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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Yeah I'm finally eating some sour cream and onion Pringles. They are fire. That was my first thought this morning. I was just clownin so hard about never catching the shit.
  2. Jesus tits! I feel like a pile of twice baked crap. Slept most of the day yesterday, slept about most of the day today. Woke up dizzy as hell. Nausea, headache all damn day. No fever though. This shit is wack-ola.
  3. Nah it was frame off restoration. I'm not saying it wasn't worth it, I'm saying it wasn't worth it to me haha.
  4. There was one for sale at a shop down the street from me. I was super interested until my guy told me he wanted 70 for it 😂
  5. I was about to say the same thing about the Buick GN@ndv. I have a spare bedroom upstairs that I would find a way to get that thing in.
  6. Never be afraid to make too many potatoes!
  7. A shepherds pie burger? Will give it a try.
  8. I never finished it either. My ADD kicks into overdrive on streaming platforms. I'm pretty sure that show took a back seat to the great British bake off.
  9. @SeanDevine70 that webpage is beyond dope man.
  10. Just got back from brunch. I ate so much I feel ill. I'm soaking in the bath tub now tryna sweat it out.
  11. They stopped and talked to me for a while when they were canvassing my neighborhood.
  12. Update on voting: When I woke up I received a text message from this murderous lunatic reminding me to vote for him that day. In the message were a few pictures one of him with Newsome. Remember her? Says he has her endorsement. Great. Picture two is him posing with his "good friend" Dr. Alveda King and says he is happy to have her support. I get a good chuckle about the irony of it all and head off into the world. I wrap up with work for the day and head to my voting location. Upon pulling up on the scene, these jack offs are everywhere giving their last ditch effort to convert people. As I walk down the gauntlet to the front door of the church giving everyone the "hell no" drake picture pose like this: I see this lunatics wife with a stack full of papers and we make eye contact. She throws her hands on her hips and says "Hey! Now there's a familiar face." To be honest I was a little taken aback that she remembered me and I started to feel bad for what I was about to do next. I had been thinking about this text message I got from them that woke me up at 8:56 am all damn day. So I politely slow my roll and bring up the message to her. She gets this big dumb smile on her face, she has no idea what's about to happen. I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm voting for her husband. I tell her that I'm a little confused by the message itself. She looks eager to explain it to me, and that's great cuz that's the whole set up is to get her engaged. I tell her I'm confused by the fact that Alveda King is in support of your husband given her Uncle's legacy. She looked confused and I reminded her that Dr Kings legacy was non violence. I then told her I couldn't remember what her husband's plan was for keeping the kids safe. I wanted to hear her say the thing out loud. I wanted to make her say "extreme violence" outloud. Alas she just smiled really big and told me to have a good day and good luck. I could tell the game was over and I wasn't going to get the satisfaction. Not as dumb as I thought she might be. Anyway, he lost.
  13. It cost around $150 a sq ft to build new depending on your area and who you know. Those houses probably cost some where around $300k to build. Add the commissions to that then subtract that number from those sale prices. There's a whole nother house in there you are financing that goes to the builders. Around here I can build a 2000 SQ ft, over base, home for like 140k.
  14. @One Man BannedHere's hoping for cool old guy and not trying to be cool old guy. Lol. Hoping to age into this And not this
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