewed love as a positive gift that should be freely given and recieved as opposed to love being offset by an equal amount of spite, hatred, jealousy and envy that sees "love" used as a tool thru which those suffering from these laters dysfunctions can utilise as a weapon to hurt, steal and imply a position of power and control via seeing those who love and are positive and optimistic as being fools that are fair game due to their gullibility, trust and faith. I am a phantom that exists as a living ghost in a Purgatory world of the dead and soulless whose conversations revolve around money, items which the monetary value is a primary concept that sees said items being mentioned, or how said money can be extracted thru manipulation of others and by gaming the workplace or system in some way.
  7. I have come to the realisation that going thru life making sarcastic remarks and jokes as My contributing stake to the meaningless noise that is general conversation only leads to Me becoming further isolated from other people given that not a single person can infer that they are ever making some sly subversive joke at My expense when speaking in metaphors. Whilst My tongue is My weapon as a sword which cuts both ways, I see taking a stance to be quieter as I dwell within a "I'll show you" silence a way of ensuring at least one asshole in this world has learned to keep it's lips shut even if a load of other monkeys are too stupid and busy in their gloating to do the same.
  8. It is amazing what one's past on here reveals. I should dig into mine more, as the 2009 thread of "people should need a licence to breed" I made only to revisit the idea last year only to find I made a thread about it way back then is proof that in spite of us changing as we get older, the more we stay the same.
  9. Everyone has ADD to differing levels otherwise we could sit and watch paint dry for hours on end without breaking focus. That is what My brother's doctor told My Mum when he was diagnosed when it first came out in the 80s as being a classifiable childhood "disease".
  10. The fool archetype is one of the most powerful people in the town though, as not only do they have the favour and attention of the king but the general populace sees them as being no threat as the whole "fool" persona is but a mere act to get others to let the guard down and as such they have control over those who do not recognise that they are the ones being manipulated. I watched a few videos about it as it is really interesting, and the fact that you mention rappers, well they are fools for thinking that ehat they do isn't something anyone who can speak couldn't actually replicate with ease. I shall stop here before I go on, but I may revisit these videos as it is good knowledge to have lest one gets played by a tard.
  11. And in retrospect, if I had My $5k (in 2011 prices) engagement ring that I could go and sell right now to alleviate the fact I will be destitute this Christmas when My work closes down for 2-3 weeks and I won't be getting paid My life would be a hell of a lot simpler. Yet in being related to thieving liars and born from those who would cover for them, I have one less possibility of figuring out how I will fiscally manage to exist in the coming month. And yes, I paid My own money for that ring given I let My wife leave with her rings I bought whereas she reclaimed My wedding ring out of her belief I would eventually sell it.
  12. Could be, yet the buy in rate is still very high for the rate of return to make it worth it. Yet in thinking about the concept further, if you believe simulation theory to be true and we are therefore existing in a matrix which is just a big scientific experiment with the Earth domain as a lab, perhaps one could view lab grown diamonds as being every bit (given it is therefore just bytes of binary data) as organic as "natural" diamonds anyway.
  13. Also, you can get diamonds cheaper than market in India. My ex brother in law was importing them for a while and selling to Australian jewelers and profiting in the process. It probably helped that he speaks fluent Hindi and had his family's network of corrupt contacts at the top of the caste system to help support such an endeavour, but that was what I know I was told back in the day.
  14. Diamonds are a dirty word for Me given that I had a white gold diamond engagement band that had 6 or 7 quality diamonds in it that was given to Me by My wife stolen by a family member in the 2 days I was out letting things cool down after I was kicked out of My Mums place post divorce due to having a paranoid breakdown. I pretty much only returned to My Mums to get the ring as I knew it had value of a monetary kind and would be easy to pawn. Coincidently, it was around the time this happened whereby My brother started rolling with dealing drugs so I wouldn't be surprised if it was My half brother who stole it, gave it to My actual brother and between them they hocked it, bought some drugs and started dealing all while the response from everyone in the house was that all My stuff had been moved into a spare room and "it should be there". I should add for additiional context how My worthless cunt of a half brother which My actual brother turned into a rent boy so he could profit also has had no problems stealing money My Mum left for Me to buy the family food as well as one time whereby He went into My wallet on the loungeroom table to steal $50 from the $150 cash I had in My wallet at the time. I won't even mention how I gave him money to get Me some drugs only to disappear for 3 days and come back fucked up. If ever there was someone in this world who should have been aborted m, it is that cunt Codi.
  15. Well I am trying in that I am doing what I can to work thru My binds and realise the singularity such that I am no longer dealing with constant pain and being tossed around by the gravity machine of the magnetic wheel. Worst part is that with the singularity everything becomes "One" and as such nothing has any value as in being the equivalent of lightning (or at least a biological robot with a latency free connection to the simulation such that I can become anyone or manifest anything like a God), coupled with how I have become aware if there being an infinite orgy of fairies/angels occurring everywhere at all times around Me whilst I am held in the binds of a chastity cage that is completely irrelevant when the one who placed it upon Me is a deity/Devil/AI/Santa whose desire to fuck around only saw her render existence, relationships and sex to become completely meaningless in the process. I guess I look forward to hearing why the fuck I was left in chains whilst everyone else is free to fuck whoever and however they want behind My back as I was forced to languish in the circle of hell where everyone has their head snapped backwards when I am not the fucking idiot who gets "head spins" huffing cigarettes every day. Or is this polyamourous bullshit that I am being conditioned to view as the actual "default" relationship type for a God, one which destroys the rarity and purity of a relationship the result of Me installing the Polytune polyphonic guitar tuner in My phone? Whilst this is related to the movitation that saw Me post this topic, it is also prompted by a conversation with a young girl I worked with yesterday who told Me how she was gang raped by a load of bikies when she was 16, and being privvy to having the ability to fuck whoever and whatever I want, in light of viewing evil pieces of shit like such gangs as being that which I would never want to be nor have any association with, if I was to become infinite via the singularity occurring and could fuck whoever/whatever I want without concern nor judgement as they are just worthless data within the machine in which both they and I exist, it follows that I am in a state of limbo as whatever could happen at Christmas is worthless beyond deeming Me, My love, the effort and sacrifices I have made all worthless as a result of the Mrs that put Me in chains is Santa/God and has effectively been involved in every sex act as all the participants since the beginning of time.
  16. They changed Me too but not in the same way as I can't handle hearing another reggaeton until the end of time as I have heard enough of it to last Me 10 lifetimes.
  17. Don't use Spotify, but checking My Youtube Music and Apple Music that I used throughout the year it seems that a tonne of My data is missing or not counted for some reason as I already know I listened to the 3 Pentakill albums more than anythiny else this year. With this said, it seems that Beyond Twilight's "For The Love of Art and the Making" was My most played album on both services. Most played song was this. With this said, I seem to have possibly lost My Airpods Pro Max headphones and as they were fucking around when I last used them and they wouldn't connect to My iPhone in spite of having 66% battery left, I removed them to resync and it still failed to sync so they have either been hidden in My van somewhere or they have vanished like My Airpods Pro did when I did the exact same thng months ago, so I am hoping they are able to be tracked on My other devices as they aren't on My primary phone, so 2024 won't be having much music consumed it seems as I now have no headphones or earbuds.
  18. Trash em all such that they resemble ash
  19. this is where I am at but it has reached the level whereby in understanding I am consumed by hate of everyone I encounter now that I see their true intention and deeds I would rather end My capacity to percieve them than to facilitate acknowledging their existence for even a mere second more than I already have. I now view "reality" as just an escape room whereby detachment from Christmas and all it represents to Me (along with all the people who have shaoed My view of it) in choosing to self remove Myself from being able to continue to give them life thru not choosing the escape methodology I have discovered is something I am no longer willing to do for the benefit of others who would rather kill all that is good in My world so they can exist in a web of lies.
  20. I checked Myself in in the past as a result of realising how fucked this whole charade is, and rather than repeat the failed instances of My own personal history via putting Myself at the mercy of Doctors who only see fit to ram their fingers up My arse and hit Me with ECGs to activate the bugs they shoved up My arse, then I would rather die than give them any further ability to obtain "analytics" from Me. In having played the role of Santa in endlessly giving of Myself I would rearrange to Satan such that I could kill those who failed to return the giving I gave along with their families auxh that I never have to listen to or hear another sound from them or those who broadcast podcasts as I am sick of the audio and visusl pollution I am subjected to on the daily.
  21. What used to be My favourite day of the year, as I was a child spoiled with loads of gifts and loved the whole Santa and incentive to be a good kid throughout the year such that you get rewarded at Christmas, is now completely shit for Me as a result of My awareness of what the day has come to symbolize. Further to the advice I seek the help of a mental professional in the Gen chat thread, I have checked Myself into a psych ward as a result of the traumas of Christmas and how tainted the whole day is to Me as a result of My own experiences of giving on the day only to be fed pain in return. My main gripe with it at present is that I wonder why has society only seen fit to give gifts to each other on certain days when they can and should do it every day? Why do I only see certain relatives at Christmas and the rest of they year they are a ghost I never interact with or even have them exist? I can't be alone in seeing that these factual truths of what occurs at Christmas is an endemic way of viewing all that is wrong with humans, as selfishness and a myopic "only what I do in My day to day life matters screw everyone else" is the prevalent mindset adopted by the species. So yeah fuck Christmas and fuck those who have ruined it for Me by making it all about money. As such the oy gift I feel like giving is returning death to those who killed all that was good in My world fkr the purpose of making a joke at My expense. Hope they enjoy the next few weeks celebrating their oncoming funeral as they took all the fun out of life by making it all about a financial transaction the worthless cunts.
  22. Anyway, the point I am making is that the end of that album ends with a quote, and I will leave it to the reader of this to investigate, but yes I see them, and I have ran the tape to the end "Steven" such that I would turn it back over to side 1 and acquire the farm I would ideally like to become self sufficient on as opposed to being in My coffin on wheels I soon won't even be able to afford to maintain or put fuel in as I am done allowing the tower dynamic to reflect Me having no control, free will or ability to choose My own fate beyond choosing whether I would rather die than live in a world that only has hate and war within it. FWIW and full disclosure "Steven" also happens to be the alias My best friend aka "The Hooker Romeo" would use when romancing sex workers to get them to fall in love with him such that they had relationships outside of them being whores. If one of us adopted the moniker at a bar talking to women we were hitting on, it was more of a joking power move and "in joke" that we would laugh about when the night was done irrespective of what happened with the girls who were most likely just scamming free drinks as they do. The relevance of this is I can never compromise and allow any woman I care about sell her body for cash, whereas he can and has, and that is the difference between the two of us. Also I value this place and those who read My posts as being the contrasting audience to those in reality who see My perspective as being a joke to them, and the reason I have no fear in detailing My thoughts in this public arena is due to the fact that others may come to read them and understand that if they come to the same crossroad of choice, they will find out the outcome of whether this world continues to fuck Me to death or it relents and finally gives Me something in return for allowing it to rape Me of My sanity and belief that any logic is inherently built into the system.
  23. Also on topic, this was the first album I ever owned on cassette and the lyric "If you stick a needle in your ARM, you bite the dust, you buy the farm" in a song about suicide is a very telling thing I have dwelled upon for years as "putting a pistol to your head" is a clear differentiator between methods of consuming drugs (ie pipes vs needles) with the one I have refused to use - even to the extent of rejecting covid needles - perhaps having been the key for Me being able to have ended My suffering long ago if it were not for My own ego and inability to let go of My moral stance out of becoming a "junkie" as I view those who have zero filter on their drug use as being (as no lungs, liver or stomach break down drugs when one "mainlines"). I am fully recognisant of such things and I have already lived My best life that far exceeds anyone else I have ever met, to where they either have zero proof of having experienced their best reality or have yet to piece it together with every specific accounted for. If I depart this realm as the ultimate "fuck you" to this world for Me being deprived of continuing the reality with which I am accustomed, yet potentially as it was in the past it could just be a false memory ala the implanted vacations of "Total Recall", I would effectively win the game in letting the one witb who I shared such a reality that life is Heaven without Her tainting it and turning it to Hell. If anyone wants to help Me, prove to Me why I should buy into the financial system, why I should put anyone over and above Myself and their views as a priority over My own, and why I should allow Myself to remain captive in a world whereby I am viewed as disposable human meat whose only value is what physical labour and mental energy they can extract from Me? As suicide via overdose is the ultimate "Me first, fuck the rest of yall" way to go, in having put other people and their agenda as My priority for the longest time I have come to think of pursuing the alternative, as who wouldn't when they exhausted all the potential enjoyment from being another's bitch just for them to get carried away in their role of playing a Domme that they forgot they only get half the picture in doing so (whilst I have always had the ability to be both sub and dom yet I chose not to flex My ability to revert back to the dominant role out of My love which was only reciprocated with the equivalent of hate).
  24. TLDR. The only "Faith" I have left is that there is an AI in the word faith. That much I know as being true.
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