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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Lol. I didn't realize my man TEASE got into politics. d7f718da885ca6293f55d7f26b958935.mp4
  2. Okay. So the boy wasn't there but his sisters were. I sit them down and I'm like "yo. Your brother told me yall aren't allowed to say things are gay or retarded anymore, what's up with that?" A: Yeah you get in a lot of trouble if you do that. Yuck: Yeah that's what H said. So what do you guys say instead? L: what do you mean? Yuck: What do I mean? What are you retarded? A: Lolz. We mainly just call things gay and retarded! Some kids even curse! Yuck: No shit! But not you guys right? Sorry guys, looks like prohibition loses again.
  3. Yo. If Cosby is out here in these streets, maybe there's a chance for Kels.
  4. Last time I bought a new Chevy, I swapped out the radio for this dope ass cd/mp3 player. It killed every warning chime in the truck. Keys still in the ignition, seat belt, lights still on. All dead. Then eventually you could start the truck and pull the keys out of the ignition leaving it running while you ran back into the house. Idle relay went bad. O2 sensors fucked up. Some bitch barfed all inside the joint while riding 60 down the road. It all kinda just blew back in the window. All within like 4 years. Outside of the bullet proof engine and transmission, that truck was a fuckin piece. Lol.
  5. Is that a god damn Arby's furby?
  6. I got a dope Tshirt idea that I think would sell real good at these protests.
  7. https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/29/us/r-kelly-sentencing-racketeering-sex-trafficking/index.html
  8. Haha. Some one doxxed the supreme court justices and their credit cards got used to fund planned Parenthood before they were shut down.
  9. There ain't a thing under the sun Walmart won't put a mark up on and send your way
  10. I'm convinced it was his son.
  11. mr.yuck


    @Mercerlol that might not be the first time he smacked his head on that plant, but today's gonna be the god damn last.
  12. I'm doing that tomorrow when I go to replace their momma's alternator.
  13. I meant to say something days ago, but I really like that color combo. Classic.
  14. As usual I always feel a little more dumberer after partaking in this type of conversation. Conversationalist remorse.
  15. I ate at cracker barrel this morning. It was not good and the gift shop filled me with an overwhelming sense of sadness.
  16. I'm pretty sure I heard that thing shuffling around in my house last night.
  17. That thing is much bigger than I thought it would be.
  18. @fat ralphyNice. Are you going to recess an lvl up in the ceiling and hide it or you gonna do an exposed beam across the room?
  19. @KILZ FILLZI listened to a couple episodes of cumtown but I don't get the reference to the cumtown ending.
  20. Dope. Keep documenting. That's something I've never done before.
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