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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. false..never seen it...but i just googled it...doesnt look like something id watch. the person below me can do 50 pushups in a row.
  2. ^lol...i accidentally didnt log out once too and ended up having like 200 pages charged to my student account...went to the tech offices though and had them clear the charges...so win-win situation for me and the person who came up with those printouts..an another note, i feel your pain...id rather read stuff on paper than on a screen...thats why i still buy actual books and havent spent the $250 on an e-reader/tablet from barnes & nobles yet.
  3. false...but i do have to pee though...but im holding off cause i dont know how much longer i will be able to use 12oz and dont want to leave my computer. the person below me can do a cartwheel
  4. true...i even enrolled myself into anger management classes at my old university...but it had no effect. the person below me just bought new clothes recently.
  5. speaking about books on race (kinda), has anyone read that book about henrietta lacks? was it a good read??...i remember learning about her in one of my microbiology and genetics classes a few years back.
  6. smash dawn with a bag over her head...and when i say bag, i mean a plastic bag...and when i say plastic bag, i mean to suffocate her ugly face...and when i say suffocate her ugly face, what i really mean is kill it with fire!
  7. true!...had a tshirt on today! the person below me is really pissed off at someone right now and will tell us who and why.
  8. dear decyfer, its not even on the list. so i guess i got booted out :( cG
  9. false...being the designated driver..as always. the person below me has something fun planned tonight
  10. dear mercer and scott, thanks for helping me get back onto 12oz...hopefully this time its for good :) cG p.s. by the way, did i get kicked out of TWR while i was gone?!
  11. ^read TGOW in high school...great book..i like steinbeck. man, did i miss this thread!
  12. dear decyfer, thanks again for your help too. i know you were asking people in TWR to help me out. cG
  13. dear 12oz staff member who helped me get back on 12oz, thanks for your help...i couldnt sign in for almost a month!...feels good to be back on 12oz again. thanks man, CALIgula dear christeezy, congrats on the baby on the way! cG
  14. went to the flea market in roseville, ca yesterday...LOTS of stuff from the 80s and 90s..and lots of old school nintendo games...i saw tysons punch out and rad racer just to name a few.
  15. :lol: did you make that? right click saved!
  16. dear Malin, Ashley > Seth sorry bro, but i think even though she's annoying, shes a sexy plumper. her brother is annoying though. cG
  17. dear edoggg, welcome back! cG
  18. fart cards, animal fries, UP trains, and milkshakes!! good to see bfish and suki back!! :D
  19. my girl had never seen the 2 cheesey 80's movies "they live" and "cobra"....so thats what we watched yesterday. they live cobra
  20. CALIgula

    Head On!

    directly to the forehead!!
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