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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. rice and teryaki chicken......fuck im hungry. (see post #1207)
  2. true...but the ice cube lyric says that theyre bad for your health in your mouth. the person below me has an itch on their back right now.
  3. Dear periods, You have been cockblocking men for years now! I hate you!! cG
  4. oh wow....i wouldve got a refund. how does a personal trainer not know the difference between a squat and a deadlift??!?!
  5. women still use dildos? i thought they were all into lelos now.
  6. false...but have put my sausage into a condom plenty of times. the person below me got that joke.
  7. haha....kadira punched me in the testicals once.
  8. haha...he's not gonna let you catch up!
  9. (i was busy editing) false...i have faith. the person below me has stock in something.
  10. true...if youre talking about perez hilton. the person below me has stock in something. *edit.. true....were all fucked in one way or another. the person below me has stock in something.
  11. ew, trash those punk rocker chicks.
  12. CALIgula

    Head On!

    ouch...looks like he could use some.. head on!
  13. first off, congrats on the weight loss! a good way to build stamina is just to jog. start off jogging 0.50 miles every day for 7 days straight...then on monday of the new week bump it up to 0.60 miles every day...then next monday bump it up to 0.70 miles...etc etc etc....this is easier to do at a gym because you can keep track of it on the treadmill...this is how i was doing it for months until i got up to running about 2 and a half miles. back in the day, i used the same method but used to jog on the levy by the river...instead of adding 0.10 miles every week, i would look at objects in the distance and would be like "ok, next week jog to there" (there being an end of a fence, or a tree, of a fire hydrant...anything that was a little bit farther from the previous week) ^but remember, this is all cardio...and is great for stamina....but for overall health (including muscle and bone strength) you need to do some resistance training. no weights? no problem. stick with calisthenics...push ups, pull ups, squats without weights etc etc...doing burpees would be a good place to start (youtube the different types of burpees)..start off doing as many of these exercises as possible and just add to them every week...they will get easier to do. google the onehundredpushups website....that actually helped me triple the amount of pushups i was doing....also, look into the convict conditioning book casek posted in here a while back (hopefully the link still works) good luck, and let us know how its coming along!
  14. hard. /no homo just had rice and teryaki chicken and some orange flavored chocolate from the 99cent store.
  15. :lol: seems like only a couple of years ago! post counts: massgraff 1,009 methamphetamyne 990 RUNINE 564 CALIgula 546
  16. just had lunch..rice from rice cooker and teryaki chicken from freezer.
  17. CALIgula

    Head On!

    head on! apply directly to the forehead!!
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