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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. .40 was a response to the shooting in SW Miami during the 80s when a bunch of cops and a few FBI guys got killed by some dudes that far outgunned them. The LEO shot them multiple times with duty weapons that were mostly 9mm and due to body armor and Adrenalin survived long enough to continue and kill a bunch of responders. The investigation in the aftermath of all that concluded that cops needed a better duty round, which ended up being the .40. Believe it was a compromise because the conclusion was that 10mm had the best ballistics / qualities for the situation.
  2. Yeah, you’re right. Been so long since I’ve been in a place like that, that I forgot they exist. And a good time to remind everyone that legal advice from an Internet forum isn’t legal advice... Just a starting point that may or may not be correct so you can dig into it further yourself. Forums are for entertainment.
  3. Arlo the cat is a professional barn cat. He graduated from Montana’s Feral Cat Program and kills just about anything that moves, up to prairie dog sized. George the dog was adopted about 5 months back. He was a stray roaming a local Indian reservation. Got hit by a car and left for dead. Someone dropped him at the vet, who managed to save him but he lost a arm all the way up to and including a shoulder. Somehow ended up at the humane society where we noticed him and brought him home. He’s about a year and half old and some sort of German Shepard/ mutt mix. Him and Arlo get along swell.
  4. Oh yeah, also read Seveneves. Won’t comment until you’re done.
  5. Thought the first one was awesome but never read the others since I couldn’t imagine how they’d keep the story line going. Also because my favorite part of PA fiction is problem solving and experiences of when the changes from normal life unfold. Admittedly I read a ton of zombie shit, but can recommend a ton of more realistic PA fiction if you’re into it.
  6. Actually, you hear the latest on this? Tarriffs imposed on Mexican imports of 5% the first month and an additional 5% every month after until it hits 25% if Mexico doesnt step up stem the flow... Should be interesting to watch. Not my monkeys, so not my circus, but will nuke up a bag of popcorn and watch the entertainment.
  7. Back on topic... Link: @12ozprophet Fresh Fridays with @giz_nyc - No doubt those who have been around for a minute recognize how the graffiti landscape has changed. It's great to see talented brothers and sisters get recognition and stack chips, but with the mainstream's full embrace of “street art” we can see just how diluted and corny it's become. There’s no longer a cost of entry or dues paid. Subversion and counterculture have been tamed to the point of ubiquity, used to sell craft kits to kids and shitty backpacks at the mall. Going all city was forfeited for hustling your way into a group show and the writer's bench now has corporate sponsorship, hosted each December by the City of Miami. Can’t knock the hustle for those getting paid, but we’d be lying if we didn’t admit that real writers now feel like an endangered species. - Indeed 12ozProphet played a role in that transition. We thought we could provide a platform to celebrate the heroes and villains of the culture, but ended up yet another facilitator in the demise of everything we loved. We hope to right those wrongs. We’ve made renewed investments in building back The Writers Forum, reclaiming our dedication to real graffiti… No more hype shit, just graffiti photos (in all their glory and sized beyond a measly 1008 pixels), discourse, and shit talk. No corporate middlemen, no suits making decisions on your behalf. This is for writers, by writers, with an emphasis on maintaining privacy, encouraging what’s real and providing it all in chronological order. - Yeah, maybe it is a long shot… Maybe the forum, like graffiti, is all but dead. But we still maintain the faith... Join us. - The brothers behind the struggle, since 1993. - www.12ozprophet.com - - - - - #12ozProphet #freshfridays #graffiti#vandalism #instagraff #streetart#urbanart #hypebeast #hypeAF#hypelife #hype #modernnotoriety#highsnobiety #streetwear
  8. Also, I know people that are so dumb that a loss of a few more brain cells might compromise their ability to form complete sentences. Ironically most are very stable financially. My theory is that they're actually more focused on the important stuff because they're too dumb to continuously get distracted by creative ideas and ambition.
  9. Think about the analogy... Kid moves out of the house... Parents cover rent and bills to help out. versus Kid moves out of the house... Has to sort things out on his own. ------ Between those two... Which would you suspect has the better ability to budget and plan financially. Which do you think is more motivated to cultivate opportunity and chase it? Which will be quicker to learn the skills that will most likely lead to financial success? Which do you think will drag out the process of depending on help?
  10. LOL, come on dude... Surely you're joking. 2 pennies out for every dollar collected goes to transportation, which covers infrastructure. As far as social services, perhaps we keep our money and learn to take care of ourselves rather than allow a middle man with the absolute worst track record for efficiency and tangible success continue to redistribute it on our behalf. As if its even sustainable and not truly the cash grab before the ship sinks that we all know it is. (whether one admits it or not) https://www.nationalpriorities.org/budget-basics/federal-budget-101/spending/
  11. https://www.litespeedtech.com/open-source/openlitespeed
  12. misteraven


    Don’t matter cause nobody can get them.
  13. Will keep everyone posted. Like I said, I have a huge storage unit in Miami I need to bring up when I have the $5k or so to pay for a truck and gas. Packed to the gills with all kinds of great stuff as far as as the Straight from the Bottom days.
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