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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Welcome back my dude. So lets dig a little deeper and bust out the flock of seagulls family pic you're sitting on.
  2. *Something tells me @Jokerhas some gold buried somewhere that'll have him win this thread. **Definitely @dekayfaif he gets his ass off Instagram for a minute to start posting again.
  3. Done... 70's-00's MEMORIES... 12oz Personal Edition Link: https://forum.12ozprophet.com/topic/88579-70s-00s-memories-12oz-personal-edition/
  4. Okay so we've all been reminiscing and LOLing in the 80's-90's MEMORIES thread... Definitely a blast from the past and good fun to look back on. A recent post by @SMdoubleXL(and her response) got me thinking that it would be way more fun to actually post personal photos, rather than skim shit off the interwebz. So in honor of the Oontz and the opportunity for laughs, I decided to start this thread and will even post the same photo for you all to make fun of. So the way this works, is you post a personal photo (bonus points if its the age before digital) and add a little background to it. Here's me in High School. I think it was about 10th grade, so that would put this at about 1989 or so. I'd already been going to punk shows for a few years wuith friends, was deep into Misfits and Sam Hain and started really getting serious about graffiti after being accepted into Free Agents, a graffiti crew presided then and now by @dekayfa that was super unique fort its time since it was all punk and skater kids ( @diggity) would join this crew many years later when Dekay had moved to Georgia and inspired a whole new wake of skater type kids to pickup graffiti and eventually join). Anyhow, these were some great times... Not quite a kid, but not quite an adult, listening to everything from punk, hardcore through to new wave and progressive music. Doing graffiti, going to parties, going to shows and just having fun at the expense of my High School education, which basically sucked right up until getting kicked out of High School about a year later. (Dekay also got kicked out). Believe by about this point I had my first car, which was a 1972 El Camino Classic that was painted white and orange with house paint when I got it for something like $275. I spent about $20 for several cans of grey primer, another $20 for some Bondo and a yard worth of generic black carpet and switched the bench seat out for some bucket seats I stole out of another car somewhere. The car was a complete shit bucket that maybe got about 8 miles to the gallon. I never bothered insuring it and matter of fact, never even bother to register it. Those were the days when you could just steal a plate off a wreck out behind a mechanics shop and just hope cops didn't end up at a stoplight behind you. Good days and long before smartphones and internets. Kinda wish progress unrolled a little slower.
  5. Now I'm curious... Pleased post the unedited photo. Who cares if it leads to three days of making fun. Not like most of us have anything else to do. In fact, I think you should kick off a thread where we post super OG photos of ourselves for the LOLz.
  6. Yeah, you can see the style and also he signed the top right. I’m sure he’ll jump in and give some details though.
  7. Not when you live in a place that snows for more than half the year.
  8. Again, fuck Trump but think Hillary would have done it better? What about crazy Joe? For that matter, who thinks Obama would have navigated this bag of dicks we were handed any better? Whole thing is a shit show and just want to remind you all that government is the problem, not the solution. Doesn’t matter which team has the home court advantage cause in the end we all lose and they just keep playing games.
  9. Why you covering your face from like 35 years ago?
  10. Damn... Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S003335061300396X?via%3Dihub
  11. What’s your take on this @STYLEISKING? Dude seems like a kook based on his delivery but I’ve verified a lot of the claims he’s made myself. Kinda off topic since there’s a COVID conspiracy thread but no worries. One of the biggest claims he made that I’d love to verify was mention that WHO was founded by the Rothschild / Rockefellers? That’s freakin scary if true. Also the guy mentioned (didn’t note the name) that heads up the WHO has a bunch of shady commercial ties and was involved in attempting to force vaccinations on indigenous peoples?
  12. Damn... Rest In Peace @DEE38
  13. Maybe, but they'd only really be endangering others that are out already endangering themselves since people like you are sitting at home distancing. Cold, but thats a problem that fixes itself if its a real problem at all.
  14. Assume there’s a lot of ways to do it, but believe the way ours works is it’s just recycling water from the hot water heater through a series of hose embedded under the floor. No doubt you lose some heat, since that’s how it works but it’s otherwise just sitting in the tank. Assume if the lines to and from are well insulated as well as the tank, this would be relatively efficient.
  15. Hard to really know what’s going on if you aren’t out there. Cool that we have a dude like @abrasivesaintthats actually at a hospital and can report, despite it likely being vastly different across hospitals and states. I gave up trying to sort this out. I’ve seen convincing videos from people that rolled up to and into NYC hospitals and showing them essentially deserted. I’ve seen videos showing people roll up to the same hospitals from a news report where they’re crying about being overwhelmed and then the next day is virtually empty. I’ve also seen a tweet from a NYT reporter claiming NYC is about to start burying people in the parks out there. Obviously extreme and I’d outright dismiss that from a regular person, but I’d like to think that a reporter from a prestigious paper wouldn’t be throwing out tweets like that lightly. I’ve also seen videos showing Ecuador literally stacking bodies in corners to get them out of the house and then setting them on fire cause nobody is picking them up. I’ve seen conspiracies from 5G towers still going up despite the shutdown to pretty convincing documents posted of some sort of massive pedophile sting involving just about every famous person you can think of. No idea guys, but I rarely leave the house anyways so social distancing comes natural. That said, it makes it easy and worthwhile to err on the side of safety. And @glorydaysquarantine and social distancing is the government infringing on rights. That’s beyond question if you simply think about it. They’re literally imposing fines for not staying home or for gathering in groups. Not sure how you can see it as anything but a violation of rights. The real question isn’t if they’re doing it, but if it’s justified. That’s a broader debate in my opinion. People have a right to be stupid. They also have a right to endanger their own lives. Your chances of dying of heart disease or cancer remains far more likely than this virus, yet people smoke and eat garbage. People staying home can flatten the curve if they’d like. But if other idiots rather party, I really have no issue with it if they’re all consenting adults. Not a lot different than unprotected sex to be honest.
  16. I have heated floors. Maybe depends how it’s done but mine heat up fast and don’t blow my bill at all. In fact, it barely effects it at all. We used it to take the edge off the cold in our bedroom by running at night with the bathroom door open. I’d dig into it a little more. Then again we have multiple zones so I can heat areas of the house like that.
  17. What was your original screen name? DM if you want to recover it.
  18. Gave my son two of these that somehow survived into my adulthood.
  19. About to ban @Mercerfrom this thread. Just rubbing shit in needlessly at this point.
  20. These numbers are wildly inaccurate. There’s no real way to know the infection rate so unless the death toll is based on the actual population these numbers are based off known infections, which is going to be a totally different number than the actual death tool against infection. Particularly skewed in the USA that has a massive population and very little testing per capita compared to anywhere else.
  21. making forum changes and moved it. something in there you need?
  22. This is fake news. Have to show her ass. You don't promote how practical a dumpster is by showcasing the castor wheels that help it roll.
  23. Is it me or does girl on the left actually look like an awesome time? In fact that whole scenario right here has epic written all over it. certainly a story for every sit around the campfire until the end of days.
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