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Everything posted by grim540

  1. damit i missed it tonight!!!though it is coming back on in a few minutes on my ABC west coast channel....god I love free dish TV
  2. Former Virginia governer Mark Warner (NOT to be confused with John "Macaca" Warner) stated a few weeks ago that he has decided not to run in 2008, which has me really bummed out, as i think he would have been the best possible candidate, and had a really good chance of winning, except unless Mcain runs...oh well, there is Obama but his is all hype and to substance(experience), compared to Mark Warner's awesome record of turning the state around in one five year term. Congressman Rich Boucher (D) - (FIGHTIN FOR THE 9TH MOTHAFUKAS!!) after 24 years of service to the 9th district Boucher is once again a assured another term in office, preferring to fly under the radar and get things done as opposed to other representitaves that prefer to grandstand and make a name for themselves on cable news stations by either blindly supporting the president, or calling him an ass. If the dems take back the house in this election he is well positioned to be the head chairman of the Energy Sub Commitee, and given his unwavering support into the adoption for new alternative fuel sourrces it would be good to see somebody in a position calling the shots for the US energy agenda that is not in big oil's pockets... all in all things are looking pretty good in this area
  3. They just updated the website to the november addition found more. New genes demand expression -- third eye. - Greg Bear K.I.A. Baghdad, Aged 18 - Closed Casket - Richard K. Morgan WORLD'S END. Sic transit gloria Monday. - Gregory Benford Epitaph: He shouldn't have fed it. - Brian Herbert Batman Sues Batsignal: Demands Trademark Royalties. - Cory Doctorow Heaven falls. Details at eleven. - Robert Jordan Bush told the truth. Hell froze. - William Gibson whorl. Help! I'm caught in a time - Darren Aronofsky and Ari Handel Nevertheless, he tried a third time. - James P. Blaylock God to Earth: "Cry more, noobs!" - Marc Laidlaw Help! Trapped in a text adventure! - Marc Laidlaw Thought I was right. I wasn't. - Graeme Gibson Lost, then found. Too bad. - Graeme Gibson Three to Iraq. One came back. - Graeme Gibson Rapture postponed. Ark demanded! Which one? - David Brin Dinosaurs return. Want their oil back. - David Brin Bang postponed. Not Big enough. Reboot. - David Brin Temporal recursion. I'm dad and mom? - David Brin Democracy postponed. Whence franchise? Ask Diebold... - David Brin Cyborg seeks egg donor, object ___. - David Brin Deadline postponed. Five words enough...? - David Brin Metrosexuals notwithstanding, quiche still lacks something. - David Brin Brevity's virtue? Wired saves adspace. Subscribe! - David Brin Death postponed. Metastasized cells got organized. - David Brin Microsoft gave us Word. Fiat lux? - David Brin Mind of its own. Damn lawnmower. - David Brin Singularity postponed. Datum missing. Query Godoogle? - David Brin Osama's time machine: President Gore concerned. - Charles Stross Sum of all fears: AND patented. - Charles Stross Mozilla devastates Redmond, Google's nuke implicated. - Charles Stross Will this do (lazy writer asked)? - Ken MacLeod Cryonics: Disney thawed. Mickey gnawed. Omigawd. - Eileen Gunn WIRED stimulates the planet: Utopia blossoms! - Paul Di Filippo The Axis in WWII: haiku! Gesundheit. - Howard Waldrop Salinger story: three koans in fountain. - Howard Waldrop In the beginning was the word. - Gregory Maguire Weeping, Bush misheard Cheney's deathbed advice. - Gregory Maguire Corpse parts missing. Doctor buys yacht. - Margaret Atwood Starlet sex scandal. Giant squid involved. - Margaret Atwood
  4. Re: 1,000,000 posts all i know is that my post count kick's your post count's ass!!!!:D
  5. I just got mine in the mail, some of the best stuff I ever read. I''ll be brief; Hemingway once wrote a story in just six words ("For sale: baby shoes, never worn.") and is said to have called it his best work. In November's issue of WIRED magazine dozens of sci-fi, horror, and fantasy writers from the realms of books, TV, movies, and games were asked to take a shot themselves. Many put their words to paper. Sure Arthur C. Clarke refused to trim his (God said 'Cancel Program GENESIS.' The universe ceased to exist.") but the rest are consice masterpieces. Failed SAT. Lost scholarship. Invented rocket. - William Shatner Lie detector eyeglasses perfected: Civilization Collapses. - Richard Powere I'm Dead. I've missed you. Kiss...? - Neil Gaimen Kirby had never eaten toes before. - Kevin Smith ( I was thinking... " Kirby had eaten better toes before." ....odd - grim540) Computer, did we bring batteries? Computer? - Eileen Gunn Gown removed carelessly. Head Less so. - Joss Whedon Machine. Unexpectedly, I'd invented a Time - Alan Moore Wasted Day. Wasted Life. Dessert Please. - Steven Meretzky "Cellar?" "Gate to, uh... hell, actually." - Ronald D. Moore Longed for Him. Got him. Shit. - Margaret Atwood From torched skyscrapers. Men grew wings. - Gregory Maguire With bloody hands, I say good-bye. - Frank Miller Epitaph: Foolish humans, never escaped Eartth. - Vernor Vinge I'm your future child. Don't Cry. - Stephen Baxter We went solar; sun went nova. - Ken MacLeod The baby's blood type? Human, mostly. - Orson Scott Card TIME MACHINE REACHES FUTURE!!! ...nobody there... - Harry Harrison "I couldn't believe she'd shoot me." - Howard Chaykin Broken Heart, 45, WLTM disabled man. - Mark Millar
  6. i just got HBO, will the wire be worthing watching halfway through the season, at the moment i am way to lazy to download even more stuff
  7. Re: The trailer for 300 is up. Check it out. cosigned I just watched thatt teaser about 8 times in a row....and shit myself
  8. Re: The trailer for 300 is up. Check it out. it was true there were quite a few accounts of it the most well known being "The Persian Wars" by Herodotus. It wasn't actually 300 spartans, it was more like 300 Spartans and about 3000 greek soldiers. but in the end the greeks were sent home and the 300 fought the persians till they died one of them being King Leonidas(sp?).
  9. fuck Zepplin or the Beatles........ MOTORHEAD
  10. edit.....long story short....go see an Avett Brothers show or any other good club band.....be lucky they aren't a fuckng megagroup...or else you would only get to see them every five years or so....let the fucking knuckleheads listen to their mind numbing shit...fuck them at least we got taste..... *****sleepng for five hours and heading the fuck out to get down and see CLUTCH in the next week**** fuck the radio and all that is related to it.....ten years from now that shit will be a joke and the lesser known bands will be considered the fucking pioneers...of a new era
  11. the pictue above is from a free show about a month ago, only about five of us knew who the hell they were, but by the end of the show everybody was a fan.... the avett brothers sold out the bowry(sp) ballroom in NYC, some of us still have good taste, they are old timey sappy love song type of guys but they were raised on rock and fucking roll. My best friends father is considered the best mandolin player in history, he has had a Grammy winning bluegrass band for the last 40 years. IF any of you guys are sleeping on the avett brothers wake the fuck up and go see a show.... ok I got on a rant for some reason that I forgot.....but it's my B-day and I cannot sleep because of all the YAY(first time in five years) that went up my nose, but I have some dirty bar slut that I have to kick out my apt stat because they beer googles have worn out..... godammit I am sahring to much on a fucking online forum.... seeking you cut me alot of slack about 4 years ago, but not trying to steal your thunder or anything of the sort, but the Black Out posse has been prestent for a long fucking time over here, this is my offical request for acceptence.....I am not a regular or anything of the sort but give me some credit.... I have some storys to tell, but I need a box of 64 color crayons and some constrution paper now.... dammit this is some I will regret in aboout 8 hours...
  12. WANT TO KNOW MORE??? I think some of the best scenes in the movies are the news reels... I bought it the other day for five bucks..... fuck yeah
  13. Re: is gin and tonic the new punk rock? rum& coke, and tequila when i get that wild hair to going off the fucking deep end and then it is beer all in between gin is fucking nasty as shit for the record...
  14. The Avett broters will have blown the fuck up by this time next year.... and their live shows are fucking unreal...
  15. two recent rentals I highly reccomend both....
  16. that is when you grab them by the fucking ear and drag them to your ghetto blaster boombox, and make them listen to motorhead, and say: "grow and fucking pair you fucking girl!"
  17. at least you weren't DJ'ing and have a ton of ugly drunk whores telling you to play that one eminem song.... "oh you know that one that goes duh...duuuhhh...duhhh....." dumb bitches....
  18. I want I beard like that..... but I dont know why....
  19. i am downloading the beta to battlefield 2142 shit looks crazy
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