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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. So good… Not sure I ever saw these before. Keep sharing if you got more.
  2. Bananas in every regard. Amazed this isn’t taken down considering the info they’re sharing. The information itself is even more nuts. Worth the watch, especially since these same tactics could just as soon make its way here considering the path the world is on. Well worth the watch whether you think this is some other side of the world shit or something that might come make its way ti your back yard.
  3. Coolest part to me is seeing a push message pop up on my feed home from @Joker Keep in mind that the experience after this next upgrade, again should be later this month, will be on another level. If that goes right, plan is to submit to the Apple and Google Play store, so that should be really cool.
  4. I need to figure setting up additional tweaks including the rebuilding of VIP. Once I do that, I’ll hit you up so you have more storage space for uploads. Can’t really help much on the other question.
  5. I am working on the next round of hats as well as patches. Unsure if the timeline, so not sure I can recommend waiting or not waiting. There are very few hats left though. I think two of the colors are sold out with only a couple left of the others. And yeah, can’t take credit for patches or the hat, but think it’s m using both is a slightly different way. Looking forward to really building that side of things out further as I get further along. Glad you dig it.
  6. you should post and keep posting about it. It’s inevitable that it’ll attract criticism. Investments are speculative by nature and this one being as impactful and threatening as it is to the establishment is a magnet for naysayers and haters. Some are genuinely threatened, others are just caught up in the mix being churned up by them. Rest is just the peanut galley that enjoys making noise and poking fingers from the sideline. None are reason to not discuss and spread the word. Plus your track record speaks for itself. Unsure if anything else that a person can invest in, other than themselves, have seen the type of returns that BTC has.
  7. For those that listen to Cleared Hot Podcast with Andy Stumpf. I know @Mercer and I think @diggity and @Kults do.
  8. Bumping this for those that haven’t been around this last week or so.
  9. Came across a better overview…
  10. Not for nothing but that deal he pulled over the Super Bowl was brilliant. Dude pulled in $19,300,000.00 in sales based on a $7,000,000.00 ad spend. We don't know what his margins look like, but the assumption is that there's at least some profit built into each item being sold. To be honest, even if he only broke even, it would still be amazing. Here's why... He has a 6.56% conversion rate, which equals 294,357 sales. That means 4,487,149 people went to his website. So besides having a higher than average conversion rate on his online shop, he also almost 4.5 million people that are interested enough in Kanye to go to his website, that he'll be able to retarget, in addition to the nearly 300,000 customers he already has. Additionally, he built up enough volume from the start to bring his costs down significantly from what most brands are probably running. He actually posts numbers for some items. Those are legit numbers. So dude built a business operating at scale. Has 300,000 customers, meaning they are setup on his platform, in his system and proven they are interested in consuming whatever products he's putting out. Has an additional 4.5 million leads that also appear to be interested in his products. And very likely profited handsomely from launch. All this independently as well. Pretty nuts and very brilliant.
  11. Bumping this since it’s tax season and the smart people here will invest their return instead of spending it on something they’ll have already forgotten by next tax season.
  12. Suggest you guys invest. No point saving with inflation being what it is, though it’ll make your life a lot less stressful if you’re sitting on 3 - 6 months worth of expense in some sort of liquid form. I’d suggest about half of that in cash that’s accessible to you without going to the bank. Beyond that, make your money work for you. We all argues ages ago about crypto and @Mercer did everything he could to teach anyone that would listen. To that that did, they’ve come up beautifully assuming they HODL’ed. If you say it’s a ay too late to invest in BTC and ETH, you aren’t paying attention. So yeah, take your entire tax return and buy BTC. You’ll thank me and @Mercer later.
  13. Hopefully a bit to help offset my last bill.
  14. Kanye West - Vultures 1. Seems like old Kanye is back on this one. I know he’s controversial but dude is amazingly talented and I enjoy watching him do his thing. I do think the mainstream is scared of him. He’s all over the place, but touches on subjects and truth far more often than celebrities in his position ever do. Just my two cents, but album is a banger and that Super Bowl ad and result was a power move and a half. Brilliant play, so go read up if you don’t know about what he pulled off on that one.
  15. American Barbecue Showdown on Netflix. Two Seasons. Was excellent, highly recommend!
  16. Out of curiosity, what should something like that cost? I’ve seen videos of popcorn removal on ceilings and though it’s definitely messy, it looks pretty quick and easy. Looked like they just misted with water, waited and then used a trough to skim it all off. Nothing these days is $200, but I’d be curious to know what it should cost.
  17. Actually a half decent nights sleep, though I got up before dawn.
  18. Actually @ndv delete it and redo. I made an adjustment. Hopefully the code isn’t cached. If not, should work now. If it is cached, I’ll need to sort out later how to purge cache in the sever.
  19. Ah, got it. Think I know the fix but not at my computer. Hold tight.
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