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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. true.....13 (12 in certain shoes) the person below me read green eggs and ham as a kid.
  2. true....sometimes even fourth meal. the person below me always has good breath.
  3. letting my food digest while trying not to fall asleep.
  4. no way! look at that grill! horse teeth!
  5. holy shit! great minds thinking alike! (or just watch too much style wars)
  6. destroying a vanvas is never forgive action
  7. ^co-sign that last statement.
  8. @mass...fever of 105...got iv's put in...finally got the fever under check. new episode of hardcore pawn...is ashley still fat?
  9. dear dts, yeah, she was...when i walked up to her and said "you better throw this on" her eyes were bugg-eyed, and what i was saying didnt really register to her. i felt bad though, cause other than being on something, she looked like your normal everyday girl. cG
  10. nightmares bro...nightmares.
  11. t,t,t,t,t,SUPER SMASH! 2nd pic: t,s,s,s
  12. just waking up (at 3:20pm) after taking a family member to the ER and waiting there with them from 2am till 7am.
  13. false...its music to my ears! the person below me can break dance.
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