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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Wish @ndvlived closer cause I'd definitely get a bunch of dumb shit etched onto my guns.
  2. I’d love to partner with a company and do a special build. I kind of know some people that could facilitate something like that. Real issue is more that I doubt there’s enough interest to qualify it. Figure would at least need to run an edition if 100 to get a real collab going.
  3. Could have put this in a couple of threads, but this one won. 10/10. Highly recommend.
  4. Beavers are pretty big. This one was taken from someone that was poaching, which is where they get their bait along with road kill (usually deer). Bears, or at least the local grizzlies are known to be very targeted hunters. They get an idea of what they want and will then get tunnel vision for it. For example I heard about the same bears, which have a thing for chicken, passing up a hutch full of rabbits and instead just taking the chickens. They mostly eat what they kill unlike some other predators, but in this case, they left a lot behind. We suspect it was 2 or possibly 3 of them that did it. My wife doesn't interact with the chickens much so she's not really attached to them. She was bummed, but not in the way someone would be if they lost a pet. I was more bummed than her, but also these are livestock not pets. There's one chicken I was happy to see make it through (probably been 6 or 7 bear attacks in three years), but we also lost a couple that I really liked. We have a lot of that sort of thing out here there and after a while you just see it as nature being nature. Sucks, but mostly just the circle of life playing out in front of you. Also sucked that I had to spend an afternoon redoing the siding on the coop, two more afternoons redoing all the fence wiring and have yet to take apart the auto coop door and send it back to get fixed, meaning I have to manually go lock them up every night and open it up every morning, which sucks. Also, we're running lean on eggs. With COVID all the spring chickens got cancelled and the bears ate my roosters so we cant make more until I can find another rooster.
  5. You sure the tweets are both legit? Not disputing, just know that there's templates for these and that half the ones I see circulating are generally fake.
  6. Looking forward to seeing these in person. Strongly considering it as a 2021 buy myself, though I wish they'd just apply all this style and tech and bring back a new Ford Expedition. I can make this work, but not quite #Merica without it being twice as big with thge third row and enough cargo space to fit a Euro car in the trunk.
  7. Guess this topic got burned out? Figured during my hiatus that this and whatever election thread would be the boom spots? Anyhow, will need to go back and read the last 47 pages I missed. Anything exciting?
  8. Freakin grizzlies ate 25 of my chickens a few weeks back. Down to 13 now. Had to redo the fence, fix all the siding and install a better electric fence. Tried to trap them, but caught nothing.
  9. Thanks man. Yeah, its been a wild ride, but we're producing pretty nice stuff on press and its been steady getting dialed in even tighter with every job.
  10. Hey man, yes we regularly ship to Europe. (we dont upcharge shipping and do include extra stickers and stuff since you guys get charged quite a bit by the USPS). This summer sort of went side ways since we got mega slammed by a big a client we'd been talking to, as well as a few other clients that have ramped up. That's why I've been MIA the last two months. Literally putting in 90hr work weeks and only now starting to see light at the end of the tunnel. I have some new patches in the works including a new packaging solution to them, as well as a ton of concepts, but likely those will start to roll out in Fall since I just dont have time personally or on press for a little while longer. Can definitely still use a hand, but we're getting things done.
  11. $100 dollars worth of wax job will resolve that issue quick fast.
  12. Local LEO suspect its a response to a video that went viral of some asshole screaming at protesters. There was a photo of him staring down a young girl that seems to have become the official poster card for the situation. In any case, the caravan got spotted crossing through a small town. That towns LEO simply called ahead when they saw it continue and each town along the way essentially did the same thing until it hit our country where it eventually stopped. They’ve watching the area where they’re camped out and the spots they’ve hit up for food out of concern. So far, they seem to be genuine protesters and not inciting violence but they were coordinated and organized. Then again everyone here owns guns and good many are walking around with them plainly visible. Who knows...
  13. This ones interesting because there’s actually photos of BLM posing and marching with guns. One shot in particular made rounds of a young good looking black female wearing what appears to be a plate carrier and carrying an AR. Until you look close and realize the best is for paintball and the AR is chambered one .22. Was extra interesting to read the context the MSM applied to it and how truly clueless they are about firearms.
  14. There's armed protesters all over. News isn't really covering it and I can only assume its thrown them for a loop considering its the liberal contingent that is embracing it, suddenly countering years worth of narrative. Same way, there's virtually zero discussion of NYC suspending Habeas Corpus, yet endless articles about Trumps tweets and him alluding to Marshall Law if cities can't get things under control. Its amazing to witness this in real life and then watch the MSM version of it.
  15. Thats fine man, I'm not here to convince you. But will say, its not so much rumor when a sheriff you happen to know beyond just the professional dynamic of that relationship is telling you multiple departments across several jurisdictions are tracking movements and his department was activated to track them as they entered this municipality. That they are literally monitoring staging grounds for protesters. Again, can't always wrap your head around subjects by monitoring news feeds and watching from afar. I know this individual well enough after a few conversations to have a feel for how trustworthy his information sounds and where he's coming from but I absolutely trust the people that we share as friends and those guys have vouched for him. This isnt a friend of a friend spreading what he heard. This is a local sheriff that comes highly regarded by some mutual friends that train with him daily explaining what he's been tasked with for the last week. As far as I'm concerned its beyond reproach, but take it for whatever you want, makes no difference ultimately.
  16. Think you have a skewed perspective on things. You can’t fully understand this subject by studying it off news reports and text books. What happened in Michigan didn’t happen over night. It’s been years of cultural conversation and change and that crap the media decided to spotlight recently was just flavor of the month that fit the story line at that moment. That protest has been on going and it’s happened many times, in many places with differing support / interest for many years already. Lot of that kicked up a notch after Sandy Hook, but it’s been going on for ages.
  17. No link. I found out from one of the local sheriffs. My friend hits the gym with him daily and he did me a favor this week for something else so we were talking about current events.
  18. In regards to my second statement, I’m saying we’re 4 months into this shit show. 3 months of pandemic, a month of social unrest. You keep mentioning that things haven’t happened that you’d otherwise expect and I’m merely pointing out that it’s been an unbelievably compressed timeline so far. To imagine that the entire world would shutdown and that America would be chaos in such a short time period boggles the mind. It’s almost unreal to believe. I’m pointing that out to draw attention to the fact that it’s near impossible to predict what next month or three months from now will look like. We have an incredibly volatile situation as we head into yet another election cycle with two non-starters like Trump and Biden to pick from. Just because you haven’t seen something happen yet, doesn’t mean it won’t. Doesn’t take much and we’re seeing a lot of shit being posted that could very well be the catalyst to evolve this bad situation to an entirely new level. Really I hope shit just goes back to normal, but we’ve seen it spin out of control to unimaginable levels in a very short period of time. No telling how it’ll continue to unfold, so I’d be cautious about statements since none of us would have believed any of this if we’d been speculating about it 6 months ago.
  19. Imagine you’re getting different news than we are and I’ve noted that social seems all over the place as well. There are many cities / regions that have assembled armed citizens to protect monuments and local businesses. It’s actually happening out here now. Local sheriff’s office got a heads up about a large caravan of busses that have come up from CA, tracked through entire way up. Our local protest that began as a few dozen people, turned into hundreds over night. It’s been pretty peaceful so far. I’ve had to drive through it a couple times and it appears to be mostly positive, but does feel somewhat volatile at the same time. In any case, it’s absolutely mobbed resources since local LEO is not staffed to accommodate anywhere near that situation. They called in some outside help, but there’s people everywhere open carrying (more than usual). Went out to dinner with the family and most the wait and cook staff were armed as well as a good many diners. Ive communicated with friends in other places that have said similar stuff is happening throughout Idaho, Wyoming, parts of Utah and into Nevada. I’ve seen it on social media in Oregon and Washington State.
  20. Would also like to point out that this whole thing has barely had time to spin up. You of all people have the background to know that any type of coordinated uprising takes time to organize. Plenty of historical examples, both old and modern, show that you aren’t just going to get an immediate pushback when a government goes tyrannical.
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