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Everything posted by dowmagik

  1. when people can't control their kids even if im at a kid friendly spot like Red Robin, there is NO reason for your kid to touch the back of my head while im chillin in my booth. it is fun telling people to get a hold on their goddamn crumb munchers, people get mmmmaaaaaaaaaddddddd. ---- when people dont look me in the eye when i meet them
  2. i just like em cause they're reliable as hell. we have an original imac (with the bubble base) and it still works as good as the day it was purchased. you cant say shit like that about pcs. I've owned a lot of different pcs, and they all eventually turned into shit* *windows could be the culprit tho... *nix based OS por vida holmes
  3. who cares if his style is "original"? that doesnt mean it doesnt suck. if i were to rub dog shit all over the outside of my t-shirt and walk around, i would have an original style, but there would still be shit on me.
  4. goddamnit dao, you took the words out of my mouth/fingers
  5. macbook pro macbook pro macbook pro
  6. i went to puerto rico for my honeymoon and had a blast. wasn't expensive at all, and the locals were cool as fuck. we also went at the end of aug/beginning of sept. remember its hurricane season, so dont be surprised if you get some REALLY rainy days.
  7. just be glad you didn't get stabbed in the femoral artery! is your dick still bleeding? ive had several genital piercings, and 2 of em required me to wear a latex glove on my cock for a week to catch all the blood that leaks out. i feel you.
  8. trill, post pics or else you dont have a mom
  9. dowmagik


  10. my biggest pet peeve is probably when people arent polite at restaurants or to any person in any service industry. each time i see some guy acting like a dick to some poor bastard that's working at a shitty job, i wanna punch his face off. people who drive less than 5 miles over the speed limit people who don't pick up their dog's shit at my apt complex
  11. get loose as a caboose, happy bday and tits or gtfo
  12. i saw a bumper sticker on a car in seattle that said "one less fixed gear"
  13. i cant get down with the "type x motorcycle isnt a real bike.." type of thought. my bike is a 250cc and is fun as fuck. people should just have fun...
  14. RIP i always wanted to try one of the burgers when i was a kid, just to see if they were actually gross...
  15. I'm probably off on the price, but I do remember it being insanely expensive.
  16. dowmagik

    Hey Oregon

    no body no crime
  17. German cars are rad, but expensive as fuck if something goes wrong. If I'm remembering correctly, iloveboxcars had to spend something like 8 grand to have his clutch fixed on his (i think) Audi. If you're ballin outta control, I guess it isn't a big deal, though...
  18. dowmagik

    Hey Oregon

    if you have any desire to kick it, hit me up. im less creepy in real life.
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