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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. country breakfast... farm egg over slow smoked brisket.
  2. Side tracked, but yes. Still planning on it.
  3. Yeah, I started a forum clean up / organization and then stopped after some discussion / consideration. Those seemed the least useful so I didn't revert them back on.
  4. So I'm going to stray slightly off topic and open up discussion in regards to the "reactions" on here. If you don't know what I'm talking about, skim this thread. Anyhow, its been a while and I thought it was worth revising them to make them more useful. There's a few that don't really get used and a few that I think might be missing (like a simple acknowledgment that the post was seen). I also think I'll change the algorithm for how points are tallied up (given and subtracted). Also looking into what plugins or extensions are offered to further gamily the process and see if this might be a little more fun. What's your thoughts? Any other bright ideas?
  5. I remember when it used to be like that here. Not long ago we'd look at South America as the banana republic. Now, South America is hardly holding their shit together and the USA is the banana republic. Assume you guys are just further down the curve, but good luck with all that. My guess is the USA will be the precedent that emboldens a lot of other nations to follow the example.
  6. I looked into this a bit and reason they deemed them essential is because they didn't want to deal with addition and detox in the middle of all this mess. Makes sense when you think about it like that, but yeah... People should be free to do what they want as long as they're clear they are also responsible for themselves. Shame its unlikely to ever get that way without a collapse or without moving out to a rural area like mine where Government is just so small that they have to find equilibrium with the governed or people just stop listening.
  7. The question is if the drapes match the rug... But you can kinda see from the flick that the floors are probably polished smooth, so not really applicable.
  8. At the end of the day, this is still the internet and people are people. Trolling will always exist and the chances and frequency will coincide with the size of the community. There's obviously ways to help keep it under control, but even that is a slippery slope. We've seen how on social media, their approach to regulating their community has turned into very obvious censorship and bias. That being said, this community is still private and I doubt we'd ever grow to a situation where your ability to navigate the web in general is somehow tied to your 12oz account, as Facebook and Google have managed. When it reaches that point, I have a hard time acknowledging it as a free service that you can take or leave (as I've debated a few times with @Mercer and others). At the end of the day, I'd like to think we can find a solid middle ground where people are free to explore topics and positions, however unpopular, and simply enjoy the process of logical and reasonable debate. Obviously I'd assume things will always be entertaining and we've all seen at various points how well you can occasionally network and connect in the real world. In hindsight, my regret is that we once had enough momentum to affect change in the real world with how many members of the community we've had, that was never harnessed. Its very much my hope that there will one day be a second chance at that. No idea how I had my head up my ass enough to not have realized this back in the heyday, but even at minimum, seeing how people are able to connect via various platforms to find jobs, apartments or rare items to sell, buy or trade, I think its possible to use this same network to inform, learn, teach and elevate our various positions. I look at the revolution unfolding right now with cryptocurrency or look at past surges with precious metals or real estate and realize that had we pooled our efforts and knowledge, many of us could have been millionaires right now. In any case, I do think as a community we have the power to elevate each other to one degree or another and the more people on here the wider our pool of knowledge, resources and connections, which only extend that potential. Anyhow, kind of straying but thats my thought on this.
  9. *apologies for the run ones and overall bad grammar.
  10. Unsure you can make blanket statements in comparing one country to another. There’s massive differences in population densities, cultural differences and general health of a population that all plays a part in all this. I know you seem determined in your opinion that the USA fucked up its response... Perhaps they did or perhaps its a more complex dynamic. Ultimately the lesson to be learned is that perhaps we’re better off taking responsibility for ourselves rather than depending on the government to do it. Considering the CDC / WHO / MSM totally fucked us on the mask thing for weeks, an issue that was obvious and discussed here on 12oz before they finally came around and did a 180 on the subject, and that maybe trying to limit social interactions would be wise, also obvious and discussed on here before they started locking down cities, the two main responses in place all these weeks later are things anyone with a little common sense could have realized and done. Easy to throw blame on anyone and everyone and with my stance on government, I’m happy to place heaps of it on them, but at a certain point, it’s much more productive to look at this as a lesson on how unprepared most people are, as well as what a bad idea it is to reallocate responsibility for your well being to other people. This should really be the conversation and not surprise that the government didn’t come through, let alone king of the clowns Trump. Wild that better than half the people out there criticized his every move since day one and are now stunned that he handled his response to a global pandemic poorly. Makes me wonder if people just rather sit around and complain than actually affect meaningful solutions.
  11. one hundred percent. kinda prefer when its obvious to be honest. the ones that know how to keep the poker face are the dangerous ones.
  12. Kinda thinking this is just natural selection and let it run its course. If you need to be told that its not a good idea to mainline bleach, maybe they should just go ahead and try it.Or maybe, I'm still just grumpy.
  13. Fuck man, reminds me I owe you an extra fat package.
  14. Slow start on the Reunion Part 2 tee. Not sure its going to happen if we cant get some real interest going.
  15. Until Death tee is long gone, but am slowly working up a part 2. I might have that Shoot 1st tee in the archive batch. DM me if you're looking for a crisp one for the closet.
  16. https://www.thespruce.com/how-to-use-laundry-bluing-2146367 https://www.amazon.com/Mrs-Stewarts-Bluing-1101-MPLS-8oz/dp/B001NEMV3Q
  17. I'm very much considering re running the forum tee in a new color way. I know a lot of you missed out and a lot of you that managed to buy, likely would appreciate a chance to get a new crisp one. To keep it fair to those that jumped on it originally, I don't think I'll do black or if I do, there will be some changes to the design to separate it from the original. I'm thinking the same tee on white would look super clean, but will open this up to discussion. Not saying I'm doing it for sure, but if enough of you guys show enough enthusiasm, it'll help sway my decision on it. Drop a comment, tag another 12oz head, post on instagram or hit up an old friend. Lets see if there's enough interest to make this happen. @Mercer @psm026 @Grassy Knowles @glorydays @Kults etc, etc...
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