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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. https://www.koin.com/news/15-portland-police-cars-burned-arson-suspected-05022024/
  2. Natalism has been a big talking point in supremacist and nationalist circles in recent years.
  3. Tamales.. (either chicken, pork, or Impossible, i forget honestly), pico de gallo, sour cream, Herdez guacamole salsa Huevos Rancheros.. over hard eggs, Guerrero corn tortillas, pico de gallo, Herdez guacamole salsa.. tacos de papa..
  4. Hit y’all with some recents because i was MIA for a hot moment… Impossible burger, basmati rice, broccoli, peas, diced carrots.. I forget what type of seasonings/sauce.. Gardein meatballs, peppers and onions, bruschetta..
  5. https://time.com/6972022/donald-trump-transcript-2024-election/
  6. “Meat and poultry companies spend hundreds of millions of dollars to comply with EPA’s effluent limitations guidelines,” said Sarah Little from the North American Meat Institute, a trade association representing large processors like Tyson. “EPA’s new proposed guidelines will cost over $1bn and will eliminate 100,000 jobs in rural communities.” “This Tyson plant helped put me through college and supports a lot of migrant workers, but there’s a dark side like the water and air pollution that most people don’t pay attention to because they’re just trying to survive,” said Rogelio Rodriguez, a grassroots organizer with Conservation Nebraska, which is part of a coalition pushing for stronger state protections for meat processing plant workers. “If regulations are lax, corporations have a tendency to push limits to maximize profits, we learnt that during Covid,” said Rodriguez, whose family works at the plant
  7. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/apr/30/tyson-foods-toxic-pollutants-lakes-rivers “There are over 5,000 meat and poultry processing plants in the United States, but only a fraction are required to report pollution and abide by limits. As one of the largest processors in the game, with a near-monopoly in some states, Tyson is in a unique position to treat even hefty fines and penalties for polluting as simply the cost of doing business. This has to change,” said the UCS co-author Omanjana Goswami. The meat-processing industry spent $4.3m on lobbying in Washington in 2023, of which Tyson accounted for almost half ($2.1m), according to political finance watchdog Open Secrets. The industry has made $6.6m in campaign donations since 2020, mostly to Republicans, with Tyson the biggest corporate spender. “We can be sure Tyson and other big ag players will object to efforts to update pollution regulations, but the EPA should listen to communities whose wells, lakes, rivers and streams have been contaminated and put people over corporate profits,” said Goswami.
  8. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/police-move-quell-clashes-los-angeles-pro-palestinian-campus-protest-2024-05-01/ Israeli nationalists attacking encampment protests, which will almost surely lead to a rise in white-nationalist anti-semitic attacks.. Weather is getting nicer so protests will likely become more commonplace.. Police demonstrating excessive tactics as usual.. U.S. election campaigns about to start ramping up.. Is the stage set for a spicy summer in the US?
  9. https://coloradosun.com/2023/06/05/colorado-home-late-herbicide-crop-dusting/ https://www.thenationalnews.com/mena/lebanon/2023/11/28/lebanon-white-phosphorus-dhayra-truce/ https://www.newson6.com/story/64898d41ee73a4070e62a6f1/oklahoma-city-bombing-victims https://www.iarc.who.int/news-events/ultra-processed-foods-are-associated-with-increased-risk-of-cancer-and-cardiometabolic-multimorbidity/
  10. https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2022/may/08/us-cropland-may-be-contaminated-forever-chemicals-study https://www.thenewlede.org/2024/02/dead-livestock-and-poisoned-water-texas-farmers-sue-over-pfas-contamination/ https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/may/07/food-pesticides-toxic-forever-chemicals-pfas https://thehill.com/changing-america/sustainability/environment/600070-about-half-of-us-water-too-polluted-for-swimming/amp/ https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/01/25/us-louisianas-cancer-alley https://www.foodandwaterwatch.org/2024/02/14/iowa-produces-more-factory-farm-waste-than-any-other-state-analysis-of-new-usda-data-finds/ https://truthout.org/articles/pollution-crisis-in-mexico-shows-limits-of-plastic-bag-bans-in-global-capitalism/
  11. I knew that was gonna happen.
  12. Jesus christ is this the longest page in Metal Heads history?
  13. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/24/mckinsey-criminal-investigation-opioids-crisis The inquiry is focused on whether McKinsey engaged in a criminal conspiracy when advising Purdue and other pharmaceutical manufacturers on marketing strategies to boost sales of prescription painkillers that led to widespread addiction and fatal overdoses, two of the people said. The justice department is also investigating whether McKinsey conspired to commit healthcare fraud when its consulting work for companies selling opioids allegedly resulted in fraudulent claims being made to government programs such as Medicare, they said. Prosecutors are also looking at whether McKinsey obstructed justice, an inquiry related to McKinsey’s disclosure that it had fired two partners who communicated about deleting documents related to their opioids work, the people said.
  14. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/business/live-news/columbia-usc-university-protests-04-25-24/index.html
  15. https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/24/world/new-evidence-challenges-pentagon-account-kabul-airport-attack-intl/index.html But video captured by a Marine’s GoPro camera that has not been seen publicly in full before shows there was far more gunfire than the Pentagon has ever admitted. A dozen US military personnel, who were on the scene and spoke to CNN anonymously for fear of reprisals, have described the gunfire in detail. One told CNN he heard the first large burst of shooting come from where US Marines were standing, near the blast site. “It wasn’t onesies and twosies,” the Marine said. “It was a mass volume of gunfire.” An Afghan doctor who spoke to CNN on the record for the first time said he personally pulled bullets from the wounded, and with his hospital staff counted dozens of Afghans who died from gunshot wounds. Combined, the new evidence challenges the credibility of the two US military investigations and raises serious questions for the Pentagon, which has continued to dismiss mounting evidence that civilians were shot dead.
  16. I thought Civil War was meh. The message is there but it’s a little cornier than i would have hoped for.
  17. don't have a link because i ain't paying the NY Times.
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