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That Iran Contra 1980 shit is absolute insanity. They literally sparked the crack epidemic here, murdered Gary Webb when he tried to warn us, formed organized crime syndicates (gangs) that are still in business today, after Reagan left office.


They also armed our literal enemies while virtually destroying more than just one country in central America in the name of "fighting communism". Ronald Reagan was an absolute gangster, and I don't mean that as a compliment. I really hope Mr. T raw dogged his wife extra hard in the Whitehouse and that pussy never fit that POS right after. Rest in Piss Reagan.



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I am not sure which back drop I like.  I think the WTC buldings or the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building?  I think the 9/11 back drop speaks more volume but possibly but cause it still feels like yesterday?






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@mr.yuck is this a text you received?  


On another note, I thought it was all that money Trump printed to give everyone a couple years ago that inflated prices at the commerce level to offset the value of the dollar, no?    



I mean, don't get me wrong I am sure the opposing party had their hand in the cookie jar of inflation and corrupt but that's for another text, yeah?

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1 minute ago, mr.yuck said:

@ndvyeah bro. I keep getting these republican texts begging me for my vote. I always text them back. I thought I was just texting into the void for my own entertainment but one time several years ago, I said something so foul, I got a response back. Lol


That's pretty funny.  I always thought about texting back, but I never did because I thought they were automated texts like those do not reply emails.  I wonder if I can text some of out memes back at them, not that I have been getting these texts, just for fun if I do.


I thunk I may have stopped getting things from the state because they finally realized I never voted so they may have given up on me entirely. 


But, yeah, I would have fun with them too. 

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I love how Republicans try so hard to blame Democrats for inflation when Trump demanded & begged the fed to crank up the money printer his entire Presidency, and even had his big ugly ass signature on the stimulus the checks after endorsing the lockdowns we all know now were unnecessary. Twice the amount of dollars chasing half the economic output.


It's the macro equivalent of a husband with brand new boat & truck payments due, blaming the wife for running up an equal amount of credit card debt. Neither party displays the slightest hint of economic literacy, but in their narcism Republicans pretend they do, but only when they recognize the faults of the other party. 

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11 hours ago, ndv said:


Because this one would have been great. 


Also this would be great as t shirt.  




Haha. Yo. I'd like to print out a bunch of these with like bullit point facts like 


Wears high heels

Shits pants

Hates big words


And when people come door to door talking their political horseshit I can be like wait a minute I have some information I'd like to leave with you as well.

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1 minute ago, mr.yuck said:

Hates big words


This is true.  Great bullit point. 


2 minutes ago, mr.yuck said:

And when people come door to door talking their political horseshit I can be like wait a minute I have some information I'd like to leave with you as well.


Agreed.  Although an effigy of a donkey and an elephant hanging from a make shift noose in the front yard should forewarn. 

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Had one of these cucks tail gating me on the freeway today as I was doing 70 in a 60.  Dude moves over to pass me because I wasn't going anywhere and as he passed I see a "Don't tread on me." sticker on his rear window. 


I laughed and it reminded me of this.



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