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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. LOL, I can picture some chinese receptionist somewhere opening the letter and tossing it along with the latest victorias secret catalog and coupon circular.
  2. Maybe. It could possibly burn out and most of these things tend to mellow out in summer. Cure is 18 months out best case scenario, which would be warp speed for the trials and government approval necessary to bring a new drug to market. Also, I doubt this was some sort of conspiracy for the financial elite to cash in. Though they tend to always come out on top, a great many companies and deep pocket individuals are losing massive money right now.
  3. Go have a look at the treatment for SARS in comparison. Viruses are a construct of nature and most things in nature that succeed within natural selection do so by finding ways to propagate / reproduce. Occasionally you see some truly nasty shit like Ebola and SARS, but those sort of deadend themselves pretty quickly because they kill the host, which in turn kills the virus. This is why most of the time you see either massive transmission rate or massive death rate, but very rarely a combination of the two as they work counter to each other. But so far, the mortality rate on this is fairly low if you actually look at the numbers. I think testing is largely irrelevant as said before. Most people need to just stay home and avoid getting sick or work through the process of being sick so that we can free up the medical system to treat people that are critically effected by this. Knowing who's positive only matters if we're expecting that individual to interact with a lot of other humans. Since most of us are locked down, knowing whether we're infected or not makes little difference when there is no vaccine or cure or even a treatment beyond whats given to those suffering from life threatening pulmonary complication.
  4. Could well be, I'm definitely not qualified to speak to the biology of this thing. But adding the numbers up is grammar school math. Even if these are entirely different, death toll is still death tool. Even when compare it to anything else that takes lives from car accidents to obesity, so far we haven't seen this thing stack bodies anywhere near in the ballpark of what generally kills humans each year. And yeat again, I'll say this... Take it seriously, wash your hands, avoid people and do what you can to avoid getting other people sick, especially old people. But at the same time, dont just succumb to the panic and hysteria that seems to be gripping so many people. Use your brain, look at the data and draw a conclusion based upon actual evidence and not the sensationalist headlines being repeated every few minutes. Has anyone actually seen any significant news beyond the latest dumb shit Trump or whoever has said or the fact that they can't test and have run out of masks after the whole world panic bought the global supply? Probably a reason the news keeps repeating the same speculative reports over and over and over... There's very little new actual news to report. Just my opinion. Feel free to make up your own mind, but try and use your head when you do.
  5. You can still do a little homework and add some context where possible. Influenza: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Influenza I'd be interested if Covid will be the same line item for this years seasonal flu or not, but in comparison to past influenza's, whether this is scientifically categorized as such or not, we can still compare the death totals. Versus: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/coronavirus-death-toll/ Not saying this situation isn't bad, but lets analyze data before buying into the idea that this is indeed the apocalypse its being made out to be.
  6. Too late for that. But think it through... Yeah, everyone rather have a staycation than go to work. Many are actually still in panic mode. But we're entering the second week of most the nation being shut down. Many businesses are well past being able to work through this situation. Though a 10 days ago, they said we were 10 days behind Italy, I think we're likely a solid month away from seeing the numbers crest. Even if we cut that down to two weeks (though even a month is conservative considering how big and diverse our country is), that means in 2 weeks we see some far larger numbers, in turn we see the panic deepen, so you really think anyone will be ready to return to work and kick start the country then? So instead we're looking at at least another month of shutdown and an exponential increase in failed businesses that translate into an exponential increase in livelihoods collapsing. Yep, we can certain wait for the Fed to print more money and send out more checks as we all sit home and do increasingly stupid Corona Challenges on Instagram, but this is gooing to progress very much like procrastinating for that college final... Longer we wait, the greater the pain. There's no good answer here... People are going to die. We can try to minimize it as we see nations doing, but at a certain point you need to take emotion out of the discussion and crunch data to form the most pragmatic response to the situation as we can. Seems not everyone subscribed to the numbers I crunched on my Italy analysis a few pages back, but my last post regarding testing should be a little easier to wrap minds around... If we test 100k Americans a day, it will take over 9 years to test everyone in the country. Think about the logistics on that and then ask yourself why the media and politicians keep screaming about how we need to test everyone. Thats not to say that nobody should be tested, but is to say that its hugely disingenuous to see how your leaders and media are presenting problems and solutions. Open your eyes and use your brains, but following the panic'ed mob isn't going to help anyone. Just sayin'.
  7. Said it starting quite a ways back... Watch for the power grab. @Kultssent me this regarding Canada. Granted in Canada, you’re simply a “subject” of the “crown”, but profoundly fucked up none the less. More is coming. Watch for it.
  8. This very much parallels my position on gun control. It’s low hanging fruit for politicians. Rather than really dig down and attempt to fix the problem, the delegate the task to other people and mobilize measures that they can point to like they’re doing all they can. Doesn’t take rocket science to analyze the data and do the math to recognize it’s generally hardly scratching the surface at best, if not just straight up a giant dog and pony show.
  9. ^Would be better if they capitalized accordingly.
  10. Looking at the infection rate is a waste of time. America has 331 million people. If we tested 100,000 people a day it would literally take over 9 years to test everyone. A far better metric is the death toll as its fairly easy to both identify and count a dead body. That said, we're further behind and its a huge country with many population dense cities. There's little doubt that we'll be the largest curve, especially when its unlikely the data China provided is accurate. Not trying to downplay it, but those are facts. Its logistically impossible to mobilize testing at the scale necessary in the USA and unsure why it matters since the treatment remains the same when someone is in critical respiratory distress. That and just cause someone tests negative doesn't mean they remain that way. I can see testing hospital staff and first responders and similar, but testing people seems like a waste of time and energy that can instead go into efforts that have real effect. my two cents™
  11. Starting this as a new thread that I plan to delete... We're doing our spring / corona cleaning and I came up on an assortment of 12oz tees that are otherwise sold out. Various tees in various sizes and colors so if you missed out on a release and regret it, I might have it. There's at least one Forum Reunion tee in XL, a few of the 1984 tee, and a bunch of others. Anyhow, first come, first served so DM me to check on what's left and what size and I'll get back to you as quickly as I can. Thread will self destruct in a few.
  12. Just added this to one of the gun threads, but pretty amazing... Anti-gun and new gun buyers suddenly discovering that its not as easy to buy a gun as the narrative said it was.
  13. Makes sense, everyone broke and locked at home so rip through whatever weed you have trying to impress Instagram.
  14. Cheaper than dirt was getting blasted on IG cause they were charging $900 a case for Lake City 5.56. I'd go with https://bulkammo.com or https://www.sportsmansguide.com/
  15. Shotgun ammo is easier to get than most stuff. You'll need to just hit spots man. Waste of time and money to order online unless its an absolute last resort but if you bought what we discussed you're in okay shape. If you rip through that much ammo cause shits popping off, then you're fucked already. Take a drive and hit the big box sporting good stores and I'll bet you'll find ammo. Especially the match grade and high end stuff. Saw plenty of ammo at Walmart earlier today so has to be places your way as well. IF not, ask when the next shipment comes in and get there early.
  16. Fair enough. I was considering it as more of a flexible tool. Home defense as well as sport and hunting. It’s a great fun and has many applications. Might as well not leave it collecting dust waiting for the boogaloo.
  17. I’d suggested he also get rifled slugs in case he wanted to punch out to further distances. That’s why I think sights or an optic would be handy. Also as noted, the spread varies depending on choke and ammo so rather than just generalize shot placement, he has are liable method for target acquisition in fast moving situations.
  18. I’ve been discussing this topic as well. I’ve tried to be respectful in this regard, at least in these recent years. Forum is essentially ad free, but to be honest it’s painful to run it like this and definitely is stunting growth. I pay out of my pocket to run all this and put in a lot of time. I get quite a bit of help from @Dirty_habiTwith the server, but so far, there’s not enough purchasing on the web shop, especially being driven from the forum to even scrape the surface of the hard costs of the software, let alone servers or time that goes into keeping this alive. Not that being said, I am hoping that a podcast serves to raise our profile; both the brand and forum and maybe helps boost things. But likewise, I’m also hoping to develop a sustainable model in which this isn’t another version of me asking for volunteers and all of us running this contributing our time and me having to dig deeper into my pockets to bank roll it. Not saying it’ll be profitable from day one, but establishing a business model that makes sense is every bit as important to me as developing a concept and content I can wrap my head around and get excited about. It does seem to integrate very nicely into what we already have though. It’s very likely that the forum will be integrated in a big way as an avenue to discuss recent and upcoming episodes. It’s likely that this will be the catalyst to bring back a real membership system that in turn will allow additional access, participation and content. As we also have the screen printing company, my thought is that I can make it more appealing as it ramps up by designing an exclusive shirt that goes with membership so that a person gets a little more in return up front. As far as the membership benefit itself, I’m still thinking it through, but it’ll likely be a tiered membership system that allows varying degree of content and “membership” gift / product and perhaps something along the lines of being ad free or something. I’m unsure about those details, but there will be obvious monetization and you can count on it not being intrusive.
  19. Please drop links to your references. Jocko is one of the people I’d love to cover actually. The individual I’ve been assisting is actually a good friend of his, Andy Stumpf. His podcast is Cleared Hot and he was on Rogans episode this last Friday. Anyhow, really good dude that I’ve gotten really cool with. I’m sure he’d be willing to help out since he’s already been helping me out and sending over a fair bit of business. Cleared Hot Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/cleared-hot/id1247300054 Rogan Episode 1445 with Andy Stumpf - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-joe-rogan-experience/id360084272?i=1000469088229
  20. We have discussed filming while recording. Definitely something we can do once it has budget. Cant do it on all instances because it’s likely that many will have to be conducted remotely. Also, this isn’t a graffiti podcast. Though I’m sure we’d cover related topics and people for some episodes, I’d like this to be far broader than that. Not sure showing faces would matter, especially with the caliber of individuals I’m hoping we can get on the show.
  21. Forgot to mention, worth looking at getting an RMR for it, but between the optic and install, it’ll cost more than the gun. I’d definitely run one on a shotgun though. https://www.trijicon.com/products/details/rm06-c-700672
  22. Indeed, quality sights can run you have the cost of your gun so do a little homework. A shotgun is also not a precision weapon so you can cut corners if you can’t qualify the cost. At worst they sell kits to paint your sights. Point is to be able to quickly get a round on target with a fair level of accuracy even in shitty light. Forget what they’re called but they also have sleeves that go over the stick that hold 5 or 6 shells. They’re cheap, so get one of those too.
  23. Read up on the four basic rules of firearm safety. Until you can rattle them off by memory, don’t handle that gun. After you get past that intro step, I suggest you call around and find someone that knows how to work that gun to come over and do some dry run weapon manipulation with you. If you’re able, go out somewhere that’s safe to shoot. Put some rounds through it so you know what it feels like to fire it. Practice safely loading and unloading. Get a feel for those range and for the recoil. Not a time to burn through ammo, but a dozen or two shots is worth it. When you’re done, learn how to clean it. Sling is a personal choice and assume you’ll hear a different answer from everyone. That said, first off you need to verify your mounting points because likely you’ll need to install those as well. Most slings are quick release attachments but doubt a shotgun is setup to have them unless it’s a tactical shotgun. Next you’ll need to decide between single point or a more traditional two point sling. I’d go with two point if it were me. Personally I have a bunch of slings and different types, but an easy choice is a two point sling from Vickers / Blue Force. I’d get the padded one cause a loaded long gun starts to bite into your shoulder after a while. https://www.blueforcegear.com/slings/weapon-slings And yeah as noted in the comment above, there’s a crazy assortment of aftermarket stuff you can get. Anything your gun didn’t come with can likely be added on. I’d definitely add a light to it as a home defense gun. As mentioned before, a quality light and I’d also add a pressure switch to it since walking around with it just turned on makes you a target. I’d also get someone qualified to swap the sights to tritium and help zero it for you.
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