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Everything posted by gasfacevictm

  1. How could you? That job could go to a minority or a woman or a woman that is a minority. You could level the playing field if you'd just check some shit.
  2. >be white cis male >wake up and check my privilege >go to make coffee >check my privilege >realize coffee beans are picked by slaves >throw away coffee, apologize to Colombian children >consider taking shower, but first check my privilege >running water, soap, shower curtain >LifeOnEasyMode.jpg >weep, apologize >get dressed for work, put on pants, avoiding hetero-normative necktie >check my privilege >pants were invented by Iranians in the 6th Century >cultural appropriation >apologize to Iranians >open car door, realize it reeks of privilege >consider taking bike instead >check privilege >bikes are ableism >apologize to handi-capable people >take public bus while checking my privilege >full of people of color >apologize for slavery and being racist >they say it’s okay >internalized racism >weep >get to work, boss asks why I’m late, crying and pants-less >apologize for contributing to the patriarchy >wat.jpg >apologize for wanting to rape her >wat.jpg >unable to control cis-male rape instinct >rape boss while checking my privilege >apologize >arrested, charged, get ten years in prison >check my privilege, ask to be castrated >judge denies request because I’m white >apologize >go to jail >cell mate is person of color >apologize >check my privilege and ask their pronouns >get raped by cell mate >check my privilege >I’ve been doing this to Africans for centuries >shame deep in my butthole >400 YEARS >apologize >mfw I’m still part of the patriarchy Privilege checking lol. Brb, gonna deny myself advantages that I might have because history was mean and life isn't fair. Fuck outta here.
  3. No sweat, bruh. I'm here to help. I have a set of cheap calipers. The accuracy isn't so much as important as your consistency with them. Same goes for your scale. If you are using the same scale/calipers, with all other variables remaining constant (time of day for weigh in, after pissing, etc...) and weight and bf % are dropping, then they are as accurate as you will need them to be. Try to get a digital scale tho lol. Eyeballing lines on analog scales is weak.
  4. Let's just agree that everything is rape and move on.
  5. Ever since I started averaging my weight each week I have been consistently dropping blubber slow and steady each week. Eric Helms and Alberto Nunez of 3dmj have a bunch of articles and videos explaining good ways of planning your diet macros and training volume. Check em out on the youtubes if you're interested.
  6. Behold, a white knight appears.
  7. Soooooper, bae. luv luv luv.
  8. Welcome to the world of women that take themselves too seriously and can't spot a joke when they see one. Neg yourself, faggot.
  9. Do you track your food? The best way to get a handle on what you are eating/expending is to weigh yourself after you piss each morning, write it down, track your calories daily trying to keep them as consistent as possible. At the end of the week you average your daily weight. Then do the same next week and compare the two. Add or subtract calories from there.
  10. Modern feminists are a joke and you should pay them no mind. Because the only people that take them seriously are other retarded feminists.
  11. That's why I called him a retarded retard. LOL...that's the extreme end of it. I think PUA bullshit can be useful for guys that lack confidence and social skills to work on building them. IFFFFFF they read the right shit and get the proper guidance. Reading The Game and buying a top hat to get noticed is a bad move lol. But basically all they teach anyone is how to not be scared of girls lmfao. His sis could get dis dik. I will console her 5 times daily until she is back to normal.
  12. I can give you all the cliffs right now: -spoiled -thought girls owed him sex -bad attitude made him remain a virgin -read too much PUA bullshit -internet made an already retarded retard even more retarded and skewed his view of reality -blamed everyone but himself for his bullshit -threw a major league tantrum with a gun and a bmw -died a virgin
  13. Nah, I'm saying it should have been a signal to him. Like either work on myself or go kill ppl...tuff choice. I mean, he still didn't get laid. Fucking loser's plans were awful.
  14. Or, this might sound crazy, but... If you are rich, not deformed and still unable to get girls to talk/sleep with you... Maybe, just maybe your personality is garbage and you need to work on that. I mean, girls don't owe anyone sex lol. You still have to try to convince them you are worth fucking. Or maybe I'm wrong and you need to go out and kill a few people, what do I know anyway?
  15. Why didn't he just fuck hookers? I have more respect for pedophiles than I do this guy.
  16. Are you eating at caloric surplus? If so, are you adding weight and getting enough volume? What rep range? You should all read this 3 part series: PLANNING STRENGTH TRAINING FYI, pullups are only gonna do so much for biceps and if your elbows are unlocked during a deadlifts you are eventually going to tear your biceps, so stop expecting biceps work from deads and straighten your arm out before you rip your arm apart.
  17. I have ended up hating pretty much all activities I participated in as a youth, because I look at the younger ppl doing it now and I'm like "holy shit, I acted like these little faggots" and then I go cry in a dark room.
  18. I hate it when wiggers and niggers can't use the word 'is' or the possessive form of words properly like some sort of neato ghetto affect to further their illiteracy that just popped up in the past decade. "Dis soda good." "Dat my sista book."
  19. If you can't eat 150 grams of protein in a day, you better be a midget or have cancer, cuz something is wrong with you lol. I just ate 194 grams in one meal. On caffeine...caffeine stops working at the same dosage after about 2 weeks. After that you either have to up the dose or take a break for about 1-2 weeks before it will start to be effective again. Something something brain receptors adapt blah blah barf.
  20. First, dial in your programming and diet. They are most important and no legal supplements will really help you with anything unless you are training and eating properly. Second, don't listen to Joe Rogan about anything concerning supplements. He is a retard when it comes to them and he is biased because he sells his own, so... Third, everything you want to know about supplements is written on THIS site. Use it to determine what will help you with your goals and do not trust bodybuilding websites, ESPECIALLY T-Nation and their shitty fucking overpriced Biotest supps. Reddit can be helpful for anecdotal evidence. Beyond that, buy steroids. Yeah, I'm not telling anyone not to do it. You're also not a 100 pound kid trying to bench 135 pounds lol. I see them daily trying to get extra ab workouts while doing bench with 20 pounds on the bar lol. If that's making you juicy, keep at it.
  21. you too, bae. but OP isnt u specifically. OP in general is always a phaggot. ur still a phaggot tho.
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