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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Black one is cooler, should have bought that one. *kidding
  2. Will need to find time to dig up more photos and draft stories but yeah, lots more.
  3. Doubt half their population can afford a $20 mask.
  4. Just cut out carbs. No sugar, no pasta, no bread. If you can do that, then target 15g a day total and you’ll slim down.
  5. I’ve been on pretty strict keto since the start of the year. I’m down maybe 7.5lbs which sounds like a lot, but last time I was on keto, weight literally melted off me. Then again, I’m not exercising at all right now, so maybe it’s that. Either way, I could probably stand to lose another 7.5 - 10lbs at which point I’ll be about as lean as I should be. Need to get back on the peloton and perhaps start a little strength training as well. Just been busy as fuck from work and work related stress has me pretty drained. Also been working most weekends, but also making big progress as well. As mentioned, I should be in a pretty good place by Spring and will hopefully be able to commit then. Will keep you guys posted.
  6. Yeah, those gi are definitely among the cooler designs I've seen. Hopefully the quality is just as good as the looks.
  7. @glorydaysThanks man, keep posting links and I'll check them out. I'm 6'2'' and about 180 - 185 currently. Assuming I'm a A2XL, but not sure.
  8. You guys need to tone things down or I'm shutting the thread down. I know the entire world is at each others throats, but maybe the people here on 12oz can be better than that.
  9. This is amazing. I remember coding that up but vaguely remember what software that was part of.
  10. Going to bump this since it's something I'm in the midst of at the moment. Have a few friends out here that have been trying to talk me into joining a Judo / BJJ gym and then got hit up by the same gym to start printing their tees and assist with marketing and rebuilding their product strategy so suddenly find myself scrambling to get up to speed. Will likely start up myself in the sprint when I have the business a little more stabilized so I can afford to split and actually commit to the sport, but in the meantime I still need submerge myself to whatever extent for the client gig side of this. That said, hoping you guys into the sport and especially those into style and culture ( @glorydaysfor example), can share some links to sites / IG accounts for notable brands in that space or notable brands that are recognizing it. I'll keep you guys posted on how things go...
  11. Thats a literal description and not something the medical board hired some agency to come up with as part of a marketing / positioning strategy. Fact is most hospitals are teaching hospitals and even when it comes to sophisticated surgeries there's a strong possibility that an attending physician is using your situation to teach other doctors, med students / interns. That's not even something that is hidden from public view. In fact its the basis of a lot of popular TV series.
  12. I think the reality is that if you study history, humanity is due for a mass die off. These seems to happen on fairly regular cycles throughout history. Almost as if its natures way of balancing out surges in human population growth, by taking humanity down a couple notices. There's been a lot of scientific study and hypothesis on the subject. Humanity is much larger, while also being much more well traveled, while also being more exploratory and adventurous, meaning they're far more likely to be exposed to stuff for which they haven't built up natural anti bodies or immune defense to. Not necessarily saying this is the one that kills off 25 -33% of the human population, only that science has been predicting that we're essentially past due for such an event. Then again, it seems we're on borrowed time for a lot of other naturally occurring events that affect society / humanity negatively on a global scale. Maybe every generation goes through the fear of that coming to fruition, but it really is hard to now look at the world these days and feel like we're all begging for it.
  13. Until the people that drop dead get up and start eating those that haven’t, we’re good.
  14. Damn, 5... Definitely out of warranty, but wondering how many miles are left before the transmission falls out?
  15. Not me or my photo but a local hunter that caught this lion out my way. Pretty unreal that there's predators this big in North America and especially that there's stuff like this wandering around where I live. I was told a healthy adult male lion has a vertical leap of roughly 18 feet. Think about that for a moment and the fact that this thing can jump from the ground to the roof of a second story house. I'd imagine jumping off a roof to the ground is even easier, so yeah... Have to pay attention when you walk out the door or let the dogs out for a leak. Neighbor showed me a picture of a Gray wolf he caught and thing was even bigger than this lion. Its hard to have context to stuff like this and indeed, they look photoshopped since they're absurdly big. Much more so than you likely imagine. Though lions are only spotted infrequently, wolves here are everywhere. Some nights you can hear a huge pack of them messing around and hunting just outside in our tree line. Sometimes when we go out to feed the horses their last meal of the day, we see them bolting through the tree line. They were a protected species here for a while, but the population has exploded and they're now crossing over to being considered nuisance animals. Considering how big they are and how many are around, I'm pretty amazed we have so many deer still. Crazy stuff... Anyhow, thought I'd share a bit more of what life is like out here.
  16. Quoting myself to carry this over to the next page. Carry on...
  17. You do know he was talking about Dirty Habit and not you right? That's why "abrasive" was in quotes. He wasn't calling you out, but using the actual adjective. But this is a great example of how we're all talking the same language but perhaps not always understanding the meaning of what's being communicated.
  18. I've spoken to @Kultsabout this. I've gained a lot of insight on the subject from listening to particular episodes of the survival podcast, which does a pretty awesome job of simplifying these sorts of topics and providing brilliant insight. Here's two episodes that touch on this subject that I very highly encourage you guys to listen to: Episode-2445- 14 Myths and Misunderstood Topics https://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/episode-2445-14-myths-and-misunderstood-topics Summary: Time for a bit of a myth busting show today. There are so many things people are sure about, that just are not the way they are sure they are. Take the argument, “America is not a democracy”, we will shred that one today. How about “I am not an atheist, I am an agnostic”, the problem there is one of those words does not mean what most people think it means. Some may say why bother with a show like this? My view is one of the chief ways we are kept divided by the power elites is to make sure we have dichotomies, generally false ones. To do this they sow a bit of disinformation, present the extreme cases on both sides, change the meaning of a few words and sit back and let us act like the fools they expect us to be. Imagine you are tying to talk to a person, they speak say Ukrainian and you speak English. Well at least you know you don’t understand each other. But what if you speak Russian, a very similar language to Ukrainian. You are not a native speaker of Russian but you are pretty good, you can talk to Russians and have almost no problems being understood or understanding them. Now you meet a Ukrainian, he doesn’t tell you he is Ukrainian, you don’t tell him you are speaking Russian. In time you would likely figure it out, but until then might you have some major disagreements just because a word you know, doesn’t actually mean to him what it means to you? It is like that only worse with many of the things we will talk about today. And it might just be if we can mean the same thing, when we say the same words, we can have more productive discussions, especially when we disagree about something. Episode-2256- That Which You Can Change https://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/that-which-you-can-change Summary: Most people are familiar with “The Serenity Prayer”. This prayer was actually written by the American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr (1892–1971). The long version is seldom spoken of and it is much more what you would expect from a truly religious prayer. You can learn more about that if it interests you here. The version most know, the one on necklaces, coffee cups and used in many 12 step programs is very simple and yet very profound, even for those like myself or are non religious people, is simply states… "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference." Like I said this prayer is incredibly well known and even practiced by some atheists who simply remove any higher power from the concept and consider the substance of… "Accept what you can’t change, and change what you can." This is the concept that led to Steven Covey’s famous circle of influence vs. your circle of concern. I was thinking about all this recently and I realized in many instances these two pieces of wisdom often fail to work as a team, because people simply tend to focus on the first, and therefore expect the second to happen. Such as if you simply stop worrying about or focusing on that which you can’t change, you will only be left with what you can influence, so you will have an impact on those things. The thing is, that actually does work to a degree and that can be bad. Why? It can lead to not doing enough to better your lot in life. I think the flaw for most people that consider the wisdom and apply it to a degree of simply, accept what you can’t change, and change what you can, is they fail to do enough to even identify “that which can be changed”.
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