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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Great, no we have to be rocket scientists to use the interweb without big brother and its minnions knowing every stupid thing we look at.
  2. Know someone that works with Apple and though I wasn't told specifics, they mentioned that security is going to be a huge topic in the near future. Essentially, they're just letting the current conversation run its course and letting the competition solidify their responses before dropping a game changer on everyone. We'll see but should be 12 - 18 months out.
  3. Off topic but anyone here well versed with commercial meat slicers? Been looking at Cabella's offerings, but reviews are all over the place.
  4. PSA from Misteraven... Alright everyone, time to dial it back a notch. End of the day, people need to focus on themselves. Get your own situation straight and then share what worked and what didn't. No need to convince other people of anything, just do you and reap the rewards of that. Show and prove and buck the modern day MO of trying to convert everyone to your tribe. Going to post this one again... People need to focus most their energy into that little blue area in the middle. And go listen to the podcast: https://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/that-which-you-can-change
  5. Being honest, what we print on really doesn't matter up to a degree. After that, its just a matter of extra parts and configuration. Press we have is the top computer driven auto press on the market (tightest tolerances) and I imagine some presses out there are probably focused on this especially. That said, I suppose us running it is a matter of how big the opportunity is. At the very least, its going to require specialty inks (assuming oil based) and some reconfiguration. Depending on what it is, we might need to make some modifications, so really comes down to whether its a just a couple needed or if you're a manufacturer or something and doing a steady volume on going. Regardless, private message me some detail if you'd like to discuss.
  6. Some identity / logo design, followed by some screen printed tees for the club... Also, built them a new website: https://wrpc.club
  7. Cool, thanks for the info. By the way, the Brave thing is optional. You can opt out and not see ads at all. Its interesting how it works cause the ads are not inline. On my setup at least, its a notification that pops up similar to how browser notifications work on the MacOS. Not too huge a deal IMO, so I havent bothered to disable.
  8. Yeah, not 80's or even 90s from what I remember. This was 90's though...
  9. Not to divert the topic, but any idea if its possible to pull data from cookies you didn't place? Assume not or Google and FB would be pillaging each others data, but curious.
  10. Sorry, not sure I understand. Can you post the link and maybe a screen grab or something?
  11. Damn, dude went all out huh... Got the whole family dressed up and his girls rocking the dots. Wonder if its real? Not that I really give a shit, but would assume the Indian population that sees this must roll their eyes at it. No idea why exactly, but reminds me of those old timey organ grinders with the monkey that wears clothes and tips his hat when you give him a quarter.
  12. For those with Kindles... Free book on the subject. Lot of other books on this subject as well as many related ones on Amazon. Wuhan Coronavirus: A Concise & Rational Guide to the 2020 Outbreak (COVID-19) https://www.amazon.com/Wuhan-Coronavirus-Rational-Outbreak-COVID-19-ebook/dp/B0847MVWBP/
  13. Was kidding (mostly). As I've stated in other threads / discussions, people don't think twice about buying other types of insurance that are vastly more expensive. Find it weird some people will balk at having some basics at home / car / pack that are a one time purchase and generally pretty cheap in the long run. Can't prepare for everything, but pretty no brainer to have the ability to purify / store water, general first aid supplies and practical shit like tarps, wire or even particulate masks. Since you're pretty informed on Asian stuff, perhaps you can remember or even speak on how the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster was downplayed by media until it could no longer be so. At least in terms of the USA media, I remember having specific conversations with friends about how situations like that aren't considered out of control, right up until they are. That the radius for evacuation was hugely downplayed initially, it's impact on the environment was downplayed, etc. I remember conversations from people saying that it was stupid to run out and stock Potassium Iodide because if it was ever needed, the government had plenty on hand and would make sure you got some. Then we saw how it it was the usual cluster fuck government response. These used to cost a few dollars back before that even and are still way more expensive ever since, but the $15 or so is money well spent in my mind, versus hoping to the government comes through. Even if they did, imagine the shit show the distribution of it would be during such a scenario. Again, not really standard kit and not that you can prepare for everything, but considering a huge swath of the USA is paying up above $700 a month for health insurance they might rarely, if ever use, seems retarded to me to now have a solid emergency kit at home and in your car and to set aside a little money to replace the stuff that might expire every could years. Sure as fuck beats trying to track down an N95 mask (or better) only to find that they're sold out everywhere (even out here) or suddenly selling at 10x+ the usual cost. Anyhow, its all paranoid right up until its not.
  14. Sure there's plenty, but when you consider that basically all of Central and Western Europe, the Middle East, most of the Far East, as well as huge swaths of South America all have deep rooted histories of slavery, or that there's still so many countries in the Caribbean and Middle East that still practice slavery or that massive countries like Brazil have such a fucked up socio economic situation that it's barely better than slavery in most meaningful ways, that it amazes me that people still love to point out what we had going on a century+ ago. Also, cops in the USA kill more white people than black each year... Not a proud fact, but bucks the MSM narrative so rarely gets mentioned.
  15. Name what countries wasn't built on slave labor of some sort. Not saying it's a good thing, but people love to pint fingers at the USA as if we're somehow unique in that regard.
  16. TV series... Kung Fu starring David Caradine - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kung_Fu_(TV_series)
  17. Waiting for @Mercerto come through with his definite smash while everybody else is slow dancing.
  18. I own a couple Osprey's but my EDC pack is a FastPack Litespeed from Triple Aught Design. Far and away the best small pack I own. https://tripleaughtdesign.com/shop/fast-pack-litespeed/ Pretty sure that @6Penniesruns one as well.
  19. I have three of them (Helinox), including two in Multicam that I had to pay a bit extra for.
  20. Have that one on an Amazon wish list. Was hoping to see a physical copy at some point to see how good it is. Most of these types of books fall flat in my opinion, but it does look interesting.
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