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12oz Original
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Everything posted by heavyLox

  1. heavyLox


    i dont get it but shit HYPE IT
  2. love those aboveBots. squad deep aboveBots can not be beat
  3. the pittsburg thread is on vacation in the south of france. please come back later.
  4. heavyLox

    It's true

    you know them, 's be mad
  5. Little angelfuck I see you going down on a fireplug Oh, little angelfuck Size for everyone Let those bastards believe Dry your eyes and well leave She isnt loving you anymore
  6. same thing and with that this is closed....
  7. heavyLox


    i think youve missed my point... the Mpc had a clear goal in mind as did the keyboard. I am no luddite, on the contrary i love trichnology, but where it meets the visual arts im left wanting.
  8. heavyLox


    I will be happy when these people make a lasting work. something that is more then jsut 'cool'. Im sure the first people to discover oil paint made a mess before anything decent was created. but this thing in the 1st 10 seconds is jsut making tones tha modulate, why not buy a key board and stair at your itunes screen visualizer? yes im jaded i just spent two years i will never get back surrounded by new media jack asses who are "visual artists" but couldn't draw a fucking circle with a compass to guide them. all this crap is more about cool technology then it is about art and as soon as the technology gets 24 months old the work is outdated and crap. I draw portraits using my GPS Ipak: i Make work that highlights the divide of I can afford all this crap and you cant, now give me props for spending money!
  9. heavyLox


    Fuck this is encompasses an entire generation or "new Media" artists. i hope they all die. Fuck this kind of shit so annoying. "look at me i can program this and connect circuits, and make pixel matrixs and adding sensors. LOOK dude its got sensors!" Fucking Great!
  10. Re: is there anyone who actually thinks the star wars 'prequels' were even acceptable the new installments suck, i bet if they were to have stuck to the technology they uesed in the first ones the new ones would be up to snuff and i would have 6 awesome movies to watch while I draw and smokes the weedpot. th enew ones were marketing, a lil something for everyone, about as dark as lil abner livene (or what ever her name is) I saw the first one in the theater and was scared shitless when darthBlack platic man choked out White plastic dude, although now i watch that seen like "thats right whitey take that to the neck to fuck, enslave me now!' the new ones lack: not enough bobo fet action and not enough darth shopping Mall.
  11. sometimes an opinion gets over ruled by the facts on teh ground. In many ways you sound fairly young and dont really seem get how things work. With enough momentum the happenings to one or a small number of dudes can have a dramatic effect on a much larger grouped of people; of which you might be one. I don't know you or what you do or don't do; but I do know that if you ever had a case/ issue, and images and or fucktards on a website were threatening to put you in deeper then you would be with out you might appreciate someone looking out. so theres not pittsburg thread for a while, honestly how does that effect your quality of life? the rest of the world is not sweating what goes in the pittsburg on a day to day basis. The people who care Know and or can find out. I also know for a fact that some fo the threads you point to has not being treated the way this thread is, have been treated exactly the same. NOW IF YOU OR ANYONE ELSE HAS AN ISSUE YOU HAVE THREES THINGS YOU CAN DO; GET A TISSUE START YOUR OWN WEBSITE PM ME AND HAVE AN ITELEGENT EXCHANGE. WHEN PITTSBURG IS READY FOR A NEW THREAD IT WILL BE STARTED NOT BEFORE.... ****** just so you know i dont know ANYONE in your town. NO ONE. Im sure yall are all dope, im not checking for you; but i do believe in honor amongst thieves.
  12. there are tons of work-able, scum bags in Montreal go there. and you too can be a "gotta quarter to help feed my dog!" fuck out of here and take a shower. you winter in a fancy house with well off parents this summer city summer camp bullshit is retarded as you smell bad.
  13. heavyLox


    this will satisfy all your urges
  14. if your rockin the H train i think seizures are the least of your worries....
  15. where is rehab, if theres one in Amsterdam I'll go today! roomies? you buy the plan tickets ill sneak the weed into our dorm. Holla! instead of the 'hab, maybe trying to figure out why you keep slipping might be a better use of your time. jettison your friends, find a new crew to cold kick it wif'. May i suggest chess or math club?
  16. Re: THERE IS HOPE FOR YOU POT HEADS.. lets pop pills instead of smoking some tweed; sounds like a good idea, cause the government will make money that way... Good plan. Sign me up for the, 'ill stick with me weed-pot".
  17. 42nd is wack. no hookers, two dudes selling fake weed, and family's from the Midwest shook as hell in the safest place in all of the NYC.
  18. get in where you fit in Linda this is your contest.
  19. its funny at times but you are both wrong in your proclamation.
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