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Everything posted by gasfacevictm

  1. lol those faggots probably saw pix of professional cyclists with huge legs and figured that all they do for huge legs is ride bikes. honestly, what kind of nincompoop would look at these things and think that only riding a bike could produce something so disgusting?
  2. The feeling is almost scary like you're about to die from explosion. The shaking, the panting, the feeling of your brain swelling up in your skull lol. Feels good once you calm down tho.
  3. I mean, creatine does what it says it will do but not taking it is no biggie. I read though, that it improves brain bullshit too, so I guess its a good idea to just take the shit and reap the rewards however small they may seem.
  4. Somebody email that fucking cocksucker so the stories can continue. Why can't we (what's ur) tag people in here like on facebook? Fuckkin outdated message board bullshit fuck u.
  5. Creatine, along with maybe 5 other supplements that aren't steroids/prohormones is worth taking. 5 grams a day. Then never stop taking it.
  6. S'waste of $$$$ tho. They will all add mass to you given you are eating excess calories and doing either more reps or adding weight to the bar. Do whichever one you prefer/are more comfortable with. Incline will put more stress on upper part of pecs, which most people need. You can't define your body via reps or hitting muscles from different angles. You only get definition by losing bodyfat and retaining muscle. Which is done in the kitchen. Pick a program and do it.
  7. Two unblack dudes discussing who isn't black. Fuck outta here. Dude needs to stick to writing cuz live action MERO isn't funny.
  8. I'd rather watch this than faggots on rollerblades.
  9. Hey, I'm kinda happy for him cuz he said he wanted to get famous and he is almost there. But honestly he reminds me of every try-hard wannabe rapper I grew up around so I'm just like "blechhhhh plzzzzzzz stfu" cuz they are 24/7 competing with one another to be the loudest retard at the party.
  10. fukkkk i forgot about this golden thread.
  11. Yes it can. All of that will affect your recovery. I'm not saying it's impossible to recover from, but it will take a toll. You need to choose one master and serve him solely. If you want barbell strength, choose a basic program and follow it. Diet is part of the program and so is rest and recovery. This means don't add shit to it. Just let it work. If it's not working, you probably aren't eating enough or sleeping enough. If that is all dialed in, maybe you need to tweak things within the program a little bit. Basically what I am saying is that doing extra shit may set you back if you are not careful and ruin all of your goals. This shit is a marathon, not a sprint. Take baby steps and monitor your progress based on tried and true programming and a good amount of food. You are not Yoda. You are not thinking of anything new by adding bodyweight to this shit. Just pick a program and get strong and then keep getting stronger and the muscles will come. C'mon with these bullshit supps. All that matters is macros and total caloric intake.
  12. This is not true. Loading with outside weights is not necessary to build size and strength if you increase the difficulty of the leveraging, which by default increases the load via disadvantaging the muscles you are working with your bodyweight. Think push up on floor--->deficit pushup by using parallel bars---->ring pushups--->handstand pushups--->etc... Gymnastic progressions are insanely good for building size and strength but they are unfortunately very slow due to the difficulty of the moves needed to be performed. Most good gymnasts look juicy as fuck. A great program for progressing through gymnastic poses is out on torrent and called Foundation One by Coach Sommer. Overcoming Gravity is good as well, but Foundation One is completely mapped out for you and less confusing of a read as far as programming.
  13. The article was aimed at people that want to look good though, so...yeah. Also, steady state cardio as it pertains to the article has been proven time and time again to hinder fat loss and muscle building. Steady state as defined in this case is people that go to the gym and walk or run on the treadmill 5+ days per week without weight training. I'm sure we can all agree that these people never see any results aside from weight loss. Weight loss does not equal fat loss. Yes you can become a smaller version of yourself. Congrats...you are now skinnier, but you are still fat, because you lost an equal amount of muscle with the fat. LOL @ some soldier faggot thinking it was about real life application. Even implying that a person can sprint at top speed for more than 20 seconds is laughable, plz. Also...would rape or let rape me...
  14. Check ur powertrip privilege, Hua Goofong.
  15. No way, Symbols. I'm pretty sure PITZOFZOMBIES was spot on with his diagnosis of a complete stranger on an anonymous graffiti forum considering his formal education and training in clinical psychology and completely unbiased inspection of all the facts surrounding this stranger's life at the time of the event in question.
  16. Show them this article. TNation is generally full of bro science but now and then they have good articles. JOGGING DELUSION
  17. Best live show I've ever been to.
  18. I hate to defend dumb butt trainees at all, but the fitness industry is a very confusing place. I try to remember that before I get mad at people just starting out, because I've fallen prey to the bullshit myself. I've learned that you just have to let them learn on their own though, if someone really wants to learn stuff they will seek out the information on their own. Sadly, the majority of people have these delusions about how quickly they can transform their bodies due to magazines and supplement companies just blatantly lying to them. That coupled with ignorance leads to no results which leads to poor motivation which leads to quitting. It's sad really. Especially considering how simple it really is to progress at this shit. But when you try and show someone how simple it can be, they have a hard time believing it because of all the bullshit bombarding them out there.
  19. 6-8 weeks seems to be the amount of time that fitness magazines have convinced the general public it will take to become any form of impressive physical specimen. Brb, gonna go from 150 pounds of skinny fat to 220 and stage ready in 6 weeks doing this pump program from FLEX Magazine.
  20. Sweet Christ... Srs tho...I will never understand people that come into a gym as a rank beginner with no knowledge of what they are doing and just say to themselves: "I'm just gonna wing it. Maybe I'll even reinvent the wheel today by doing completely ridiculous and ineffective movements with these heavy ass iron bars." I hate to see people hurt themselves, but a lot of times they fucking deserve it.
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