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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Think with AK's, especially the real issued ones and not the new custom Gucci guns is its a cheap ass gun. It was designed to be produced easily and on a massive scale. Stamped out, assembled and the tolerances are so loose that getting sand and mud won't jam them up like something like match grade fitting. They don't usually fuck up, but when they do, they're fucked.
  2. Try different ammo. Could be that there isn’t enough charge to cycle it, but I’m not an AK guy. Maybe @6Penniescan help?
  3. Think this is getting to be better than the memes thread.
  4. I’ve come to appreciate each of the four seasons for different reasons. Fall is probably my favorite, but also like winter, assuming you’re prepared for it. Takes a lot of prep work to ride it out smoothly.
  5. Yeah, cell service can be spotty. It works mostly, but drops a fair bit of calls. Obviously lots of areas around here have no signal at all. Seems they make a lot of signal boosters that can bump you two bars or so but kinda don’t care. I live in an area that happens to be populated with a lot of wealthy cattle rancher types so we’re lucky with Internet. A guy launched a small ISP company where he setup an antenna on top of a grain silo that happened to be close to the data trunk feeding the town. The antenna is multi directional so most the properties with line of site to the antenna in the area have receivers setup. We get between 20mbps - 30mbps, but it’s affected by heavy rain / snow / wind. Reality is that 5g is rolling out soon and believe service will start at 100mbps once it rolls out. Plus you have Elon installing that global network as we speak that’s supposed to bring ultra high speed to the entire planet. Either way, we’re likely not more than a few years from complete global coverage of ultra high speed internet. Not sure that’s a good thing, but is what it is.
  6. Kinda. Been thinking I need a country house out in Alaska, so not quite as remote as I’d like.
  7. Oh, fuck no. If they had those here, I’d be an EDC flame thrower owning mother fucker for sure. Stuff of nightmares.
  8. @MISTER YUCKgreat to see you back man. The community is obviously smaller than it was, but it’s as tight knit as ever and has been steadily growing. No doubt people will complain it’s too big again before we know it. Amazing to see how many OGs stumble back through and occasionally we see some stick around pretty regularly. Again, if nothing else, 12oz is already more satisfying than social media ever was. I’m sure it’ll only get better as we grow the community and evolve things forward. In any case, Shoot me a message if you want me to recover your old account.
  9. Search some of the 12oz specific threads but basically the dark ages happened. Years of neglect before I got off my ass and started rebuilding it all. Welcome back man. Private message me if you want me to recover your original account. They were all saved.
  10. misteraven


    I know it sucks to hear it could be worse, but you’re standing up on your own two feet and got air in your lungs. So long as you have that, you have all you need to pull it together and chase what you deem to be worthwhile.
  11. Rather have a Accuracy International AXMC 338 Lapua Magnum. In fact its on my wish list along with the conversion kit to .308 so I dont need to spend $7 a trigger pull to shoot the thing. http://www.accuracyinternational.us/ax-rifle-systems/
  12. Russia is absolutely influential. Putin isn't stupid, they have a massive land mass, they're a nuclear power and they're ambitious. They just aren't quite as overt as they used to be, despite being a proud and overt culture. Losing the first cold war will do that to you, so they're being smarter about how they're playing the current cold war. Honestly, you could likely argue that they're in a better position than the USA since they took their knocks and got back up on their feet. We haven't had our knocks yet, but appears to be coming and with the way its looking might come close to a TKO. They've learned to not be dependent on anyone else. Meanwhile the USA is beholden to any number of parties once you start digging into whats happening just beyond the spotlight. Just my layman's take on the situation.
  13. I believe this was time trolling... Basically a way to virtue signal while planting more seeds of decisiveness. Regardless of people's outlook on whether she's genuine or not, between all however many human beings on planet earth, it's ludicrous to presume she's the top choice for the best amongst us. Maybe I'm cranky, but seems like click bait to ensure Time stays in the number one spot of the public discourse for the next week or two.
  14. is it me or is she a tad old to still being taking shots like this?
  15. Wondering how we can better organize some of these discussions? Obviously gets overwhelming to read through countless pages, but likewise the discussion is all valid. Wondering if its once again, worth kicking off a group for so we can split topics under one umbrella? In any case, I came up on this project today - BCM Messenger - https://bcm.social/ Security, Privacy, Blockchain BCM is a highly secure communication platform. Each message is strictly encrypted, and no third party can decipher the content. Until I saw this, I was pretty hype on Telegram, which was previously the most secure messaging platform I was aware of. But looking at the credentials and testimonials for this one, seems to be on an entirely other level. Only thing missing compared to Telegram is a desktop client that mirrors discussions. Saw no mentioned of that as being a plan. Anyhow, if anyone wants to hit me up, here's my QR contact. Figured maybe that would help people try it out.
  16. first row, third column makes no sense... Audi from iRoboto 2004 - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0343818/
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