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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. abrasivesaint


  2. abrasivesaint


  3. I got in a similar situation with stocks/Plug Power. I bought a few shares at $3-4 a pop, they peaked at about $73/share a week or 2 ago. I could have made some decent money if i had the funds to invest back when. Coulda, woulda.
  4. I got overwhelmed and lost faith in the crypto game when everything crashed last year. I put money into stocks and have made a little money, but didn't have that same faith in crypto. Naturally i’m now wishing i had. Coulda, shoulda.
  5. I have 0 money in cryptos anymore, probably should stop fucking around, but every time i look i feel like the ship has sailed, ha.
  6. I put a whopping $20 at like .023, I don’t trust this shit at all, haha.
  7. Sorry y’all. Back to your thots.
  8. Again, calling you a dolt is a suspendible offense but this 7 year old styled commentary is A-OK, hilarious. I stayed away longer than my suspension out of respect for Raven and 12oz as a whole. I have nothing nice to say to you, aside from that i know you do a lot of work for Raven and this website. I won’t ever keep my mouth shut when it comes to calling you out on spewing nonsense in the news section, so i stayed away.
  9. Exactly, i said i got suspended. I didnt say banned. It’s also amazing i get suspended for calling you a dolt but you can essentially talk about ass raping me and that’s fine. Good talk breh.
  10. I believe i called @Dirty_habiT a “dolt” and he got salty. Suspended me for a month or some shit back in November, i think. I checked in today to see what the oontz had to say about the party in the Capitol and just told him to put me back in my cell in the News section after exclaiming that i wasn’t afraid of a banhammer and “this is America bitch,” so if i get put back in solitary, cheers. @Dark_Knight @One Man Banned
  11. https://www.justice.gov/usao-mn/pr/self-described-member-boogaloo-bois-charged-riot Texan “Boogaloo Boi” arrested for shooting at Minneapolis Third Precinct during Floyd riots. I’m still looking for any legit evidence, but i’ve also read he was partly responsible for setting it on fire.
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