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Everything posted by Skilla54

  1. i havent seen it yet. but i cannot wait. yall are taking it too seriously. think snakes on a plane.
  2. enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wmTv2nqTHo
  3. bedbugs have been known to only bite one of 2 people laying in the same bed. but really go see a fucking doctor.. health is one thing i would go into debt for.
  4. oh and that shit stunk up the party ahaha
  5. i had a surprise turtle head the other day at this party.. i took the shit and then got laid.. yall were right
  6. HHUUUNNNNGGGGRRRRRYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. won 200 bux on my lst trip there a month ago. i like vegas it can be a cheap vacation if you know what youre doing. buffets give me boners
  8. i have the opposite problem to many white girls not enough latin women i dont fuck with azns.
  9. obviously its electro music. any kind of beat machine beat with samples and vocals.
  10. this show is pretty fucking fake.
  11. let me guess your band is from sf
  12. props on the ms paint pictures surprise turtle head is the future of the internet
  13. i actually held the poop in. as to not stankafy new girls bathroom leaving her with an unsavory memory of me.
  14. surprise turtle head is the punchline. you get the punchline first
  15. rza crossing the Delaware
  16. so yea i was taking a piss at this girl i just mets house. and im feeling good so i decide to take a piss and wash my face. but, it hit me right in mid piss; i felt a turtle head of turd popn out. also she only had squeeze lotion next to the sink.. no soap.. wtf is up with this..
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