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Everything posted by dowmagik

  1. dowmagik

    RIP Some1

    this is fucked dude rode his bike like i can only dream of RIP
  2. dowmagik

    RIP Some1

    shut the fuck up soup. you for reals?
  3. theyve banned me a million times. i just disconnect, reconnect, then join the room. sprint wireless card ftw
  4. wasnt touching his cock actually but those were my balls twinky: r u still on there?
  5. twinky: i use a program called many cam for mac
  6. any oontzers left in there? theres hella black girls gettin naked n shit
  7. now im downloading nasty prons to play for em
  8. i keep posting the pic of the lynching and you mad
  9. niggas have no sense of humor! banned!!
  10. dowmagik

    Who beleives 2012

    extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. fuck 2012. aint shit going to happen except the same old bullshit.
  11. ive always got along well with my mom, she's your typical eccentric artist that is fun to be around. my old man was always a really quiet guy, but he got back into smoking pot and is now really social. he recently bought a mini excavator so now all day he drives it around their property and fucks up whatever crosses his path. he gets really excited about the excavator, its pretty funny shit. its kinda like this thing
  12. sounds really fucking gross. but if you make some ill try it
  13. you guys wanna see some weird shit? come to portland when they have "kumoricon". bunch of fucking weirdos running around dressed up as goddamn anime characters
  14. if youre gonna make booze, go all out and make a still
  15. 50, no, but it doubles as a pogs slammer
  16. I know dick about photography, so Imma ask, cause I'm curious... How do you get colors to look like this? I've seen lots of shots of outdoor shit, trees, forests n whatnot, and I'm always wondering how people get the colors to be so...i guess vibrant is the word? Is it a lens? Photoshop? Both?
  17. damn near everything does have a price. you're telling me if dude offered you a few grand, you still wouldn't sell the stickers?
  18. tiger bouncing the ball w/his wedge ftw
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