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Everything posted by gasfacevictm

  1. Disagree and frankly I'm offended by all of this. All of your muscles will eventually need heavier stress as well as extra calories to grow, so just get that idea out of here right now. Higher reps only build endurance and weight lifting for endurance is for phaggots. Niggaz should be in the 6-12 range for hypertrophy and 1-5 for strength. Anything above that is cardio. BUT FIRST-----------if you are having shoulder issues...fucking fix them. 9 times out of 10, shoulder issues are from sitting hunched over all day, not doing soft tissue work and then doing too much pressing. SOLUTION: Do twice as much pulling as you do pressing, do soft tissue work on your pecs and all other muscles that surround your shoulders and sit up straight. Get your mobility in order and correct any shortcomings in it AND THEN LEARN HOW TO BARBELL PRESS PROPERLY. Machines may be a short term fix tho or help while you are fixing your shoulders. STRENGTHEN UR SCAPULA, LADIES. Look up Eric Cressey's blog. He's a shoulder expert and strength coach. If you want his books, I can email them to you. Fair warning though, they are information dense and the exercises that correct all your pains are boring as fuck, but they are worth doing if you don't want to be a gimpy dickhole for life. P.S.- Try doing facepulls after every session....EVERY SESSION, NOT JUST SHOULDER DAYS. They don't need to be heavy, just work the range of motion. Do them however you can maintain form the best. I do them seated with the cable machine and the rope attachment. You can do higher reps on these to work through the range of motion. Try to do them so you feel it working in your rear delts and try not to push your neck forward. See if that helps your shoulders.
  2. It was visible before I signed in to call you a double posting fuckface, but then it disappeared. Weird.
  3. Who is the innocent white woman being raped by that blue gum?
  4. Just a friendly reminder that if you're not lifting heavy shit daily or making your lungs feel like they are about to explode...
  5. It was just DOMS, man. It happens when you do different shit that your muscles aren't adapted to yet. Like if you go from strength work to endurance work, you activate different muscle fibers and they will leave you sore. In fact, I don't even think you overdid it. That might have happened with low volume work that you aren't used to as well. Add the fact that hiking and running is higher impact on your joints and....welp. This shit happens to me when I make small changes to my lifts too. Like if I change my deadlift stance from conventional to sumo, it will affect certain muscles differently and make me sore as shit and vise versa. For future reference, stretching does nothing to relieve this. More exercise and time is all that will help it.
  6. Stuff like that seems like fun. My friend has been doing those GOruck challenges and really enjoys them. Shit is good if you're into teamwork athletics and chugging beers on brutal courses.
  7. No. Not at all. The only shit that is accurate is a water displacement test or a dexa body scan. Even calipers have a range of error up to like 5%. Don't worry about your bodyfat. If you can't see your abs you are well over 10%.
  8. Are you counting your food intake? If not, you may be overestimating it. It's very easy to under/overestimate your calories/macros. Slow and steady is the name of the game though. Small victories in each session. Even if it's only one more rep or the same amount of reps feel easier or you do them with better form/more confidence...that is progress and strength.
  9. Nigger, if you don't know how to squat properly, rework your dang form or you will stall out before you even arrive at any meaningful poundages and/or hurt yourself. Learn to squat to a box without rounding your lower back and keeping tight thru the whole movement. As for looking straight up in the air...well, that might be preference. I find that looking at the floor off towards the horizon works best for me and the sunsets make me rage because I hate the fucking sun, because i am the correct white race and it harms my precious milky skin. Google "So you think you can squat" on the U tewbz and watch the whole series. Ur knee pain is more than likely a result of your shitty form and compounded lifestyle issues like sitting down all day and not watching enough rape porn. 420 1 <3
  10. GOOD. Now never stop lifting. SKWAT.
  11. I'm just saying that getting into the habit of thinking about shakes and things similar to them as just plain old food is a good idea. There isn't really that much benefit to chugging a shake right after a workout. If anything it is a marginal benefit and if you are eating well every day and being consistent with your training, having a shake within 45 minutes of your workout isn't gonna make that much of a difference. Getting that shit in order before supplementing is paramount. As for test boosters...save your money. They are useless and ineffective. Tribulis does increase blood flow to the dick, but has nothing to do with being a test booster. If you wanna raise your test, go get a blood test, figure out if your test is low for your age, if it is, go to an endocrinologist and get that dude to start dosing you with actual test. Lifting heavy, eating red meat and saturated fat are all good for hormone production though...so that's a natural test booster. The only PROVEN effective supplements are: -whey (not even a supllement cuz it's food) -fish oil (not even a supllement cuz it's food) -creatine -beta alanine -maybe a couple others i'm forgetting, but whatever, the list is short as fuck.
  12. Muscle takes more calories to maintain. This is fact. However it does not only target fat for its caloric needs. That is just nonsense. Muscle Milk is food. Look at the macros and if it fits what you need, great. It is not magical muscle juice. If you want magical muscle juice...buy testosterone.
  13. O schnappz...you just got: ] Not Told [ ] Told [ ] Really Told [X] TOLDASAURUS REX [X] Cash4told.com [X] No country for told men [X] Knights of the told Republic [X] ToldSpice [x] The Elder Tolds IV: Oblivious [x] Command & Conquer: Toldberian Sun [x] GuiTold Hero: World Told [X] Told King of Boletaria [x] Countold Strike [x] Unreal Toldament
  14. Very concise arguments there. Anything you would like to add to them before I leave with my tail between my legs? Seriously, those were great rebuttals. I now see why you are zooming by everybody else in this activity. :bawling:
  15. Look up specialization routines. Sheiko for benching. High volume benching, etc... Starting Strength. Strong Lifts. Read the whole book/website.
  16. OMGAWD...I'm so busted. LOLphaggot...enjoy your zero progress goals in 2013.
  17. My rage is focused though. Mostly at you for coming into this thread for like 2 years now and seeking validation and enablers for your poor work ethic, laziness and unwillingness to do any research for yourself. "GUISE HOW KEN I GET RIPPED TO SHREDS WITHOUT MOVING FROM MY COUCH ON A DIET OF CHEETOHS AND BEER? PLZ HALP." - vanfullofretards
  18. PS...this kid has better squat form than all of you.
  19. Pardon me, but that was not directed at you or anyone that gets coached. I believe in the value of coaching and teamwork. But if you can't motivate yourself to do something, what fucking team wants you as part of it? Sounds like dead weight to me. Sorry if my attitude is poor, but this thread just goes in circles of retardation and ppl seeking 6 week programs that lead to olympian results.
  20. HE IS NOT PASSED HIS NEWB GAINS. Just because it is getting difficult does not mean his newb gains are over. He needs to eat more and recover properly and push his balls to the max each session until THERE IS NO PROGRESS WHATSOEVER IN ANY OF THE LIFTS FOR A SPECIFIED PERIOD OF TIME LAID OUT BY THE PROGRAM HE IS ON. As for you...why in gods name would you start to cut while still gaining strength? You're just gonna end up spinning your wheels. Gain strength until you stall. I posted a program progression chart a few oages back. Use it. LMFAO. If you can't self motivate or even follow a program...my gawd. Just join the army if you need somebody barking orders at you to run daily.
  21. I already gave you two names in one of my previous posts that you can google and be kept busy with for the next week. If I sound like an asshole to you, that's your problem. LOL @ master...this is basic shit. Go read something and quit waiting for some dude on a FUCKING GRAFFITI forum to hand you a remedial education in not being fat and lazy.
  22. If you average the weight, you don't have to worry about fluctuation as much. You can end up with fluctuations by doing it once per week as well if you don't follow a set routine or weigh yourself at the same time each week. 2 pounds is a good rate to start with if you are at or above say 15% body fat. I doubt most people here are below that, so it's a good rate to begin with. Again, this shit is all basic knowledge that you apes should have about dieting and training, so get reading. Or don't and see if I care.
  23. Calculate your needs yourself. Don't rely on that site for anything other than tracking what you have eaten and the amount of calories and macros it ends up adding for you daily. Weigh yourself daily after waking, pissing, shitting. Average the weight for the week. Compare it to the previous week. If it dropped 1-2 pounds, you are on the right track. Don't change your numbers until that stagnates. If losing too much, add like 20-30 grams of carbs to your intake per day.
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