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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. im ok....calf is almost completely healed so im happy about that...hopefully i can start jogging again in a couple of weeks. how are things in t-dot?
  2. some people are into supps, some are not....some say its placebo some say its not...but if it works for you then who cares...lol....post some up or if you have any questions about any of the supps i posted feel free to ask.
  3. creatine, fiber, fish oil, taurine, multis, essential amino acids etc etc...
  4. samples of pre-workouts, creatine, branch chain amino acids, etc etc...
  5. some c4 prework out and animal pak multis...also my gostak bottle i use to carry my supps:
  6. random protein powder and protein bar samples...i used a bunch of these samples...i had more..for example i also had some isofusion (myofusion) orange cream samples that i used up:
  7. well, i was running low on supplements so i re-upped last week...so i thought i would post pics of what im taking and random samples that i have. feel free to post what youre taking (if youre taking anything at all) 5 lb. musclepharm cookies and cream from costco and 1.6 lb. dymatize iso pina colada:
  8. false...carbs are bad for you. the person below me went to the gym today.
  9. about to report my car mileage for a discount on car insurance. about to make an appointment to get my taxes done now that i have my w2. wishing i werent having to deal with 'grown up responsibilities' and wishing i were a teenager again.
  10. Re: random thoughts random thought: if i had a quarter for every post ive ever made on 12oz, i'd have $8,795.75
  11. CALIgula


    got the puma roma dropped off on the front door step about 45 minutes ago..
  12. CALIgula


    not jordans....not even nikes...so i doubt anyone will care, but i just got these two pairs from fedex a few hours ago: puma g vilas urban statement: puma classic suede eco: waiting for fedex to bring the third pair i ordered tomorrow sometime.
  13. false. the person below me remembers rappin duke.
  14. yeah, i want to see american hustle. i watched that blackfish documentary on netflix last night...pretty fucked up.
  15. dear cil, i know right!? cG
  16. dear symbols and I_R, i missed the december 21st deadline, so im paying the $95 fine :( but yeah, i need to sign up soon. cG
  17. true....all the time. the person below me likes pastrami on their burger.
  18. does she come with the wheel?!
  19. false....not a bad idea though. the person below me needs to buy some mouthwash.
  20. dear calf muscle, i tore you playing basketball, then had to work 10 out of 11 days in a row on my feet and could not rest you. the next day your friend ankle swelled up to the size of a softball...3 days later ankle and other friend, foot, became bruised a dark black and purple color....a week later your friend shin began hurting...a week and a half later you began hurting again...and now ..2 weeks later..the pain is behind the knee...is that your friend tendon??? i hope you heal on your own pretty fast since i dont have health insurance. -cG p.s. shout outs to webmd and wikihow for being me doctor the last 2 weeks.
  21. smash the big girl by the water that got quoted a bunch of times....look at them hips!
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