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Cooking with 12oz

Guest Are2

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just got my first gas grill complete with three burners, smoker box and rotisserie. this summer it is bar-b-que every day.


french onion soup


vidalias sliced in med thick rounds

a touch of olive oil in a saute pan

cook until caramelized, stirring often if higher heat, occasionally if low heat (more oil means stirring less but is deleterious to you're soup)

add chicken, beef or veg stock

bring to a boil.

put in one big ceramic pot or service size ceramic pots and cover with a piece of toasted bread, fried bread, fried and baked bread or the like, then grated gruyere, ementhaler, fontina, mozzerella+monterey jack, mozz+cheddar, provolone+mozz

place under broiler until brown

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feel the bass


take loaf of italian/french bread.


cut lengthwise


butter generously (sp?)


sprinkle w/ garlic powder.


cover with thinly sliced tomatoes.


spinkle w/ basil.


back at 350 for 10 min.


then broil till it looks done (about another 5-10)


not on the top shelf, of course.

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Finally. ive been a devoted to the culinary field for years now. cooking is my career choice. I WILL OWN MY OWN KITCHEN one day. im working at a decent place right now. and the owners allow me to make my own recipes for the place on occasion so im pretty content for now. but if your in this business you know there is alway something better you are striving for. ok so here is one of my more popular dishes:


Swicy Citrus Chicken (sweet and spicy = swicy. play on words!)


1.Take an 8oz chicken breast, trimm all the fat off and slice it into 1/4 inch strips, cut the strips across so to make small uniform chunks.


2. make a dry breading. get a mixing bowl and add one cup of bread crumbs, 1/2 cup of japanese tempura, a teaspoon of cayene pepper, a tablespoon of onion powder, and a tablespoon curry powder. mix well


3. put your chicken in the mix, making sure that every chunk is completely covered, fry in deep fryer until golden brown. then set them aside.


4.get a stainless saute pan (or wok) get it nice and hot, coat with clerified butter, add a pinch of fresh ginger root chopped finely, take half an orange, squeeze all of its juice into pan, peel orange and take half of the rinde and chop ot extremely fine (if you dont your dish will have a bitter taste), add a pinch of fresh garlic, 2 dashes of curry and 2 dashes of cayene, and half of a red pepper sliced.(if you want a little more spice add some dried peppers of your choice)


5. add 1/3 cup of regular pancake syrup (or honey if you like) then add 2 tablespoons of brown sugar, followed by 2 tablespoons of pickle juice. let ruduce by 1/3


6. add your fried chicken to the pan, and flip until completely coated with sauce. and turn off heat, keep flipping (the sauce will thicken to a glaze.)


7. serve over rice.


i know its alot but trust me, its well worth all the work. follow these intructions and i garentee you will get the following results:

The female your cooking for WILL FUCK YOU.

The friends your trying to impress WILL MAKE YOU COOK THIS WHENEVER THEY COME AROUND.

The customers you are cooking for WILL BECOME REGULARS AT YOUR BUSINESS.

and your mom you are cooking for WILL DISOWN YOU FOR SHOWING HER UP.


all of which i have experienced.



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ToYs, I'm a cook too, my restaurant is classical so there isn't much in the way of improv. Believe they always make me do family meal. I try to keep them healthy little workers without killing them like we do the guests. Any recipes I would have from those excursions are wrought with leftovers so they wouldn't be great on here. I like your chicken recipe, I made it in my mind, but what is Japanese tempura, are you sure you don't mean panko, Japanese bread crumbs? Incidentally, they are made by spraying batter onto hot cast iorn and chipping it off, those crazyJapanese. Sorry to be the Cooking with Are2 recipe police, guy, but let me know.

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Originally posted by SteveAustin

summer calls for bbq.


take a vidalia onion...slice the top like an asterisk *...sprinkle in a generous portion of garlic salt then cram it full of butter. wrap it up in foil and drop it on the grill. let it cook until the outside layer starts to caramelize. take it out and pull it apart. eat it layer by layer.


diet version, don't cram it full of butter. also, slice the top off, cut the root bit out, peel it, and cut out a little divot in the top you sliced off, asterisk it, add a bit of butter, generously pepper, put beef bullion cube in the divot. place on large square (rectangle) of heavy duty foil fold in towards center, crimp up well. cook for 45 minutes at 350. open up in a bowl so you catch any of the juices exuded by the onion. paula dean calls this french onion soup on the grill.

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Lyonnaise Salad.


Chop up some bread, sauté it with garlic.

Those are croutons in case some don't know.


Make some homemade salad dressing. Personally, i go for olive oil+ lemon juice+strong mustard+ garlic.

Poach some eggs.


Toss it all into the bowl.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest WebsterUno



Originally posted by !@#$%

fruity salad would be good today.


with some papaya and lime.




someone stole my grill off my back porch.

fuckin bastards.


i brought a bowl of strawberries

to work for lunch. i cut them in halves,

but i dont think that qualifies as a salad.

papya sounds good.




sux about your grill.

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Originally posted by !@#$%

strawberries with nutella is excellent.


also, cutting strawberries in half, coronally, and filling the gap inthe middle with chocolate sauce is awesome.



what the fuck am i gonna eat for dinner?


tell me!!!!!!



pancakes. i made one last night, and it was a success.

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Guest WebsterUno



Originally posted by !@#$%

strawberries with nutella is excellent.


also, cutting strawberries in half, coronally, and filling the gap inthe middle with chocolate sauce is awesome.



what the fuck am i gonna eat for dinner?


tell me!!!!!!



mmm...i brought more today.

not cut in half though.


i think ill try that when i get home.

i bought a big box a few days ago.

i love when the berries go on sale.

especially blue berries.


last night, i put some romaine in a bowl,

threw some tortilla chips in there.

threw some leftover browned ground beef

up in durr. some leftover spanish rice.

smashed some beans, added

that to it. sprinkled some shredded cheese

on it. i also grabbed some peach-pineapple

salsa from the store last night...put that

on the side. had me a mean ass taco salad last night.

i had made tacos the night before, so i had

a lot of leftovers. fuck taco bell...haha


i recommend that peach-pineapple salsa.

even if it is store bought, it was pretty good.

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Guest WebsterUno



Originally posted by effyoo

i love berry season. the store had 2 for 1 boxes of blueberries on sale last week so i made blueberry cheesecake and a blueberry pie. Turned out damn good, too.




berries are my favorite fruits.

i want a slice of that pie.


i havent had lunch yet. im hungry.

i brought a turkey-n-salami sammich.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Originally posted by !@#$%

someone stole my grill off my back porch.

fuckin bastards.



oh....that was YOUR grill....



i have no clue why, or how exactly it happened, but one day the porch of my apartment had two grills....


we had the bigger one, and i come home from work one day and the smaller ones there. you can have it if you come pick it up, haha.

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Originally posted by MLTf4nt0m

oh....that was YOUR grill....



i have no clue why, or how exactly it happened, but one day the porch of my apartment had two grills....


we had the bigger one, and i come home from work one day and the smaller ones there. you can have it if you come pick it up, haha.



thats awesome

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Guest mikro137
Originally posted by !@#$%

i had a delicious salad the other night.


it had tortellinis, brocolli, tomatos, feta and cucumber


i sauteed the veggies. and threw in some vinegar and basil. yumm!!



i gotta make myself a cake or something.


see where were you when i was starving at that show 2 weeks ago?! :(

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