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favorite graffiti supplies (markers, cans, caps, etc.)


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7 minutes ago, Ray40 said:

Thanks @WorldBench I appreciate the feedback, I am so excited to try some markers out. Right now I just have some a got from I writer in my city and some from school.  But I am planning on buying some from bombing science soon

ArtPrimo and BombingScience both have excellent videos on markers, how they work and how they flow. Green Ranger at Art Primo does an excellent job showcasing it. check it out youtube.


Get several styles so you can work on different style tags. Your chisel tips and round tips are going to make different style tags and both are important to learn.



Edited by WorldBench
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I have been thinking about getting these markers for a while I will give a list so you can tell me what you think


junobo mop


grog 15 mm


grog 30mm


otr paint


Otr calligraff 


Grog pointer


krink 91



That probably looks like a lot but I have been dying to get these markers.  Any abuse on if it is to much is great. I am also going to try to get a sketch book, stickers, and a marker belt bag with it if my parents allow me. They are pretty chill with stuff like this I think








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@Ray40This is going to sound extremely boring, but all you really need is a silver and a black Uni Paint PX-30 (actually, lots of them).


For some added variety, get some Pilot medium bullet and chisel tips, Pentel Presto pens and Sakuras or Meanstreaks.


Focus on perfecting your hand with the smaller tip markers.


Avoid gold markers and obsessing over drips.


I know all the fancy brand names sound great, not sure what any of these cost, but run the numbers. How many Uni’s, Pilots, Prestos and streaks can your parents buy you for the price of the industry brand name items you listed?


Don’t get a marker belt bag.

Edited by LUGR
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12 minutes ago, Ray40 said:

Thanks @WorldBenchSince my parents aren’t so sure about graffiti I thought small metal head markers and stickers would be a good start. I am also wondering is the K 91 steel tip good?

It all depends on what you want to write on. If you're planning to write on Steel/Metal, Wood, Cement, etc the steel tip is good. If you're using it for at your house or in a blackbook there are far better options little homie. If you're just planning to do book stuff and on paper most these markers are overkill and you can get away with using sharpies and highlighters.

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WhaT I meant is for doing street stuff, my parents love my sketches but are worried about real graffiti. So I thought I could warm them up to it by found stickers and small tags with steel tips. Then when are comfortable do more 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear @Ray40,


I can almost guarantee you that your parents are never going to warm up to real street graffiti. I started getting into graffiti when I was 11 and started painting a bunch of silly horseshit when I was 13. My parents finally caught on to what I was doing around 16 and they were fucking hoooot. They were so fucking mad. They are good law abiding citizens that do their best to do right in the world and our ideas of fun are on complete opposite ends of the spectrum. They like board games and nights in and I like hoodrat shit and graffiti. 


Lol. I remember back in the day I was chillin with crew and crew was like "yo such and such famous writer is about to come through. We're gonna go hit freights with him." I was lowkey excited cuz I had never met famous writer before. So he shows up and has a stupid amount of paint in his trunk. Im talkin to crew like "yo where did such and such get all this damn paint?" Crew says "his parents buy him all this paint." How is that possible? They cant be cool with this shit. Crew says "he told his parents that he is in a school sponsored graffiti club. There are mural pieces on canvas all over his parents house." 


So moral of the story is; let your parents finance your graffiti career if they are comfortable doing so, but I would be careful in trying to warm them up to any illgeal activities.

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