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Everything posted by imported_splint2

  1. amen... it's fucking crude, but the guy is a self-righteous douche, nad L is fucking hard. we might even see a DITC reunion if that happened.
  2. yeah, cold weather kills my knees and occasionally i get achilles pain, almost only when the weather's cold. i don't really know what to do about it besides keeping my knees warm.
  3. yeah, i knew that, that's why it gets a pass. if they couldn't match the sound to english speaking actors it would have grinded on me a little bit.
  4. this movie was ill... some of the sound-dubbing sucked, but it was pretty easy to overlook.
  5. Re: What's your favorite gun? yeah, i don't know if i'll ever be able to afford one. they are badass though
  6. Re: What's your favorite gun? sorry about the size, only good shot i could find of it.
  7. Re: motorbikes! here are some more pictures, i fucked up and only posted one:
  8. Re: motorbikes! as you guys may know i ride offroad, not streetbikes, but i found this on a motocross forum, and thought you guys may be interested. i don't know anything about it as far as specs go though, sorry. 2007 Husqvarna STR650 CRC
  9. makros is back. i am happy.
  10. i love Ghost, but Fshscale is nowhere near classic. it has a few good cuts and a lot of mediocre stuff. it isn't touching Ironman or Supreme Clientele. i just hope this new one isn't rushed too much, but i have a feeling it will be.
  11. try the album trader thread, it's been running strong as of late.
  12. yeah...Eddie was, but no Venom. to me, like Dickus alluded too, it looks like the main plotline of this will be whether or not spiderman can overcome the symbiote (which we know he will), and dealing with sandman & goblin's son. it will probably end will spiderman parting with the symbiote and it happening to find Brock, who bonds with it, and then bam..."cliffhanger" ending and waiting for Spiderman 4.
  13. i don't smoke, but for some reason everytime i get drunk i scream about newports. therefore, Newports.
  14. nice... that phone is classy, as is that destn
  15. yeah...the hubble is the shit. don't forget COBE and WMAP
  16. daaaaaaaaamn. nice. thanks for sharing
  17. one time i was riding my motorcycle and a bug managed to find its way into my eye (under the googles, no less). it wedged itself into my eyelid and was still moving a little bit. i pulled off and thought i got it out, but later that day i was hanging out with some friends and wiped my eyes and part of that bastard was hanging out of my eyelid. i pulled it out and the whole damn bug was in there still. it was quite gross.
  18. haha...yes. this got so much play when i was younger.
  19. imported_splint2


    shit...i think i like halo now.
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