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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. There’s so much he said, she said flying around... Every time you open a door, you find 5 new doors behind it to form this bottom less rabbit hole of misdirection, lies, deceit and ulterior motives. The more shit like this I read, the more it seems that most of it is the result of globalization. Ironically, walking your country off and just focusing on you and your own, site as the antithesis to popular opinion. Ironically gets called out as Nationalism. Seems ludicrous to me that one of the common criticisms I hear of Libertarianism is its non interventionist policy, despite the endlessly consistent track record that no matter how good the intention seems in stepping up to intervene on the behalf of whoever... Behind that facade lies all kinds of ulterior motives that end up in decades of consequences. In fact, it’s becoming painfully obvious more and more that the decades of consequences play right into the hands of those ulterior motives, if not straight up being the game plan. Guess with how unsustainable all this is, eventually it’ll collapse and come full circle to nobody having the capacity to intervene in the affairs of others because they’ll be too busy fighting for their own survival. Sucks, but humans have proven that we just aren’t mature enough as a species, let alone global society to partake in this dream of a world wide utopia. In the USA we can’t even agree on the definition of gender, yet most the nation feels it’s their duty to chime in and meddle in the affairs of everyone else, whether it’s across state lines or the other side of the planet. Hard not to get depressed about it, since all these leaps in technological process and understanding of the universe has basically led us to a point where we’re more divided as a species than we’ve probably ever been, can’t agree on even the simplest of distinctions like what makes one male and another female or can apply reason, rhetoric and respect to daily conversation. Sad.
  2. Not untrue, but MSM is overwhelmingly liberal in the USA. Not even sure we have an overtly conservative major newspaper to push back on the NYT and Washington Post. Also, FOX is clearly conservative, but comparing that to MSNBC, CNN and even NBC and CBS most of the time... There's really no balance at all. I'd also argue that for most scheduled content shows, FOX is fairly centrist. They certainly have their wing nut conservative hosts as well, but then again... Rachel Maddow. Either way, its not at all balanced when judged per network, but also when judged as a whole.
  3. Also, I would think that in an EV, the powerband is programmed anyways. Even those without a flat powerband, probably have it programmed in sort fo like a more integrated flight control you see in some automatic transmission sports cars.
  4. Seems to confirm what I'd stated, though I didn't mention anything about how it added complexity. As far as I know, most EV's have a flat powerband. Just no reason to gear it since it doesn't affect the torque at any given speed or optimize / conserve the energy consumption.
  5. @Hua Guofanganother thing you can do that is more effective than watching news is simply watching the c-span streams. in case you aren't familiar, most congressional hearing are live streamed. You'd me amazed at the differences in take away between watching the debates straight from the horses mouth versus getting the summary and then being fed your takeaway as is so common with typical 'news'. Probably your best since you seem to have a lot of context for what they're debating on.
  6. Looks like a fresh burn of some sort. Probably a chemical burn.
  7. First thing a cop will do if he's shady and pulling you over is pull your cam out and take all of it with him. So yeah, having the ability to stream or backup remotely is an awesome feature to have. Though personally, the most practical application I see for dash cams is evidence for when you get in an accident. Normally both people are cited in traffic accidents unless its overwhelming clear what happened and that you aren't at fault. Even then, usually both get cited and they leave it for the courts to figure out. Can save your ass, if you can present quality video footage with corresponding metrics when pout in that situation.
  8. *As @Mercermentioned, hopefully we don't get sucked into a land assault. I'm thinking unlikely based upon how we kicked this off and the fact that Trump seems to have no issue skipping the foreplay and just having at it. Though a huge roll out like the first two middle east war is a hell of a showcase of American might, it also takes tremendous resolve and coordination that is deeply rooted in cooperation. He doesn't have that under this political climate and short of Iran popping off some shit in NYC and even then, probably never will. Way easier to have a couple twenty somethings fly in Reapers from half way around the world and coordinate a strategic air assault since assaulting Iran is about as challenging as shooting fish in a barrel once the gloves come off. Just sayin'... Merica! 🇺🇸
  9. As @Hua Guofangtouched on, their ability to partake in kinetic warfare, especially in the classical sense, is limited. They like to tout their military might, but as @Kultsmentioned, its largely just posturing (chest thumping). They're a significant presence within that theater (middle east), but lack the technology to do much more than overwhelm non-state based fighters versus going up against organized state military. I'd suspect that they do have a nuclear ability, even if it was handed to them, but would probably have a tough time even reaching Israel, if at all. Meanwhile Israel is probably sitting around twitching, eager to see how this plays out and if the USA will step up before finding an excuse to turn Iran into an irradiated glass parking lot. That's not to say that Iran has no play or isn't a threat, but as crazy as they seem to come off, they no doubt learned from Saddam's mistake and are unlikely to go up against the USA in a conventional war. My guess is they're both trying to save face, while also exploring the edges of the American resolve, with the hopes of using it to rally support for their own cause and action. They have support from Russia, China and even Europe, but not enough that they can likely drag any of those guys into this. But likewise, the USA won't have much support either, particularly since we're going into a full term of Trump bashing. All this being said, the two consequences I foresee is that we're already running a 1 trillion a year annual deficit and last thing the USA can afford is another war. At the same time, the war is hardly more than a number on a spread sheet that is not only unsustainable, but unlikely to ever be paid back. Also, since so much war is outsourced, a lot of the economy will prosper and the trickledown will probably have more impact than the resulting instability of global markets, that'll tank other segments. The wild card will be how Iran will likely be used as a pawn for some of America's enemies to wage unconventional war against the USA. No doubt Russia and North Korea have the technical ability to crash most of the American power grid, probably hack Wall Street and cripple significant swaths of American infrastructure from a keyboard. I could see this happening, if even for some hard proof of concept from those that think they can. Further, Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism, so I'm sure they'll find innovative new ways to flex on that. I'm sure they can pull the resources to bring that to American shores and I'd be surprised if it doesn't happen if this continues to ramp up. Again, they'll get support by proxy players that can't stand the USA either. I'd imagine that beyond cyber warfare, they could muster the ability to detonate a dirty bomb. Quite possible with enough help, they could fire off an EMP or maybe a few of them, all of which would devastate the American economy and lead to far more American death than a conventional land war. That's my own opinion on it. Not quite as clean as giving you a 1 - 10 answer.
  10. Fair enough, though I'll respond to the second paragraph by saying it probably didn't start that way. I think people's appetites became well satiated after a couple threads like this and likely turned sour when it repeatedly works against their own positions and perhaps bias. If nothing else, it can sometimes be overwhelming to follow along. It's a lot to digest and we don't have the benefit of your education and professional experience, which you've mentioned is directly related. That's not to say to not keep on with it. I think it'll be an amazing record to look back on all these conversations in the future and see what ends up panning out. It also goes far to elevate the IQ of a lot of these threads for those that are interested in something to actually think about, rather than just consume, which is so often the case. Personally I miss news when it was just presented as fact like in the Walter Cronkite era rather than the dumbed down, spoon fed, agenda driven, click bait bullshit editorial that is currently passed off as news these days. Note that most my comments / positions are specific and limited to the USA unless I call out otherwise. I lived in Germany for a year, but can't claim I know German culture. As much as I read up on other countries and cultures or might have friends in those places, I couldn't say I really understand the nuance their perspectives, social consciousness or cultural conversations as I lack the context that can only come from being well integrated into those cultures and often, native. That being said, as far as the USA... Being conservative is almost reaching a point of being socially unacceptable. In some places, it is for most intents and purposes. The red MAGA hat is regularly called out as being the modern dat Clan hood and its rare to not hear conservative / republican not uttered in the same sentence as racist. In places like NYC and LA, people are so worked up into a froth over what's happening with American politics, ironically with little understanding of any of it, significant current news, or the content and consequence of either, that arguments far outweigh any other form of communication. Main exception to it is when speaking into an echo chamber, which is essentially what those cities have become. Meanwhile, the vast majority of the social conversation here, from social media, to MSM, to Hollywood, prattles on endlessly or otherwise reinforces the narrative that conservatives are either straight up greedy racists hell bent on destroying the planet or misguided souls with their heads up their proverbial asses. It truly is bizarre and pretty incredible to see to what lengths the narrative goes to reinforce that idea. Somehow white men should all be guilty for their privilege, setup sanctuary cities for illegal immigrants, as well as the best amenities of a civil society including free healthcare, education and housing, that being financially successful is evidence that you took advantage of your fellow man, etc, etc. This is drummed on endlessly, day after day starting with about the mid point of Obama's first administration. Now it all but permeates most of America and what used to be seen as an outlying extreme left position, is actually a fairly centrist position. And I'm talking in terms of a social perspective here with left / right being defined as where the boundaries seem to lie today, rather than the ideologies that classically defined them.
  11. Indeed, its a continuous, even power band on a motor versus an engine which is geared. I suspect that motors aren't geared because they're optimized to provide immediate power as needed and are essentially off when not needed. Besides that, they also recover energy by harnessing forward momentum as the car decelerates to recharge batteries. I suspect that rather than needing gears to optimize the performance of the engine, which in turn can also optimize fuel consumption, the electric motor does this inherently by throttling the amount of energy given to the motor based on input (gas pedal). I know a combustion engine does the same by slowly opening valves and allowing more fuel into it for combustion, but likewise, it depends on gearing to optimize the process, as well as the resulting torque you receive in return.
  12. Its because of how you're aware and have more insight than average that I call out when I see you forfeiting it to take a jab. And no, I disagree with much of the rest of what you're saying. The way I'm understanding your comment, you seem to imply that things have deteriorated... "It's probably time to just accept what the website has become now." Hard to take this as anything else, but if its now how it was intended, please clarify as I'd argue that 12oz is exponentially more intelligent than at any time in its past. We've been known plenty for LOLz and graffiti, but insightful examination of contemporary events isn't anything that existed in any real way in days past. But I do see the dynamic of how these discussions go as indicative of the world at large. How quickly things degrade into insult or emotionally / ego driven responses, if not useless tit for tat come backs. I'm not solely calling you out on that, as it takes two and Kults is plenty responsible for his end. Likewise, whether people admit it or not, myself included, we're all subject to our own confirmation bias. I tend to maintain a position of fuck both sides in regards to politics, but I'd be a liar if I didn't acknowledge that I tend to skew right on a lot of these conversations. Whether its because I also tend to side with the under dog, which in the weirdest of ways the right has become these days, or the fact that most of the debates on here I partake on are generally in regards to economy or legislation, I'm as guilty as anyone else in allowing my own bias to back fill my position in discussing these subjects. The sad fact is really that it seems so impossible for us in this little corner of the internet that know each other as well as we do and are so like minded across so many other topics, can't seem to see past the bullshit and reach a point of mutual respect with these conversations. A true equilibrium of understanding, acknowledgement and respect, that it truly makes it hard to be anything but hopeless that the nation, let alone the world has any semblance of hope that it might be able to do so. I think at the end of the day we all do in fact have some sort of respect for each other, as we continue to frequent the board and I'd like to think that if together in real life we'd be more apt to buy each other a beer than throw blows, but it truly is a shame that as intelligent as we all are in our own ways, that push comes to shove, it just degrades into petty insults and trolling. Genuinely wish we were smarter than that and could find better and more effective ways to communicate, as well as genuinely understand and appreciate that sometimes it isn't about 'winning' a debate or convincing an another to your point of view. Lot of times, there is no real wrong or right or clear cut solution. Sometimes, the world is what it is and we'd be best served focusing on ourselves and immediate sphere of reality and influence rather than assuming we can fully understand the worlds problems and perhaps solve them if everyone else would simply accept the interpretation you've settled on. If its not obvious, I'll disclaim I'm not trying to pick on you and there's a lot of characters on here that contribute to the dichotomy that degrades a lot of these threads. Though I can't always wander down the various rabbit holes and digest all these long answers and scrutinize reference links, I do try and wrap my head around the ones that resonate with me personally. Regardless, I do respect that you are insightful and strive to be thorough in presenting your hypothesis and argument, even if I sometimes do not agree with your take away.
  13. begs the question of what her vagina can do.
  14. I've been fairly busy with work and not following the threads closely. Just happened on that comment while sipping my espresso and catching up.
  15. Not for nothing but this is trolling. You're obviously an intelligent guy and know that partisan politics are exactly that and we're in an era where we're seeing the division and decisiveness ramp up to unprecedented new levels. The skit you posted above can just as easily be applied to the left with very little modification. Both sides are blatantly hypocritical with their blind faith to their tribe. The difference though, at least here in the states, is that if you chose call out the right, you're just sort of jumping on the bandwagon. Even in rural areas like where I live, to display or communicate your support for Trump sort of positions you as the black sheep going against the masses. To do so in a major city gets you a verbal assault at the very least and possibly physically assaulted if you happen to do it around a crowd of worked up liberals, which is almost the normal atmosphere in places like NYC and LA. I'm calling you out on this, and no doubt @Kults often contributes to the mirror side of that dichotomy, not because I care about your position or feel the need to defend Trump or his camp, but because most of us here are smart enough to recognize the bullshit game that has half the world at each others throats. How about we take a step back, take a breath and genuinely explore topics and call out the wrongs and rights objectively, cause fact is they're both entirely full of shit and as everyone jumps into the fray of this polarized shit show, the ones behind it just become more bold, more audacious and keep steering their own interests with little respect for anyone, including the ideologies of their own party, let alone the people tearing each other apart on their behalf.
  16. Oh come on, not one person is gonna pass despite butter face, navel rings and obvious stupid tattoos. This one has post-keg party good times stamped to her forehead. With a decent ass and tits looking as good as they do, I can even see it being a go-to booty call for at least a couple months until someone better comes along, assuming half the fraternities on campus aren't tapping that. Not politically correct, but tell me I'm wrong.
  17. What is it not? It’s all agenda driven. To even say it’s click bait bullshit to drive as traffic, is naive and antiquated. It’s a bigger game and the theatrics from the MSM is what help herd the masses.
  18. Thinking we need to de escalate the tone a bit. I know it’s a contentious subject, but we all know how quickly things spiral during these types of conversations. Not to get all hippy, but plenty of ugly shit out in this world. Maybe we can be a little smarter, a little less decisive and a bunch nicer to the family on here.
  19. Might be worth its own thread. Not really very familiar with this story, though I've heard bits and pieces throughout the years. Crazy shit.
  20. Hello @-Rage-, Appreciate you posting and I echo what so many others have said in regards to how notable it is for you to come and share something so incredibly personal. Being honest, I can't imagine what you must be going through. Terrifying indeed... Honestly, its rocked me to hear this news as well. Facing your own mortality is certainly a heck of a thing to have to undergo and once the situation becomes real... Man, not even sure how to articulate my own feelings here watching off the side lines. Guess I can only say that you've left an indelible impression on the 12ozProphet community here and I genuinely wish you the very best. I hope you're able to find peace and grace as you continue your path and its my own belief that it doesn't end with death of our physical bodies. This is certainly a proverbial bucket of cold water over the head to remind myself and hopefully everyone to make the most out of the days we have, because they aren't guaranteed. Be good to yourselves and kind to each other. Obviously we all have our different perspectives and experiences. Obviously we don't always agree with each other. If anything, this thread is a reminder to live life well and celebrate each day and all the people in it. To ultimately set aside petty divisions and all the nonsense that leads to drama and division and instead appreciate and enjoy all those differences as something that makes life interesting. In any case, I applaud you for your contribution to the forum over so many years and appreciate the important lesson your post reminded me of. Unsure if it helps at the present moment, but know you've made a big impact. Best wishes...
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