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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. State of Montana has had its first death yesterday evening. Entire state is going into lockdown today I believe. No non-essential trips off your property.
  2. What does the red represent here? Deaths, infection, quarantine? Also, what density does the red area represent. Indeed, disingenuous. Precisely the click bait bullshit MSM loves. Seeing shit like this, in an era where society has forgotten how to be skeptical, how to think through problems with logic as a general position, makes shit like this much more a problem, than them just “reporting” news. Worse is it then gets cropped and posted, usually as a meme, further stripped of context and then will be reposted over and over again as the bases for whatever “fact” is being argued.
  3. You know better. Government will say anything they have to at any given moment, regardless of what was said before and hardly more regard with what they may have to say later. How many times have we seen a politician adamantly deny words that are literally on camera and easily available online. In fact, it’s that the genesis of the meme? its always one thing until it’s not. Then suddenly it’s something else. Seen this approach over and over again ad nauseum.
  4. Damn, been looking for earth worms. Link?
  5. Also, that he holds an elected office at taxpayer expense. If his constituents are upset abut his salary or conduct, can't they vote him out? Supposed to work like that anyways.
  6. This is the book... https://www.amazon.com/Franklin-Barbecue-Meat-Smoking-Manifesto-Aaron/dp/1607747200 Franklin Barbecue: A Meat-Smoking Manifesto [A Cookbook]
  7. A book I have on the subject says that very course salt and pepper are key to the bark. That is helps make the smoke sort of stick to the surface which is what helps with the bark. I've experimented with also adding in a fair bit of garlic, cajun seasoning and a bit of brown sugar. Some books claim the brown sugar turns acrid or burns but I havent found that to be the case in the smoking I've done so far. Also, surprised by how much more of it is needed to give it plenty of taste. Still sometimes feel like I'm over salting but has never tasted that way when done.
  8. What sort of rub did you make for it? Also, what type of wood did you smoke it with?
  9. Appreciate the enthusiasm. I'm friends with all those guys so maybe one day... Personally I rather organize a giant camping trip somewhere out near Glacier. Was meaning to mention... You're among the most prolific new members I've seen in quite a while. Glad you stuck it out and seem to be enjoying the forum. Please helps us spread awareness... The more new members we have, the more fun and informative all this becomes.
  10. And indeed... Two trillion dollars is about 10% of the existing national debt suddenly being added on in attempt to fix this one single situation. A huge investment to be sure. The same people screaming for it, will be the same ones parroting back the statistic that Trump added more to the national debt than any other president in history.
  11. This is actually an ongoing issue that is being exacerbated. I know people in real life that refuse promotions, raises or extra hours because it puts them in a new bracket that then cancels other social assistance. So since the raise or promotion is only incremental, it makes more financial sense to not work the extra hours or accept the promotion so they can keep getting the hand out. Fucked up, but its a real thing. This sounds like that on steroids.
  12. Am I being a dick for saying they have a point? What is the incentive to work when you get paid more for staying at home. Real problem here is what they did for corporations, though I dont know the specifics. Two wrongs don't make a right. What a shit show... But have come to not expect shit from any of them.
  13. Slippery slope when you try to supersede free will and protect people from themselves.
  14. Good on you man... Most people are not nearly as prepared. Best thing you can do it help others around you, starting with family and friends to teach them how to properly prepare.
  15. There's things we can do as humans and as a society to minimize these sorts of things. I sincerely hope that people really take this as a lesson and take efforts to improve their resiliency and preparedness. Its a bad situation how most people can barely take on any unexpected financial or physical hardship. Really bad that people are not prepared to lock down for a week or two in terms of groceries and supplies. Hopefully we all wash out hands a little more frequently as well.
  16. Something to keep in mind is that the people being refused testing are largely the people that are expecting the free tests. At least that's my understanding of this. Under socialized health care, the state decides who to treat according to their own discretion. Under a commercial system, a person willing to pay for a service can receive that service. This is why they've managed to test entire basketball teams. Obviously that group has the bank roll to pay for a service and expedite the process. No different than paying Fedex to next day a letter versus putting a stamp on it and letting the USPS handle it. Lot of people, generally during times that a good many are struggling, tend to look at socialized government programs as the solution. During times when a great many prosper, suddenly they see the merits of being able to navigate and buy services you want according to your own criteria rather than be handed whatever it is the government decides to distribute. That being said, the situation sucks but considering the system is completely overwhelmed it is not surprising that they're being forced to prioritize treatments and services. There's a shit ton of people infected. Most will not die. This is probably why they aren't treating your friend. Right now they're focusing on the ones that are in critical condition and letting the others go through it and run its course. Also mentioned previously, do the math on testing... America has 331,000,000 (331 million) people. If we somehow managed to test 100,000 people a day, a feat that to my knowledge no country has been able to do.... It would take just over 9 years to test everyone in America. Doing that is a tremendous waste of time, energy and money at a time when the country is critically short on all three. Best thing to do is what most countries have finally come around to... Let the sick people be sick. Try to keep distance between as many people as we can. Focus the efforts on those that have proven to be in extreme risk groups and treating those that are sick and have reached a critical stage. Not much else we can do unless you have enough money to pay your own way, which is also what some are doing.
  17. Donald Trump tests positive for Coronavirus - https://worldhealthwebsite.now.sh/donald-trump-virus
  18. This is going to be a freakin hell of a thread To look back on in the future. Crazy days...
  19. Yeah dude, slow the pace down. Only been like a week. just remember that its harder to come up when everyone else is on solid ground. Its times where the boat gets rocked and a few people fall off that the dudes that know how to brace get to move up a few seats closer to the front.
  20. Makes sense man. I didnt start as level headed and bought into some early panic myself. But at a certain point you do need to stop and assess when everyone is shouting fore and stampeding for the exits and there's hardly even any smoke. About the only thing I'm certain of is the power grab. That's a no brainer, easy bet to make. I don't have any evidence of it other than look at pretty much every other major crisis and what came out of it so yeah... Watch.
  21. Best we can do is follow other countries that are a few weeks / months ahead in the cycle. Last I checked, Italy's death toll was down by double digit percentages, despite their infection rate climbing. Infection rates will naturally climb as more people get tested. Doesn't mean more people are infected, only that we know an individual is officially infected. That said, I believe we first saw this virus appear 7 months ago. China was already in crisis mode during mid / late December. Italy followed suit about a month later. Though their are lots of details that prevent a truly accurate comparison (go back a few pages and read what I'd written about cultural differences in Italy), we can fairly presume that those countries are much further down the timeline of this virus and begin to examine what worked, what didn't, but especially the death toll resulting regardless of all actions taken. Personally I'd be skeptical of Chinas reporting, but Italy should be fairly accurate. So roughly two months into this, we have a pretty good data set that can allow us to extrapolate the general trend of this virus. Might not be entirely conclusive as things can change, but what we can see so far is that they appear to be on the downward slope of this as indicated by the slow down in death rate daily. Its still exponential, but in terms of percentage, the trend is slowing down. We can also average numbers based upon all this to predict what the final numbers might look like. As a whole, based on what we already see, yeah a lot of people will die in a fairly short period of time. But likewise, in comparison to what normally kills Italians each year, its also probably that this will not rank in the top 5 with the number one thing (heart disease) being far and away the biggest killer. They might wan tto evaluate a few things in that regard as well, but point is that this is not apocalypse. The numbers, when looked at in content, are actually fairly low if we're analyzing death count. Not my call, but it is my opinion that the economic consequence will be far more difficult to overcome than the medical aspect of this. Shame because it could have been managed must differently so that we minimize the toll from that consequence rather than playing into what appears to be hysteria about the medical side of it. This is just my opinion. I encourage you to look up the data and analyze it yourself so you can form your opinion. What you should not do however is stay glues to the media reporting and buy into the panic they're stirring up.
  22. Sold a couple and havent heard back from some people. Still some sold out stuff available, first come, first served.
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