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Everything posted by Kults

  1. Finally OP delivers. I don't see whats so special about that tree. Maybe ask them? lol E: Wait.. that's not OP. Boo.
  2. Na they're these small vinyl figures. They have pretty much every IP under the sun. I don't get it but to each they're own and all that. https://www.funko.com/products/all/brands/pop
  3. I once had a giant Russian speaking motherfucker flic his cigarette in my face and charge at me. I nailed him with some mace I had in the car. Man that shit travels and it hit him dead on in the face. Took the fight right out of him and he sat there weeping like a defeated child. It works. Its kind of a bitch move but fuck it, it was that or get my ass savagely beat. 10/10 would spray again.
  4. A friend of mine is obsessed with Pops. He orders em off amazon with prime then claims he never got the package and they usually send him doubles. Or when his box is mangled he claims for a second one. Not sure how prime works, I don't really use Amazon but assuming he gets away with all that shit because of it.
  5. It wouldn’t be a Kanye album without delays lol
  6. 'Ms Kornak was able to reach a canister of bear spray, but accidentally sprayed it on herself before she was able to use it to ward off the animal.' LOL
  7. Two recent ones I saw. Stay away, they're both dreadful. Was looking forward to both, real shame.
  8. Felt very much the same way. Wasn't bad or anything just very paint by the numbers. And absolutely both HoHW and NCfOM are on another level completely. Guilty of watching both of those way too many times.
  9. Surprised no one has asked this yet This thread needs pics
  10. Maybe not. Then again they'd be on your side if anything ever escalated or those bums crossed some line. I get it, you just don't want to deal with them, we covered that much. It would just be so shit if you took matters into your hands first without at least trying that option. Then you'd get arrested and the obvious question would be; why didn't you just call us to deal with it? You pay them a ton of money yearly to handle exactly this kind of crap. Why subject yourself to interactions with those bums if you can just call someone who's job it is to do just that. Whether we like it or not we pay for their "protection" may as well get your money's worth no? Just my 0.02c
  11. Did you like it? I saw it last year and it didnt do much for me. Not really a WD fan and feel he doesn't translate well to the big screen.
  12. Man I haven’t seen that since the 90s, a revisit is due
  13. Kults

    The Hip Hop Thread

    I caught the lil pump one then crashed. I thought the album was supposed to be up by now, doesnt seem to be on spotify yet.
  14. I don’t really understand that mentality but whatever works for you. Hope it works out regardless.
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