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YORK COUNTY, S.C. (WBTV) - A former Winthrop University police officer accused of sexual battery against a child and a teenager is scheduled to appear in court Tuesday.


Charles Eugene Price was arrested in October 2020 and originally charged with two counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct with a minor under 11 years of age and first-degree criminal sexual conduct. He was also a former police officer at Fort Mill and Clover police departments.

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Think of police kind of like a private security for people that aren't poor and want to live good lives without crime being rampant around them.  Those typically are not the people in danger of being tread upon. Also you don't understand what don't tread on me means so until you educate yourself on its actual meaning it'd be wiser to avoid sounding ignorant by making off base comments about it..... Unless you just don't care about sounding ignorant. 

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I have a relatively easy time not talking to the police. It's super easy. Don't do shit head things and you won't have to talk to them. It's not a racial injustice every time some dumb fuck half wit criminal gets caught being a scum bag leech on society. 

These wiggers need to learn to contribute to society rather than take away from it. If they can't learn an easy concept then they should be picked off one by one as they threaten the lives and endanger others in the presence of people with firearms. 

Also trespassing in Texas is enough to get you shot. You guys get away with some crazy over reaching into other peoples lives in places where guns are frowned upon.  

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On 12/1/2021 at 12:03 AM, abrasivesaint said:

For the record, the use of the word “merely” here is fucking goofy. 



It's very necessary for anyone (who by default) supports law enforcement, and with who'm this article should be trying to engage with. It brings into question the legitimacy of this interaction to begin with, by qualifying the victim wasn't involved in a crime like threatening someone with their gun. They merely possessed a weapon, as millions of potential readers with boot breath do regularly, and responsibly. To me, these are the people that need to see the light the most regarding police violence.


If you don't believe in/support 2A, the word "merely" is probably meaningless. To some people, even the mere accusation of possession is enough of a green light for them to excuse police showing up, and immediately assaulting the victim. These same people also tend to view the problem of police violence as a racially driven problem, as opposed to what it actually is in reality. Perhaps a racial narrative to this would be more emotionally engaging, like "being black while" instead of the word "merely" possessing a gun would seem more fitting.


My entire point is even though it's morally wrong IMO, the majority of people (left & right) don't have a problem with cops beating the shit out of criminals. They do have a problem when the cops beat the shit out of someone they can identify with, even if the person they identify with has committed a crime, but especially when that person hasn't committed a crime. So by emphasizing it to someone who "merely" possesses a gun themselves, it may help them transcend primitive default bootlicker emotions, and actually think about this situation using some logic.


I've found when trying to convince other's in the proverbial "all cops are bastards" narrative, you want to point out the logical inconsistencies like this, that bootlickers tend to harbor. There's no need to convince another BLM sympathizer that police violence should be reigned in. The only way to change public opinion meaningfully on this subject, is pointing out the logical inconsistency of allowing non-defensive assault by government agents. Again, maybe won't garner as many clicks, and engagements, but in my opinion logic is always a superior position.


Police, much like 90% of the general public act on their emotions. Therefore they reserve assault, and murder for victims that pose a threat to their authority which includes innocent. Cops don't systemically assault, or shoot thieves, rapist, or child molesters. They will however shoot you for trying to pull your pants up, when you're ordered to crawl over to them with your hands up somehow. By exposing these flaws in bootlicker logic, the bootlicker is forced into either admitting the police were wrong here, or they're forced into performing the outwardly embarrassing mental gymnastics required to excuse police violence on people that possess weapons.


Bottom line, only the most devoted bootlicker will want to suck a cops dick so bad, they're willing to be beaten for merely possessing something seen as legally protected. Go ahead, ask your average bootlicker what should happen to anyone possessing a weapon legally. To them this inconsistency is might be an inflection point. Save the emotion for actually seeing an innocent person being beaten, or murdered for either intentionally, or unintentionally failing to complying with police, or merely possessing a weapon. Bottom line is the emotionally engaging narrative you find more palatable, and less cringeworthy is actually counterproductive to the movement, and why it's failed so miserably. Emotions are better suited for convincing the semi illiterate on the right & left to continue operating on autopilot, they're not for appealing to thinking people who value logic and are able to transcend stupid, but much more engaging trappings of politics.




Edited by Mercer
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That was one of the stupidest posts from mercer i've ever wasted my time reading.  Nobody identifies with criminals except other worthless worms with small dick criminal energy.  Nobody cares if criminals get beat and anyone that turns into a big care bear about criminals getting beat (for resisting/evading arrest i might add) is just wearing on their sleeve that they're are indeed another shit head leech on society that thinks others owe them things.


They think big corporations can "afford to get looted a few times."  This is super low IQ and low T type shit for sure.


Mind you all you "smart" ass long winded lots of words but ain't saying much ACAB mother fuckers.... your fearless leader Raven is friends with cops and hangs out with them regularly.  He thinks they're fine.  How do you guys feel about that?  I think it's just fine and probably a pretty cool experience knowing people that care about their community being a place that is safe to grow up and live in.


How can you support a site being run by someone that supports the police?  GASPPPPPP :clutches pearls:

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Also, the problem with your "logic" that you're going to highlight for everyone soon is that ya'll wiggers think that I love all cops.  That is what will keep you from making a meaningful argument against me on this subject.  But, make no mistake, it's not me that is limiting you, it is you that is limiting you.

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According to the latest available figures, so far this year the City of Chicago has authorized nearly $67 million in settlement payments because of police misconduct.

That $67 million, from Chicago taxpayers to cover police mistakes and misconduct, is more than the city is spending on violence prevention programs.



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That problem needs to be fixed.  I'd fire the police force from that toxic city and offer bonuses for more red blooded Americans to move in and take police jobs.  It's proven that Chicago is corrupt from the top down already and there's no coddling that into working properly again.  It has to all be douched out and start over.


There should be criminal penalties for any officer/department that has caused tax payers to spend more than they should.


All for taxes, just not when it's used for stupid shit that doesn't help anyone.

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A federal lawsuit filed by a prominent civil rights attorney alleges that police officers in Fairfax County protected a sex trafficking ring in Northern Virginia in exchange for free sex from the trafficked women.


The lawsuit also names former Fairfax County Police Chief Ed Roessler as a defendant, alleging that he helped cover up for the officers when another detective's work threatened to expose their wrongdoing.


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