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Everything posted by Kults

  1. This cunt wants to forcefully buy-back your guns. When pressed on the issue of how he’d handle the mutiny/ revolution caused by this he said the government controls the bombs... this is exactly WHY you need guns.
  2. They’re now adding cement to the milkshakes.. I swear one of them of them is gonna get shot. Only a matter of time.
  3. Kults


    ^ Its slightly better than "Ill explain later but here's a random link no one will click on" but just a wordier version of that.
  4. Love this one but it feels like half of the movie is missing. He edited it down from 5 hours to 3 and it shows.
  5. I got nothing else, I agree with what you guys just said.
  6. One of em said abortions for trans men should be funded by the gov.. and no one called him on that. Just...
  7. Ya I agree with most of that. My guess is if you took away most of those welfare programs you'd see the rate of illegal crossings plummet. Low skilled labor is being phased out with technology anyway, its not sustainable to import massive amounts of people with very little skills the way it once was. It also has to do with the voting power but you already covered that. Ya, I know it was an analogy. Just not a very good one imo.
  8. No one is dying coming up to Canada. The economy is garbage too so not sure why most would bother anyway. While I can understand why economic migration is appealing, I believe it should be done legally. No one has an inherent right to a better life in a country that isn’t theirs. Reminds me of that court scene in BLOW where Jung gives this big speech about crossing some imaginary line. The judge smirks, tells him that unfortunately for him that line very real and he was going away for a long time. The mountains of coke he was bringing in didn’t help lol but the point stands just the same.
  9. Kults


    Really enjoyed this he had some good insights
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