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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Was gonna post this in here, but thought I wouldn't pollute this thread with predictions since we're trying to keep this informative and factural. Pass the prediction... Novel Corona aka COVID-19 - FAUX NEWS https://forum.12ozprophet.com/topic/88527-pass-the-prediction-novel-corona-aka-covid-19-faux-news/
  2. Okay, so going to put this out there... First time I've seen this NY Forklift situation mentioned by MSM. Watch the videos above and then look at the MSM version of the incident. Should we write this off of them simply telling another story, or instead doing some sort of damage control because rumors are going out about a heap of bodies in NY being moved by fork lift? Not for nothing, but these are entirely different versions of the same truth. One video is showing a lone forklift driver with a small heap of bodies being moved. Other video show an orderly moving of a single body that included solemn guards standing guard and respectfully assisting. NY Post is pretty sensationalist so wondering why they chose a far less sensational version of this? Anyone want to speculate one way or the other? https://nypost.com/2020/04/01/somebodys-got-to-do-it-forklift-driver-who-moves-coronavirus-victims/?utm_campaign=iosapp&utm_source=message_app
  3. Pretty sure thats a smash from most of you, whether you admit it or not. Only variable might be a dead fish personality and / or bad breath.
  4. Me and a couple of you guys in most the threads in here.
  5. This Pandemic Is Not Your Vacation You might not want to spend your quarantine in a city. But the rural places many Americans treat as playgrounds, and the workers who keep them running, will suffer for it. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/annehelenpetersen/coronavirus-covid-cities-second-homes-rural-small-towns
  6. Yeah, I was surprised the first time I felt one up here almost three years ago. Then someone reminded me we live along the Rocky Mountain ridge line, but that mountains in general are a natural formation that occurs between tectonic plates and fault lines. Mountains are actually those 'faults' pushing against each other causing wrinkles on the earth.
  7. I'll look back into this, but this is simply default functionality of the software and nothing I actually built. Best guess is there might be a couple configuration options, but probably not. There might also be things I can do to enhance or extend, but probably wont bother considering my position on social media, but especially because of the pile of priorities on my plate. Either way, thanks for the heads up.
  8. So we got hit with an unexpected earthquake today that rattled the shit out of my house. No damage, but about ready to place bets on zombies roaming the streets by summer.
  9. it is until it’s not. Likely they’re pulling numbers out their asses, but wouldn’t even think twice that it’s a Bullshit number to calm people down. Stimulus bill is 2 trillion dollars. Death count is max 1 million people. So $2 million dollars per death. Doubt they care enough to be paying that even if ultimately they steal from Peter to pay Paul. Thinking there’s a gigantic piece of this puzzle missing cause shit just doesn’t make sense.
  10. Can’t see it. Can you post screen grabs or something? *Fuck Facebook.
  11. You don't wear mopp type suits and disinfect coffins for drown victims. Maybe its not Covid-19, but its certainly some sort of biological situation.
  12. @WorldBenchI appreciate you taking the time and effort to dig those up. Guess its no longer speculation. And indeed, hard to wonder why these videos are relatively difficult to find? You'd think this would be catching social media and the news cycles on fire. In any case, I really hate to see this shit, but I rather be aware than put my head in the sand and pretend. I'm not interested in fear mongering and genuinely hope to see through my vision for the forum as a place where like minded people can gather, communicate, have some fun and perhaps learn / help each other. Hopefully that's what this continues as, but likewise, if the truth isn't being posted on the usual platforms, than we'll step as best we can so at least our community on here has access.
  13. @WorldBenchi have not seen anything like you’re describing. I’m sure social and Google can scrub the evidence to a degree, but likewise you can’t erase shit off the entire internet. I’ve heard estimates that the known internet is only about 15% at this point, with the rest being private networks and dark web. Has to still exist and if it exists, there has to be people trying to resurface that if only to fall out what we’re being told. I have no evidence either way and not that I really want to see that content, I would appreciate confirmation based on evidence rather than talk about it being out there. Not calling you out exactly, just saying I’m not willing to be convinced based on assumptions since that’s all I’ve been able to do or been given so far. @Kultsyour an 8chan / 4chan guy... You see anything?
  14. Nope, I have not. Then again, with all the turmoil out there, you even sure its related to this?
  15. So I'm starting to question my math on the Italy numbers. No so much questioning my math as I'm questioning the official data. Being entirely honest, I still cannot see how its possible to hide evidence of mounds of dead bodies in an age where most human on planet earth carry smart phones. I have yet to see that iconic shot being circulated on social or anywhere that always ends up framing every significant event. The position I put forth only makes sense if the inputs being used to calculate numbers are remotely credible and to be honest with all of you, I'm starting to question that. Maybe its just me going back into my normal stance of not trusting shit and its easy to see how well the tin foil hat does indeed fit during crazy days like we're seeing, but here's a couple things that are needling at me for all of you to speculate on... 1. At a certain point, shutting down the entire world cant just be a sensational reactionary type of event. Its one thing for people to panic respond, but its now been several weeks in the USA of being shutdown and going on several months for other parts of the world. If there's anything you can trust, its human greed and if anything, there should be pretty intense pressure to ramp everything back up again. News out of China is surprisingly quiet in this regard and though I limit a lot of my news consumption, fact is I have a lot of vendor relationships out in China that I've maintained for years and all are dark. The cost of this shutdown is incalculable. I really don't think the government is one to just obliterate the economy out of a need top play it safe. Again, its one thing to let a reaction get out of hand for a quick minute, but we're well past that unless there's something far bigger than a fraction of a percentage point death rate. 2. I know some people are a bit skeptical on whether you can trust MSM and government. Some people still have faith that they're looking out for you and subscribe to the system as it is supposed to work: That we vote in people that genuinely are there to do good and are there to look out for your best interests. Personally I do not at all believe this (search for posts I've made or ask questions if you need more insight). This recent shit about how we were all told that N95 basks were not needed... That they were useless... And in some cases actually did more harm than good... Well, I saw that as absolute bullshit from jump street. No this isn't a conspiracy and I'm sure most fo you guys saw / read the same thing. Maybe those articles are still posted so you can google them. Who knows, maybe the agenda runs even deeper and some of it was scrubbed, but I'm positive I've had that discussion with several people and sure there's references to that exact discussion here on the forum. Considering that since pretty much forever, any time you see a doctor or dentist, that every time you're in a hospital, that every single time you watch a TV show or a movie involving anything medical... First think you note is that they're wearing nitrile / latex gloves and an N95 mask. In fact, isn't that the very definition how how to identify medical staff? Scrubs, gloves, mask? So it seemed so obviously disingenuous (putting that nicely) to see MSM make statements about how a mask is not necessary. That at best it was wasteful and at worst it actually was potentially harmful (though how it was harmful made even less sense since even an ill fitting mask is better than no mask and putting a fucking mask on isn't exactly rocket science). Now suddenly we hear that we should all be wearing masks when out in public. What this tells me is that, they'll hard face blatantly lie, no matter how ridiculous it sounds even if that lie won't hold up for very long. Worse, that they'll put your life in potential danger while lying to your face, even if its a dead end that can't possibly hold up for very long. Again, I've said it over and over and over and over... According to MSM and your politicians, things are always a certain way, right up until they aren't. For those not understanding my meaning with this... Is that, we have seen and will likely continue to see these people beat their drums and vehemently defending a certain 'truth', right up to the point that there's a new 'truth' to vehemently broadcast and defend. ------------ So yeah, this whole thing has been a wild ride. I panicked early on, caught my breath, tried to apply logic to the situation only to see the logic I tried to apply start to crumble under the reality I'm seeing unfold in front of me. What has me really reassessing the situation is the mask thing and how outrageously obvious that was to lie to people about masks. It may seem stupid, but its real, tangible evidence that they either think we're all toddlers that can't handle real truth or that there are deeper agendas / motives at play that somehow justify putting your life at risk (not even sure I'm surprised by that). But another thing that has me rattled is that a good friend of mine up here that works with military contractors and LEO said he was given a heads up about two deaths that occurred in the last 24 hours and that there is zero news to be found about it. One being a doctor at the local hospital at that. Sure, we can chalk that up to slow news reporting or disorganization, but somehow that seems far too forgiving and I'm not a particularly trusting individual. So not sure what to say or think. I'm not back in panic mode myself to be honest. We're in a pretty great place to be honest. But my concern level is definitely getting ready to red line again. Wondering what the fuck is really going and what we're not being told, cause its getting harder and harder to think the entire world has been shutdown for weeks / months cause the powers that be are concerned that maybe a fraction of 1% of thew population that catch this thing could die.
  16. I just cancelled all our paid streaming services. Only so much shit you can watch. Also, the service quality has dropped of nationally from what I've heard, but definitely out here. But likewise, gotta cut back on non essentials and Hulu, HBO, Showtime got the ax.
  17. Why? What happens if they catch you coming up from NY?
  18. This other map popped up into my feed. Same information, presented with an entirely different tone. Again, unsure how either is communicating the specifics as neither provides a legend to allow for the interpretation of what we're seeing, but clearly coming at it with different tones. As an interesting comparison I googled zombie map and saw these in the results. Obviously red Is a significant color choice. According to https://www.colormatters.com/the-meanings-of-colors/red is symbolizes... Obviously its often used to call attention and is often used in medical contexts. I think where the first map skewed the context was their choice to go with the dark palette along with red. As previously noted by you guys, combined with teh choice to blanket entire regions in red as well, its hard to ignore it as not being sensationalist. Then again we're living in unreal times as well, so there is that. It's still my position, however, that choices like these in presenting "facts" or "news" undermines the objectivity that their position is supposed to encapsulate. In an era when less and less people have trust in MSM, its stuff like this that further erodes public trust in them.
  19. Generally its done to prevent lions from killing livestock, usually cattle. Happens quite a bit and since cattle can cost upwards of a few thousand dollars a head, ranchers will push back on lions that get too close. No idea if thats the case with this one, but its actually pretty common.
  20. For those that still don’t think you government lies to you. Putting your life on the line because they have an agenda. The MSM complicit in spreading the message. It always is, right up until it isn’t. CDC is now changing positions and recommending everyone wear masks. MSM now doing an about face on the topic. Might be a small topic in the grand scheme, but so blatantly obvious it’s crazy. Reminds me of the recent comment from @Hua Guofangabout how they can’t lie because it would be too obvious and people won’t stand for it. Why Telling People They Don’t Need Masks Backfired. To help manage the shortage, the authorities sent a message that made them untrustworthy. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/17/opinion/coronavirus-face-masks.html
  21. Of course it does. According to that graphic we're all neck deep in plague. That my freakin point. And yes, MSM is the actual vehicle when we refer to bandwagon. Wasn't ignoring your post, just didnt see it. Sort of ignoring it now though cause I dont have time at the moment to pick through a bunch of pages.
  22. Instagram ads getting wild... Militarize your work force now! COVID-19 sale happening now. Fuck me if we aren’t living in a bad post apocalyptic sci-fi. Like a real life Netflix movie.
  23. Whole thing is designed to communicate a specific tone and elicit a very specific reaction. A dark map with bold red zones... Looks straight out of a zombie video game as it was intended. Again, disingenuous. Rarely, if ever will people call this out and oddly, many will defend it if so. So we keep seeing more and more of it and it’s more blatant as it goes on. This is why news better resembles the National Enquirer than objective reporting.
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