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Everything posted by Drue_Down

  1. When Ch.O realizes you’re a girl.
  2. I need to break out my shoe cleaning kit and paint markers to refresh these bad boys.
  3. What’s left of Reata Pass, the bank robbery and Leonard Smalls showdown scene in Raising Arizona. Now surrounded by luxury condos. Tom’s Thumb, lots of trails to social distance, sprawling views, dog friendly. Spring colors everywhere, 75 degrees. Gila Monster!!! I’ve never seen one in the wild. crazy cactus 🌵
  4. Oof. Just because you can afford it, doesn’t mean you know how to drive it.
  5. My best friend growing up used to rock those Umbro shorts during his tennis phase. He & I collected Garbage Pail Kids, but he took it to the next level. He STILL has baseball card binders full of ALL of the complete series. He has unopened boxes of the first 5-6 series. I’m sure his stash is worth a fortune, I need to ask if he’s holding them indefinitely or is thinking about selling them soon. I lost 99% of my 80-90s shit when the bank repossessed our house in the late 90s. My family members are borderline hoarders, we had a basement full of crap (good stuff in hindsight) we just walked away from, I only took a few things from my childhood, including this:
  6. Not a flex, but I needed some comfort food today. Bacon wrapped filet mignon, with mashed potatoes and a random brown onion sauce I’ve been reverse engineering for two decades. Maybe some of you know what it is, I don’t .... I’ve only found it in the southern Alps in Switzerland, France, & Germany/Austria, pictured here: Sometimes I like it saucy, or sometimes thicker like gravy. it’ll thicken in the fridge tonight BBQ chicken (sugar free sauce). I usually make my own sugar free sauce, but this is a nice find on Amazon. Chicken soup, no noodles, no carbs.
  7. It’s not gonna happen in floafers
  8. Quarantine me here plz, it covers a lot of what I love.
  9. I wash myself with a raaaaag on a stick 😂@Moe Szyslak
  10. First time walking in this massive field by my temporarily closed gym. Looks like the locals like to come mudding in their trucks after it rains.
  11. Damn, I want me some salty, crunchy ass Tato Skins right now.
  12. Śmigus-Dyngus, also known as lany poniedziałek(Wet Monday), is a Polish Easter Monday tradition which, in short, involves people throwing copious amounts of water at each other - mainly men/boys dumping water on women/girls. Although the exact origins of Śmigus-Dyngus have yet to be established, the most commonly known story is, that way back when, on Easter Monday, boys in the countryside would be allowed to drench girls with water and smack them with branches of pussy willow. Although it sounds terrible, it was usually meant as a way to show their affection (and likely resulted in some marriages later on). https://culture.pl/en/article/smigus-dyngus-polands-national-water-fight-day https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Śmigus-dyngus
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