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Everything posted by imported_splint2

  1. i gotta agree with dee...mark ryden is an awesome artist...
  2. NO! of course i am not attractive. do i give a shit? no. do girls care? they can decide whether or not they want to look at me. but i am, in no way, shape or form attractive. period.
  3. bunch of ish... bunch of ish, werent you that guy ragging on cope 2 for using the same style too? you should die and burn in the deep bowels of hell you idiot.
  4. bill hicks, no fucking contest.......r.i.p.
  5. yo SPLINTER- you're funny as hell, anyway i'm small, 5'7", 120 pounds, shoulder length hair, most shirts i wear are way older than me, smell? uh, kinda funny, i wouldnt go with stud here, ugly. and brown twinkie's gotta good point, mean girls suck
  6. i think i am gonna have to go with mopius on this one, no self-confidence here....oh well, at least paint cans dont leave you at the most unopprotune time...
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