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Just now, misteraven said:

Man, if I had a dollar for every email that’s reaching out asking about placing paid content on 12oz or some other ad related or SEO service... I’d be sitting pretty. 

man if I had clue about seo I'd be sitting prettier.

Funnily enough my join date on 12oz neatly ties in with my first day doing this shit for a living. The oontz has been as much a part of my working life as google has.


You ever put banner ads on again I'll find a way to buy the AU/NZ inventory and roll it up into a 'run of network buy" so my clients dont see it!

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  • 2 months later...
On 6/21/2019 at 10:51 AM, Dirty_habiT said:

I will when I get back to work on Monday.  Btw, this gives me a good idea @misteraven... Maybe you can make us a sweet ass hi-rez 12oz wallpaper.

I could probably put stuff on the walls but I never cared about that in my bedroom as a kid.... sooo..... ?

Are wallpapers still a thing? Been ages since anyone has brought that up. Separate discussion, but seems half the people I know dont even have computers anymore since they can do 99% of what they need on a smart phone.

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@misteraven- wait for it....... SMART PHONE WALLPAPERZ!!


I actually hate using my phone for computer related tasks..... which is what most people use their phones for lol.  To me using some little dipshit touch screen and a tiny resolution compared to my bad ass mac book or my gaming computer monitors is just disheartening and more effort than it's worth.

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3 hours ago, misteraven said:

Are wallpapers still a thing? Been ages since anyone has brought that up. Separate discussion, but seems half the people I know dont even have computers anymore since they can do 99% of what they need on a smart phone.

I use em but tend to use muted ones and don’t switch them up half as often as I used to 


Using an old Ari Marcopoulos pic atm

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I got some 12oz home pages up on 2 of my computers this time.  🙂


The lab is growing.  What you can see here is:

5x new TV set top boxes based on Android OS (tv on far left is playing some Chill Hop music off YouTube while I work).

HP z600 server w/ ProxMox installed.

Dell Optiplex 9010 CMTS DHCP server (this provides IP addresses to cable modems so they can communicate out to the internet)

2013 MacBook Air (my personal laptop, works great, no reason to upgrade/replace)

8th Gen Core i7 ThinkPad under the macbook on a dock..... I wouldn't buy one of these laptops with someone else's money.  This one is new/powerful but it's like a basic bitch laptop still.




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