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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. actually Clinton was our first black president. played the sax. smoked weed. got head from a white bitch in the oval office. smh = shaking my head (and just a side note yolo = you only live once ...that shit gets on my nerves even more)
  2. haha..thanks for the props cil.
  3. i hate it too....i was actually about to look for the blue smh smiley face, but then got lazy and thought "fuck it" *edit eh...too late but whatever.. :nope:
  4. 12-083753, Suspicious Subject, 2600 block of Fairfield St, 0107, As an officer was seated in his patrol car, Jesse James Thomas, 55, approached on foot and jumped on the hood. Thomas yelled his own name then ran off. He was described wearing a dark puffy jacket, a sombrero, and a boxing glove on his right hand. He was soon found in the area lying in the street and subsequently arrested for public intoxication. http://www.kcra.com/news/30788169/detail.html only in sacramento.. smh
  5. dear nbb, actually the girl im dating right now is about the same height as me..just a couple inches shorter. cG
  6. thanks for the too long; didnt read.
  7. thanks for the offer symbols! i really do appreciate it. its nice to know that oontzers still have each others backs :)
  8. true...always. the person below me hasn't gotten sick yet this year.
  9. not my pic, but just had this: from here:
  10. heres the link to the onehundred pushups: http://hundredpushups.com/ the links on the left also have situps, squats, dips, pullups etc.
  11. yeah...apparently these are the lamborghinis of vibrators/sex toys now. the swedish people make them, but get their motors from japan...also, there is a lifetime warranty on them or some shit. the cheapest one is like $100, but they can get really really expensive...the reason i know so much about them, is cause a few of us were thinking about starting up a company that would produce knock off lelo products (kind of like how they have knock off purses), but we figured the investment would be too great of a risk. so now im sharing the idea on the oontz for all you young entrepreneurs.
  12. yes. no. im scared of moving to your city though :( highest murder rate ,no?
  13. dear yoga girls, i agree with symbols...kegel up as much as possible!! cG
  14. yeah, i still am..its just that being published helps get into a good school.
  15. dear symbols, you're right!...i need to find a yoga girl at my gym! preferably one that can do the downward dog. cG
  16. i wish i could get a job at a lab and get something published with my name on it...are they hiring at your lab?
  17. dear symbols, yeah, like awkward...you have to hit it doggystyle, while the girl complains about her legs hurting and telling you to be more gentle, meanwhile you're standing up and trying not to slip and hit your head, so you tell her to face you and put one leg up, but then you have to lift her stomach up and out of the way to get to it....ugh, what a mess!...uncomfortable. cG
  18. polymerase chain reactions! hurry up and wait!
  19. dear christeezy, you must be excited though! i personally know of like 7 other females that are pregnant right now. cG dear symbols, thats way too uncomfortable...i'd rather hire a midget with a garden hose to hose out crotches down during the act. cG p.s. HI!! :)
  20. i hate juggalos and skinny jeans wearing motherfuckers for the same reason: that shit is fucking corny! juggalos are fucking white trash...and black trash and latin trash etc etc. i don't care if you guys want to be white trash and paint your faces and try to be on some cult/gang shit, but don't try to school us on how your music is opening your eyes to some new shit and should be opening our eyes...its not. "fucking magnets...how do they work?" seriously??!?!?!?....go open a textbook and fucking find out. also, you guys are fucking idiots for throwing shit that hit method man at the gathering of the juggalos...and then y'all brag and think its funny?...tila tequila, maybe, but not meth....method man has done more for hip hop than icp ever will....same with eminem.....but its not just that...y'all dont show respect for other established artists..like throwing shit on stage when brotha lynch hung was performing....and you wonder why people hate you. before i even knew what the fuck a juggafaggot was, one of my homies put me up on tech n9ne ..back in 2002, and i thought he was dope...this guys got flows..so 3 months later i learn he's doing a $20 show in sac, so i decide to go...i was surprised to see idiots dressed like retards with face paint...i wasnt even sure i was at the right show...you could even tell tech n9ne was embarrased by the crowd...when the show was over and i was walking out the front of the venue, i saw tech taking the side door to his tour bus and he told the driver to "get me the fuck outta here". you guys are just as bad as goth people.:mad::mad:
  21. this is my rifle this is my gun! this is for fighting and this is for fun!
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