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Everything posted by gasfacevictm

  1. Stoking the metabolic fire is nonsense. If you throw a tiny bit of fuel on a fire every few hours it will burn slowly, but if you throw a ton of fuel on at once it will explode. This analogy cannot apply to your fucking metabolism. It sounds good, but it does not apply. Meal timing DOES. NOT. MATTER. as far as body composition is concerned. It only matters if you are more comfortable eating more frequently. The only thing that matters is your total caloric/macro intake for a 24 hour period and consistency in that intake throughout the week/month/year. I advise you all to read the writings of Alan Aragon and Lyle McDonald before you start spouting off nonsense you have read in bodybuilding magazines or been told by some jerkoff jacked dude in your local gym that has been benching the same amount of weight for the past 8 years and never trains squats. Prison dudes have nothing but time on their hands to exercise in their cells. They are one of the few cases where a person can out train a shitty diet. But in all reality...how many dudes do you see that come out of prison jacked? Most of them are skinny fat and in poor health. They don't have weight rooms (armories) in prisons for the inmates to use. Inb4 nigger genetics and anecdotal nonsense arguments. If you like eating 15 times a day, do it, but it's not necessary.
  2. No problem. It's not exact, so you will need to do personal tweaking. Main thing is to be consistent all week. Don't be great all week and binge or chug a case of beer on Saturday as a reward.
  3. Then explain why people that do intermittent fasting have better blood panels than people that eat more frequently. There is no right or wrong way to do this shit. What matters is personal preference and what fits better into your daily schedule. But please, save me the hoopla about being able to influence endogenous hormone levels to any meaningful extent that would effect muscle gain via meal timing, cuz it doesn't happen. Plz go. Also not sure what this is supposed to mean. Do you deny that macronutrients exist?
  4. Guise, cmon...learn to Google. Here's one for bulking. If you wanna cut, google one for cutting. Jeezis. Basic rules though are: 1. Find calories 2. Determine protein needs...1-1.5g/pound of bodyweight 3. Determine fat needs... .25-.5g/pound of bodyweight 4. Determine carb needs... all leftover calories are carbs. Protein and carbs = 4 calories per gram. Fat = 9 calories per gram. If cutting and losing more than like 2 pounds per week, you are cutting too fast and will lose muscle, so add like 20 grams of carbs per day. Do this until you are only losing 2 or less pounds per week. (unless you are a huge fatass then you can lose more, but i don't think you guys are obese, right?) If bulking and not a complete newb and you are gaining more than a pound a month, you are gaining too fast and most gain will be fat. So slow the fuck down and lower calories a bit. And yes, use a website to track your shit. It doesn't matter which one, just use one. But make sure your numbers add up properly and that the site you use has a custom entry tool, because they don't all have every fucking food product in them and you will have to add some stuff. Fuck, most of my shit is custom entry.
  5. Plz stop with the br0-science. You could eat all of your daily calories in one sitting every single day and it would not make a bit of difference in your health or body composition as long as you eat the proper amount of calories in the correct macronutrient breakdown for your body. Calculate your calories and macros and count them every fucking day or you will always estimate improperly and either lose muscle/strength, get fat or stagnate. Inb4 "i hate counting calories tho."
  6. Do what the book says. I believe you are supposed to go until you stall twice then switch to 3x3 and keep going. After the same thing happens on that you should probably switch to Madcow or Texas Method. 531 is slow and more advanced. Unless you tweak it to make it for a lower intermediate after you are done beginner strength stuff you will progress slower than necessary. I mean, it will work, but it's not optimal at that point.
  7. It's only leading to problems/injuries in people that try and use them in too much too quickly. They all recommend that you gradually work them into your life so that you can get your ankles and foot muscles accustomed to them, so...idiots get hurt. Okay, caveman. Plz notify all oly/power lifters of how they have been doing it all wrong for decades by wearing supportive shoes. That shit isn't helping your grip. If anything it's making it weaker. Buy some chalk and some fucking purell if you're that worried about germs and grip, princess. EVERYBODY ELSE...BUY SOME FUCKING OLY SHOES WITH A DECENT HEEL AND SQUAT DEEP.
  8. ^^^Doing this the way you are doing it is seriously the only way I have ever seen people stick with it. By tracking progress and seeing the strides and gains you are making is encouraging and makes you want to do more and it gets exciting. Keep going.
  9. If you start tracking your food intake to make sure you are eating enough, your strength will def go up quickly since you are working in your newbie gains phase. Take advantage of it, because it will never happen as fast as it is happening right now. I'm not saying that you should try and become a fat slob, but figure out how much you need to eat and go from there.
  10. talking 'bout people I hear them whisper, you won't believe it They think we're lovers kept under cover I just ignore it, but they keep saying We laugh just a little too loud We stand just a little too close We stare just a little too long Maybe they're seeing something we don't, Darlin'. Let's give them something to talk about Let's give them something to talk about Let's give them something to talk about How about love?
  11. Each milestone feels badass, man. Most people can't do either of those things. Going slow is not a bad thing. You'll end up building a great strength base and your form will get tons of work so that when you get to weights that scare you, you'll know how to handle them. Unless you had an earlier injury/feel pain from what you are doing...don't worry about your back. Just make sure you aren't rounding your lower back OR overarching it. Either one is bad. Neutral pelvis, nigga.
  12. Did all the minorities leave for another million man march that day?
  13. I'm not talking about standing vs sitting. I'm talking about the overhead press and the military press both being done while standing, because they are the same exact lift. People just call them by different names. The only barbell press that goes overhead that is different from an overhead press is the push press and that is because you use leg drive to get the weight above your head for lockout. Otherwise, it is a strict form press without back bend and no jerking movements...overhead press/military press...whatever you call it. Sitting down ifs4 phaggotz.
  14. What are you guys talking about, lol? They are the same fucking movement and it is a compound movement, so I dunno what you're getting at by saying it's all in the arms. lolwut? As for the mirrors, getting better without them is preferable anyhow because you will learn by feeling/doing and not watching yourself in the mirror. Read this article and have at it: OVERHEAD PRESS That website is dogshit, but some of the articles are informative.
  15. No sweat. It's refreshing to see someone actually do a program and follow the fucking directions it gives. Overhead pressing is hard. You gotta learn how to keep everything tight as you pick up the bar and throughout the entire movement. Clench your ass cheex and tense your abs.
  16. WISH FUCKING GRANTED...sorta. Nucky didn't kill him, but that's irrelevant.
  17. Google "KAI GREENE + GRAPEFRUIT" Dieting like that is unnecessary and destined to fail due to driving a person insane from monotony. ^^^^Smartest post I've seen in here in a while. Dead srs. Keep it up and gainz shall be yours.
  18. So...hearsay and zero concrete evidence = proof. Ok. Just let these phaggots use drugs and be done with it. They all do it anyway.
  19. Guarantee all the Prometheus haters liked it until they saw some movie phaggot Alien nerd rip it apart. Beta phaggytime ass dewdz.
  20. With the cheapest meal at his restaurant being around $300 I don't believe I ever will attempt to eat there. Fish and rice ain't that good. Ill Manors tried too hard and ended up being just like every other British hood film only slightly better, but at the same time slightly worse somehow. Nigger, you thought Freelancers was good? Plz explain to me how your mind allowed you to think this.
  21. Why hello, my favorite ginzo.
  22. Mero is gonna be on Eddie Huang's Fresh Off the Boat show on Vice's channel.
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